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In an instant, Song Weiyin and Pu Chi laughed out loudly after the beautiful beauty of Hong Xia who hadn’t dispersed the beautiful face. The beautiful eyes not only whitened Shen Qiang charmingly, but also whined like, “What, I’m not short of you?” .”

Shen Qiang smiled, looking at her long hair blown by the wind and showing her beautiful face in the morning light, her heart suddenly inexplicably surged, trying to hold her in her arms.

“you are pretty.”

Upon hearing this, Song Weiyin glanced at Shen Qiang slightly sheepishly and said seriously: “I know, all the media people and my fans know that I am a beauty once in a thousand years.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I think you might feel a little cold now.”

This speechless thought made Song Weiyin stunned and couldn’t help but wonder: “I don’t think so.”

“That’s a shame, I thought I could give you a warm hug.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow.

In an instant, Song Weiyin’s eyes became charming: “Who is rare in your hug?”

Looking at her coy expression, Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes, wanting to talk to her more and more uncontrollably.

“Did you smell the burnt smell?”

Song Weiyin was stunned, looking around in surprise at 4 places, and still inhaling vigorously, but at this time, she standing on a tree in Jingshan, besides being able to smell the smell of Shen Qiang in close proximity, could not smell anything. .

“No.” She frowned.

Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes, said: “Then you smell it, my heart has been burnt for you, impossible has no taste.”

She pu chi laughed out loud, looked at Shen Qiang lasciviously, raised her pink lips, and said coquettishly: “I hate you, you bad guy, can’t you be serious?”

Looking at her seemingly moaning, but smiling happily and charmingly, Shen Qiang smiled, a little luck under her feet, True Yuan shook the branch, and then, in the soft cry of Song Weiyin, Shen Qiang naturally hugged her from behind Her slim waist.

She lovable body trembled.

It is as if the person was used to fix the body, leaning rigidly on Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang laughed, and looked out of her shoulder. At this time, the grey dawn in the sky had spread, and the brightening Jingshan had heard birdsong.

Song Weiyin, who was so nervous that she couldn’t breathe, was silent for a moment, though her pretentious calm, her tone shivered slightly.

“Now, Shen Qiang, you are so courageous, do you know that grandma is strictly forbidden to have physical contact with any male?”

Shen Qiang laughed, sniffing her body fragrance brought by Chen Feng Feiyang’s hair, and said softly: “I thought you found a rebellious feeling, you wouldn’t care about her rules, didn’t expect, in a blink of an eye you again Become a good girl?”

Her pretty face turned red for no reason, completely unaware that Shen Qiang had let go.

The whole person still nestled in Shen Qiang’s arms and said softly: “You stand so bravely beside me. If my fans are understood, they will find you in trouble.”

“I’m holding you.” Shen Qiang corrected.

In an instant, Song Weiyin blushed to the root of her neck, and the whole person fell into a strange silence. Afterwards, she was nervous not to say this, but to Gu Zhuo said he said: “Now, I have not seen the sun for many years. Out, it’s very good, not only can you see the sunrise, but also the Forbidden City.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said softly: “Oh? So you will be satisfied when you see the sunrise? Actually, I think that with such a fine moment and beautiful scene, we might be able to do other things, like talking about life, the future, Love, or…”

“Don’t!” The charming Song Weiyin was too embarrassed to say, “They don’t want to talk to you about life, future and so on.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Are you sure not to talk about it? Then you have to think clearly. From here, our itinerary is an advertising film. Then, I will go on a business trip to Yaowanggu to attend the medicine pill conference, and you , To participate in some variety shows, so if you miss the opportunity in front of you, I am afraid that if you want to talk, it will be difficult to find such a suitable opportunity.”

Upon hearing this, Song Weiyin was stunned, her face flushed red, but she refused to make a sound. After a long time, she hesitated and said, “I’m not sure I like you.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “This world is not black and white, so I won’t tell you, if you don’t think I hate you just like me, but I really hope we can be together, you can think of this as My confession, or some kind of promise.”

Hearing this, Song Weiyin silently silenced for a moment, then turned her head and looked at Shen Qiang without blinking her eyes. After a moment of silence, she seemed to be worried and worried, and said, “I am the Jade Sect. Master, you can’t fall in love with others without the permission of the company, you can’t spread gossip, you can’t hurt the heart of the fans, you can’t accompany your boyfriend to play on the street, and you can’t disclose any personal emotional privacy, if The company requires that I must cooperate and deny everything.”

“Is this the contract you signed?” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow.

Song Weiyin looked at Shen Qiang without blinking, lightly un’ed.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Well, although the name is not correct, the words are not correct, but I still want to be with you, I think in this regard, I have nothing to hide.”

Hearing this, Song Weiyin’s eyes turned bright, looking at Shen Qiang for a long time, her lips lightened, and said, “I will bring you great troubles and strong enemies, are you afraid?”

Shen Qiang smiled, lightly hugged her, and said: “Everyone in this world is fighting, positions, money, power, if I am afraid of the enemy, I will hide in the small ditch to cultivate cultivation and pretend to be an expert. “

Song Weiyin smiled, her eyes were pleasantly surprised, and she said sheepishly: “Are you really willing to shield me from the wind and rain?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I, Shen Qiang, occasionally speak big, but the promise I made has always been one word worth nine sacred tripods. It is the famous honest and reliable Young Lord. You can question whether I have this ability, but Can’t question my determination.”

Song Weiyin pu chi laughed at once, and then shyly avoided Shen Qiang’s earnest gaze, shy, and lowered his voice in fear: “But the company has rules, you can’t hug, hug, kiss and so on, even more Absolutely not allowed.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang bent her eyes with a smile, and then lightly lifted Song Weiyin’s lower jaw with her hand, looking at her beautiful eyes, and said softly: “It seems that your rebellion is all learned.”

Song Weiyin’s pretty face turned red to the root of her neck, and then she looked at Shen Qiang with a chuckle and suddenly raised her heels. Not only did she directly kiss Shen Qiang’s lips, her slender white hands also grasped Shen Qiang’s chest made the 2 people stick together tightly.

At this time, the sky, the fiery red sun, has jumped out of the horizon.

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