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In the depths of Yaowang Valley, Young Valley Lord, the medical university flower Qin Yurou, who is sitting on the balcony on the second floor quietly and beautifully, white skirt untainted by even a speck of dust, beautiful face, seems to make the bright moon, I was ashamed.

“Young Master, the sect master is so empathetic. He really cares about your feelings. You see, he has ordered that all medicine Wanggu disciplines should not fight Shen Qiang.” Bi, beautifully said with a smile: “He really is the future son-in-law, take care of it.”

Qin Yu’s soft face is slightly red, said while playfully pouting: “Little Abi, and talking nonsense, why wouldn’t you see him when he was in the restaurant.”

Abi smiled and bent his eyes: “I’m not in a hurry. Anyway, I think about it. If the sect master disagrees, I eloped to find him. On the contrary, it was the Young Master. I was in a hurry. , Also let the landlord discover, hahaha, not ashamed.”

Qin Yu’s face turned red to the root of her neck softly, said while playfully pouting: “I didn’t specifically go to see the bad guy, I was just curious, who came this year.”

Abi pu chi smiled at once, and said, “It will be opened every 3 years, and even the last time, you started to officially release the medicine pill at the medicine pill conference, and I haven’t seen anyone who came to see you what.”

“I’m angry again,” Qin Yu said softly.

Abi smiled and bent his eyes, said: “If you don’t say it, don’t say it’s good. By the way, Young Master, I heard the Valley’s discipline say that Shen Qiang not only let his men kill a cultivator in the banquet hall, but also beat Chu Xiaotian. ,do you know?”

Qin Yuroumei said excitedly: “I know, and I know very clearly. At first, I was actually a little unhappy, because when Shen Qiang came out for the female general wearing a white military uniform, I was actually quite jealous, but later One thought, that’s right, if Shen Qiang is the kind of person who doesn’t dare to come forward, then if I am bullied in the future, wouldn’t I just have to endure?”

Abbe smiled and said: “Sure enough, I knew that you always like to think about the big picture.”

Qin Yurou took a deep breath, and then slightly frowned: “The only thing I am worried about now is Shen Qiang’s Dou Dan. Although according to common sense, those famous places It shouldn’t be shot, but 10000 one, he lost, then he If you don’t pill concocting anymore, it’s the biggest loss in the cultivation field.”

“Worrying people, Shen Qiang is so powerful, I don’t believe he will lose.” Abi Road,

“Perhaps.” Qin Yurou raised her eyebrows and said, “Tomorrow is the medicine pill exhibition. This is the highlight. Thirty two wonderful hands, including the door, hope that through this exhibition, large orders will be made, and Shen Qiang will not be there. Out of order, if his medicine pill can’t receive a big order, isn’t it just in vain?”

Abi hesitated for a moment and said, “Shen Qiang medicine pill probably won’t take orders. If you take them, it should be very limited. After all, his medicine pill is for Chengyi and Wanxin Hesheng. He is unlikely to take another order. “

“Actually, auctions belong to retail. The really big orders for medicine pill in the cultivation field are basically finalized at the exhibition, just like the Long Family Ji Family, although many of the magic weapons they created are through integrity and justice. Wanxin Hesheng sells it, but it basically sells some Loose Cultivator, more entry level Flying Sword, it is given to those famous brands.”

Qin Yurou said patiently: “Like the Kunlun Sword Sect, they have three-four hundred people in their newly-discipline every year. If you don’t practice well, you will need at least one 2 100 entry level Flying Sword every year. , They directly ordered Longchang, and Longchang gave them a part of the discount, unified customization, style, style, material, weight, all the same, and then they were all happy.”

“Medicine pill is the same. For example, the red medicine and white medicine in the valley are all sold to those sects. In this way, the people in the valley can perform their duties stably, purchase procurement, delivery delivery, and security. Security, refining medicine.”

Abi curl one’s lip said: “The reason is such a reason, but I think that probably no Sect will purchase Shen Qiang medicine pill in large quantities.” Abi said with a difficult expression: “Because both Shen Qiang medicine pill too expensive.”

Qin Yurou hearing this smiled and bent his eyes, said: “covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, Jiazi Dan, half a Spiritual Pill, it is impossible for this medicine to receive a large order, because any Sect can’t afford it, but There are several types of Shen Qiang medicine pill, which are always wanted to place orders. If the operation is good, I think that the first medicine pill conference of Heshenghe may be a good start.”

“What?” Abi surprised,

“It is necessary to get started and get together, Bone Replenishing Cream, Bone Replenishing Cream, Qingxin Jingshen and Luojia Nanxiang, these 3 kinds are Great Elder, clearly want to purchase.”

Looking at the smiling Qin Yurou, Abi froze: “How is it possible, aren’t we the medicine Wang Gu? Also buy Shen Qiang’s medicine?”

Qin Yurou smiled and bowed his eyes, saying: “Yes, we are the medicine king valley, but all the dishes in the valley eat Shen Qiang’s Qi Qi San. When you want to make a breakthrough, you use Shen Qiang’s Yamato Luo. Canaan incense, Bone Replenishing Cream for bone injury.”

“Because the price of raw materials purchased by Guzhong is more than 2 or 3 times higher than the price of Shen Qiang, it may not be in stock. Yamato Rocanan incense cannot be copied, and the blood Zhi Bone Replenishing Cream is very easy to refine. However, Xuezhi is a bruise. Those who arrived in our hands could not reproduce at all, so there was no other way but to buy with Shen Qiang’s Hesheng.”

Abi was excited and sat up suddenly, exclaimed: “Young Master, doesn’t that mean that Shen Qiang will make a fortune tomorrow?”

Qin Yu thoughtfully and thoughtfully pondered for a moment and then said: “It’s not good, Heshenghe’s Qiqisan will definitely be the hotspot of Heshenghe’s medicine pill sales, but in the circle of Medicine Refining Master, Shen Qiang still has to wait. He thinks his teacher is not orthodox, and the group of monsters under his hands is the unorthodox way, which is very exclusive to He Shenghe.”

“Those disciples of Great prestigious families have the same attitude in private, and you don’t know that those older cultivators who love face more than everything, are all kinds of poor people, so whether they will place an order depends on Heshenghe. What is the strength of the company.”

“Unless Heshenghe medicine pill is large in quantity, cheap in price, and capable of overwhelming the crowd, otherwise, it is difficult to let those old brains change what kind of thinking is not the same.”

Abi hearing this pu chi smiled, but then frowns saying: “Young Master, what you are worried about is not unreasonable. I don’t need to guess, I know those Old Guys, they must want to take advantage of it, and they are afraid that they can’t pass the face, probably think, Anyone who buys Heshenghe’s things will be contaminated with demons and ghosts.”

The beautiful Qin Yurou hearing this nodded said, “Yes, so tomorrow’s exhibition will definitely be a very sad level for Shen Qiang and He Shenghe who have just arrived.”

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