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“You are so beautiful.” Even though I have seen Song Weiyin many times, and I know clearly that she looks very similar to Qing Xuan, but when Song Weiyin comes down from the RV beautifully, that use strength to bully the weak face, light-colored The slim legs tightly wrapped in slim jeans and the youthful and tall figure still made Shen Qiang shine.

Hearing the praise of Shen Qiang, the beautiful Song Weiyin had a charming smile, neat and white teeth under the raised pink cherry lips, white and crystal-clear under the light, and her eyes were as beautiful as the stars, and they also appeared faintly. A little triumphant.

“Nothing is attentive.” She commented charmingly.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Okay, if you think so, I can’t help it, but now the time is tight. Let’s talk for a while or start the work directly.”

After looking at the surroundings, Song Weiyin greeted the director Moustache and asked about the situation. Everything in the film crew was ready, so she said to Shen Qiang beautifully: “Of course it is starting work.”

Saying that’s all, Song Weiyin got in the car, her make-up artist applied makeup for her, and another make-up artist applied Shen Qiang.

Although the entire makeup project is racing against time, it still took more than 40 minutes and was completed by two talents.

During this process, the entertainment reporters around the intermittent flash from time to time.

But Song Weiyin didn’t hide, and Shen Qiang didn’t let anyone stop it. After all, Shen Qiang and Song Weiyin didn’t even inform others about the commercial shooting at night. Then these entertainment reporters were either found by Song Weiyin or the film crew leaked. The sound of wind.

In either case, Shen Qiang is impossible to stop and impossible to drive them away, so just let them shoot casually, after all, this is not a shameful thing.

But when 2 people finished their makeup and met, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but stay.

Because the makeup of Song Weiyin not only became more like Qing Xuan, but also like the old Qing Xuan, with white hair, wrinkles, and weight gain, it seemed to have the kind of vicissitudes and wisdom after the red dust experience. At that moment, Shen Qiang was a bit dumbfounded, even thinking that if there are countless possibilities in life, it may be a good choice to end up with Qing Xuan in ordinary life.

Such thoughts flashed in my mind.

Looking at Shen Qiang with the same white hair and beard, Song Weiyin’s tender, cherished, and thoughtful eyes were shocked, and she was thinking about something inexplicably, so the whole person’s eyes also became a little bit shy and happy, more A touch of happiness and calmness.

Under such circumstances, the commercial was officially started.

Then only a moment later, the entertainment reporters around were stunned, because they all clearly saw that Song Weiyin, who was dressed as an Old Lady, was holding Shen Qiang, who was dressed as an elderly person, and in an instant, everyone present was numb. , All shocked.

“My God, what did I see? She also said that Shen Qiang is not Song Weiyin’s boyfriend? She never shoots, there are any films that have any physical contact with men, but now, she is holding Shen Qiang’s hand! “

“Is this a teaser? Isn’t this another way of open romance? She’s holding Shen Qiang’s arm. Isn’t such an intimate action only true couples doing?”

“It’s crazy! Who are you, Shen Qiang, can make Song Weiyin make an exception and make this kind of intimate film?”

They were shocked, shocked, and shocked.

But whether it is Song Weiyin or Shen Qiang, they are very calm and calm.

So the shot that came in the door, once, not only that, but the subsequent content has been going smoothly.

When the old man shook his hands and could not afford the dishes, Song Weiyin tenderly filled the dishes for Shen Qiang and put them in Shen Qiang’s mouth. Such a scene burst instantly, which made many entertainment reporters who had been shocked already feel the same world Doomsday general blow.

“Let the old man go, let me come!”

“Song Weiyin’s fans will kill this Shen Qiang!”

“So intimate, are these two crazy? Or am I crazy? Have they reached the point of eating with a pair of chopsticks?”

All entertainment reporters are blank.

At this time, the shooting of 1st Stage has ended, everything went beyond imagination, all content is in one go, it is simply perfect, and then, Shen Qiang who removed the makeup, changed the suit and leather shoes of the ruthless president, After simply applying makeup, it is easy to interpret the daily life of the overbearing president, and everything is so perfect that the photographers and directors on the side are stunned.

“Great, this restaurant Boss, do not want to be a movie star, definitely not a good cook!”

“It’s embarrassing. I used to think that he mustn’t work. I didn’t expect that his performance was so perfect, domineering, and cool enough. It was simply amazing. Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy. Yu was really right.

“Night! This acting, even the movie emperor is afraid that he may not be able to reach such a high level.”

The film crew members were shocked, Song Weiyin, who was amazed by the makeup and other mirrors, also stared at Shen Qiang in astonishment. She was also shocked. After all, Shen Qiang presents the daily life of a truly overbearing president. It is definitely not the height that the actor can figure out by himself, and then pretend to look like it. There is no way, because this is actually the daily life of Shen Qiang.

Everything is perfect.

The crew was shocked.

Many entertainment reporters filmed outside, because of the different angles of filming, although they have realized that Shen Qiang’s acting is absolutely good, but not at all what real emotions, after all, looking at the side face through the glass window, the expression can’t be seen clearly , Just want to shock them, it is indeed impossible.

So seeing such a situation, both the film crew and the entertainment reporters are well aware that following this situation, the commercial can be completed soon.

But the next situation shocked everyone.

Song Weiyin, who is known for his acting skills in the acting circle, did not know what was going on, and forced the director to yell for a halt. It was just a three-second rebellious girl who called for more than 3 stops.

Not only that, but what made everyone feel more embarrassed is that as the number of calls stopped more and more, everyone clearly felt that Song Weiyin seemed to be in a certain confusion, not only in a strange state, but also performing more and more The worse, this situation not only shocked Shen Qiang, purple, Ke Bizhu, and many entertainment reporters.

It also made the mustache director of face sank like water clearly realize that the beauty who met in 1000, Heaven’s Proud Daughter, Song Weiyin’s acting skills after the peerless film…


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