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The delicate and pretty face is extremely ashamed under the rising moon, but looking at Shen Qiang’s indifferent smile, although Nalan Tianyu has already felt that the pretty face is like fire, she still has not put her delicate little hands from Shen Qiang’s palm was drawn out, but after lightly un’ed, he followed behind Shen Qiang without a word.

“You wait!” The big sea monster looked at Shen Qiang, and Shen Qiang pulled Nalan Tianyu to leave, anxious: “Shen Qiang, you are not my opponent, you know, so if you are a man, don’t touch he.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang pu chi smiled: “That’s our business.”

Saying that’s all, looking at the uncle Gui who is standing beside the bald sea monster king, Shen Qiang faintly smiled and said: “Uncle Gui, I will give you a holiday tonight, see you tomorrow morning.”

“Oh! What do you mean! You stop for me!” Big sea monster is anxious.

But smiling Shen Qiang simply does not bird him.

He was anxious and fidgeted and wanted to chase Shen Qiang and Nalan Tianyu. His eyes seemed to worry that Uncle Gui would leave. The look around was embarrassing. The many cultivators present were stunned.

“Uh…Shen Qiang’s steward is the big brother of the big sea monster king.”

“This old Divine Immortal simply is not a cultivator, this is a monster!”

“Good intentions, I thought I was an Old Senior who can’t be seen in the world. The result is a monster. Sure enough, I can’t deal with them. This kind of thing is probably what Shen Qiang can do? He is the 10000 demon king. , Negotiating such things with monsters, it turned out to be more reliable to him.”

Many cultivators have their own ideas.

The Lord of the Medicine King Valley, with a sigh, desperately looking at the moon, as the Lord of the Medicine King Valley in the transcendent position of the cultivation world, he could not help secretly sighing himself. Within a few hours, it was lost in the hands of Shen Qiang.

First, Zhang Daoren was killed. That was him having only one self to blame. As a cultivator, he spoke to the female officer of the Dragon Group. He died on his own and deserved it.

Then Chu Xiaotian shouted and was slapped by Shen Qiang, and finally forced him to have no choice but to come forward to resolve it.

But now, Shen Qiang not only fought against the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, but also embarrassed him so much that he didn’t know what to say and so on, the Senior who wanted to invite Yao Wanggu and treat him well, it was Shen Qiang’s steward, And it’s a monster.

“Come on.” Lord Yaowang turned around and instructed: “Unless someone dies, don’t notify me of any situation today.”

Yao Wanggu was embarrassed.

Follow closely from behind is that fatty, his eyes faintly looked at the snow-white military uniform, the lithe and graceful Nalan Tianyu walked to the side of the villa area Shen Qiang, also turned away.

“Go tell Elder Palace, I found an interesting enemy, and I impatiently want to fight him.”

“Understood.” The person who followed Fatty was nodded.

As they left, many cultivators were taking medicine in a messy medicine king hall.

No way.

The breath of King Sea monster broke out, and many Medicine Refining Masters with bad cultivation base have been injured, and what makes them want to scold their mother is that the breath of King Sea monster is not fatal, but it actually causes fatal damage to them. It is Shen Qiang.

“Ah… If Shen Qiang’s pit did not come again, why should I vomit blood.”

“This Shen Qiang is simply a dead man’s life. It was good. I have already carried the wave of the big sea monster king. I thought it would be fine. I just breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, Shen Qiang, Ga, gave it to me again. Come on, make me run into True Yuan, and almost cultivate deviation.”

“Heaven has eyes, this Shen Qiang hurts me!”

And just in the room, when the cultivator that the cultivation base is really not so good, watched Shen Qiang take two beautiful women away, the big sea monster king also followed Shen Qiang’s steward and left, standing Outside, there are many cultivators that do not know what to do and sigh.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. I wanted to say something full, but I couldn’t say it.

Because if this matter spreads, many famous places will come to Shen Qiang’s steward to please.

And this steward is actually a monster.

Where do they put their faces in the right way?

But I have to be convinced that many Senior experts in the cultivation field can still be easily resolved in such an awkward situation.

“Longyue is in the sky, and the heroes are gathered together. This situation and this scene, I am a person in my generation, I have an impromptu poem.”

“Well, Li Daojun is right. The so-called choosing the day is worse than hitting the sun, and it is better that all of you share the same path. Then, with the title of this bright moon, wouldn’t it be pleasant to appreciate the moon and chant poetry?”

“Dashan! Talking about the wind and the moon is what our experts should do.”

“Um, um, well said.”

A group of cultivators, in the consternation of the Yaowanggu disciples, left while chanting the ancient poems of their predecessors.

At this time, the news had exploded in the webcast room.

“I’ve seen embarrassment when I see it. Isn’t it embarrassing? Also improvise a poem?”

“On shameless, these Seniors I serve.”

“Embarrassed, I don’t know where to put it.”

Compared with those embarrassing cultivators, more young cultivators are full of shock at this time.

“Kneel for Brother Qiang, the big sea monster king is a cow, it is an explosion, but what is in front of my Brother Qiang? The younger brother of steward, after kicking, one round and flat fart can’t let out one, haha, me Just take a look, he dare to pretend not to fight with my Brother Qiang next time.”

“Haha, laughed to death, a group of people who emphasized seniority all day long, the regular Senior, sent a brain, and the old steward of Shen Qiang, no one gave face.”

“Laughing pee, all day long Shen Qiang unorthodox way, hahaha, this time is dumbfounded, go to Heshenghe, not boasting in the forum all day, saying that it is easy to destroy Heshenghe? Come, come, Shen Qiang steward makes you 3 tricks.”

“It’s useless to make 5 moves, because of the explosion cultivation base, Divine Immortal has a headache. Anyway, I think this door is from Elder to children, and the whole family is probably not enough for Shen Qiang steward to warm up, so , He he he, you continue to pretend, anyway, if anyone can destroy the old steward Shen Qiang, then I admit that he really has this strength.”

“All of this has changed so fast, it’s really explosive! But I have to admit that Brother Qiang has a good character, a real temperament, and a friendly person, so think about it, why Shen Qiang has such a hanging steward, others don’t, Has nothing to do with his character?”

“Ai, what are you talking about now? Before, everyone said that He Sheng He evil monsters gathered, but they never thought about why that many monsters and cultivators chose to join He Sheng He? Didn’t they know the cultivation world and Don’t approve Heshenghe?”

“Because I am too strong to be charming! The people of ours, hehe, I don’t bother to say that I have been intriguing all day long, trying to take advantage of others to take advantage of others, so I feel that I am 5 people and 6 people. Look at Shen Qiang, I Now ask, anyone in the cultivation community who wants to move He Sheng He, dare not consider what Shen Qiang will do?”

“I’m awesome, I’m going to Heshenghe!”

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