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“This is the first time I came out with a male child.” At one in the morning, Song Weiyin, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, was staring tightly, and her little white hand clenched her fist uncomfortably, saying slightly: “This It’s strictly prohibited by the company and grandma. If she understood, she will be very angry.”

Controlling the slow speed, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “In fact, this is your problem, everything is listened to by others, and they have never broken the rules they gave you. How can you know what is Rebellion.”

After hearing this, Song Weiyin took a deep breath and took a sip of water uncomfortably, saying: “I am in a complicated mood, but I am still not sure whether this is a rebellion.”

Shen Qiang smiled and raised her eyebrows: “If you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight. It is not easy to make a movie. You really have to give up something, but everyone should rebel, it has nothing to do with your success. , But the only way in life.”

Hearing this, Song Weiyin surprisedly said: “Have you ever been rebellious?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Occasionally, there have been several years, but all have passed, and now, it is your turn.”

The beautiful Song Weiyin doubted the letter and said, “Where are we going?”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows with a smile: “Just turn around and see if you can meet a rebellious girl. In that case, maybe you will learn something.”

Song Weiyin hearing this disappointedly, at that moment, the car just turned a street, under the light of the lights, 3 roadsides were left with explosive heads, holding a wine bottle in one hand and a cigarette in one hand, swallowing Yun Tuwu’s girl caught her attention.

“Pause for a while, let’s observe, these 3 rebellions…”

“This is depravity.” Shen Qiang interrupted Song Weiyin’s words, not at all staying, but said calmly: “They may have rebelled, but they are only degenerate now, wasting their lives.”

Song Weiyin frowned and said, “What the hell is rebellion?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said after a long silence: “When I was in the first grade, I once angered my dad. He beat me and made me kneel in front of the grandfather grave. At that time, I was very angry, so angry, let me kneel ? OK, but don’t expect me to stand up.”

Song Wei Yin Leng: “Later?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “At 11 o’clock in the evening, my mother cried and begged me to go home.”

“This is rebellion?” Song Weiyin frowned.

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Rebellion is rebellious thoughts and behaviors, which are contrary to normal laws, contrary to reality, contrary to the original intention of others, and doing something unexpected. It is a kind of I grew up and has independence The feeling of thinking is a strong desire for self-expression. In the form of thinking, it should belong to a kind of difference-seeking thinking. It is probably a performance that is innovative and hopes to attract others’ attention. A simple understanding is a child who does not listen to adults.”

Song Weiyin looked down and said, “I know what you said, but I still don’t understand, what I should do is rebellion.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Don’t you have the desire to express yourself?”

Song Weiyin shook his head and looked helplessly at Shen Qiang, saying: “After participating in the TV series for 14 years old, there are countless people staring at me every day all. If I can choose, I would rather they ignore me.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Sure enough, this is the key to the problem. You didn’t show your desire, you can’t wait for others to ignore you, don’t bother you, and to get all this, all you have to do is to obey the rules, so rebellion This thing, you won’t, because you haven’t even thought about it, how could you do it?”

“Already done!” Song Weiyin willow eyebrows tightly knit said: “I have violated the requirements of the company and grandma, and you came out.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “You thought you were rebellious, but it wasn’t. You want me to come out with me to find a feeling. It’s my proposal, not your independent thinking against others’ intentions, so rebellion invalid.”

Song Weiyin frowned, saying: “You have surrounded me, and I don’t know more and more, what is rebellion.”

Shen Qiang shook his head with a smile, then drove the car quietly, and drove aimlessly forward. After a long walk, when passing a street that was not very busy, when I saw the street lights, those 2 seemingly intoxicated 2 A man, while tangling a 27~28 years old woman on the street, Shen Qiang stopped the car.

Song Weiyin surprisedly looked at the situation of the three people and said, “Do you want to help?”

Shen Qiang smiled and shook his head: “No, I just watch the excitement.”

At the same time when Shen Qiang full of smiles said this, in Beijing, a flat-level mansion, a chubby, director, leaning on the big bed, really sneered: “Song Weiyin will not act rebellious, this still It’s amazing, isn’t this the simplest acting?”

On the shoulder of the voluptuous woman next to him, he said with a sneer: “Song Weiyin is so big, she won’t take any of my plays. Now I have the news to do it again, what’s more polite, you put on the trumpet, put These messages are sent out, then @我, and I will forward them later, I want to see, after the shadows that can’t even be rebellious, how will they mix in the future.”

“When she’s down, she won’t be able to mix. At that time, I want her to kneel and beg me to give her the opportunity to act, hum, when the time comes, if she doesn’t take the initiative to serve me, I will not let her go.”

Listening to the director Bai Bai, the voluptuous woman said: “Good, but you promised me, you will star in your next drama.”

“Of course, of course.” Director Bai Fat laughed at Hehe, but there was a trace of contempt in his eyes.

At this time, in the car by the road, Song Weiyin, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, clearly saw that the two men had begun to pull the woman and dragged him to a black car beside him.

“Shen Qiang, what do you want, go and save people!” Song Weiyin was a little anxious.

Shen Qiang slightly frowned, said: “Look at these 2 people, tall and strong, one with a big Gold Chain, one with a tattoo on the back, and shirtless. At first glance, it is not a good person. This is less troublesome. “

“What are you talking about?” Song Weiyin ignited.

Shen Qiang calmly said: “The flies do not sting seamless eggs, you see clearly, this woman, dressed up with flowers and branches, with heavy makeup and makeup, appeared here at half past one in the morning, do you think she is who? She will be with these 2 men Familiarity, or you are doing business with these two people, so don’t ask for fun, don’t mix things up, deal with your own problems and say, let’s go

Hearing this, Song Weiyin of slim eyebrows said angrily: “Shen Qiang, I really misunderstood you!” Saying that’s all, she pushed the car door and got off the car, and the peng sound dropped the car door, and then walked towards it Those 3 people.

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