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“Song Weiyin likes you.” The driving Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled and drove, said while driving: “She is the largest actress in the country, the Jade Girl sent Sect Master, she can play those beautiful and charming pure Jade girls. The key should be that she is also such a person, so it is very simple to perform. She only needs to be like her usual daily life, and the image of the jade girl is ready to come out.”

“It’s just that I didn’t expect, she’s such a beautiful and flawless beauty, will actually like you.” Liu Liu eyebrow lightly, looked at the rearview mirror in the car with a smile, sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu said with a smile: “This is probably what you feel is too bad.”

Shen Qiang, who was sitting in the back seat, smiled: “If you say that, let me not know what to do, because you know, I am actually a good person.”

“Yes, the good guy who loves the bad.” Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled and bent his eyes: “Not only is it domineering, but also simply does not take those rules seriously, how bad the person is, just bear with a sports car key, It’s even more abominable to go to a beauty like Song Weiyin. She even told her the truth. Are you afraid she doesn’t know? Are you simply not a gentleman?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Just a good joke, don’t you think that Song Weiyin’s life is too well-formed? Polite smile, hypocritical politeness, regular etiquette, some people can not pick out the fault, but there is this The unspeakable sense of alienation, even for a few moments, I thought she was acting.”

“She has no childhood.” Ke Bizhu drove said with a smile: “I can also feel this, and where is his resume, 14 years old, participating in the youth idol drama, and then boarded the big screen, the whole Life is under the public’s sight. When you do anything, you must first think about what others will think. In this case, when she peeks at you, I can feel that she really likes you Otherwise, she would probably look steadily forward ceremonially.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “Do you really think so?”

“A woman’s instincts can’t be wrong.” Sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu said with a smile: “And, I also think that she may now be more curious, after all, her side, but there is never a lack of gentleman, Bin Polite guy, she probably sees more, and is a little tired. You are not reliable like this, and like a messy guy, I guess she is not around.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You are suggesting that she may just want to find out if my bad guy is funny.”

“At least she is very interested in you now.” Sleep Fire Lotus Yao Ke Bizhu said with a smile: “And it seems to like it very much, but as to whether you like it or not in the future, it depends on your ability, if you do not perform well , Very tacky, if there is no difference from others, then maybe the relationship between the two of you will be over after the commercial is finished, and then she will forget you a little bit, 3 months, or half a year later, she I can’t remember who you are.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You are terrifying,”

“Normal humans can only remember about 150 people.” Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled and said, “This is still what you told me, small business, when there are few people, Boss often contact them for feelings. Well, if the company is big, you have to play with the rules and regulations. These all are what you said. If you didn’t lie to me, then the thing is obvious. Song Weiyin is the film queen. She has to work with many producers, directors, and other actors. Contact, and you are not in this circle, then after the commercial is over, if you do not contact for a period of time, then she will soon forget you.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “Are you suggesting that I should do something?”

“I have worked as a secretary for more than 100 years.” Sleep Fire Lotus Yao Ke Bizhu smiled and said: “Song Weiyin, the movie queen, is now becoming popular, whether it is your pharmaceutical factory or the Heshenghe Group, if she is a business in the world. Image endorsement, mentioning that she thought of Heshenghe, then it will be very helpful to your career.”

“Too utilitarian.” Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Although you are helping me, this idea is very dangerous, beauty.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus Yao Ke Bizhu smiled charmingly and bent his eyes, said: “No, I think this Song Weiyin is a very simple woman, not at all annoying, but that Qin Yurou, but thoughtful, not very easy to get along with , So if 2 people can only choose one, I hope Song Weiyin is by your side, not Qin Yurou.”

See Shen Qiang surprised, sleeping Fire Lotus monster Ke Bizhu said with a smile: “I hope my words will not make you choose a dysphoric attack.”

“Difficulty in selection? It doesn’t exist, because you should understand me, I am the kind of person who likes to buy everything, so unless the conditions do not allow me, I like to go my own way and block others. Road…” Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Then take it all.”

Ke Bizhu smiled and bent his eyes, said: “Greedy guy, you do your business, I don’t care about that many, I shoot commercials at night, let’s say, where are we going now, are we going to prepare you clothing props, or go home first ?”

“Go to school.” Shen Qiang, who watched the watch, said: “Today there is a public class about evidence-based nursing, and professors who are very difficult to deal with, I have to listen.”

“no problem.”

With that in mind, Ke Bizhu smiled and drove the car towards the medical university.

After 20 minutes, Shen Qiang of the medical university got off the bus and just entered the campus.

It immediately became clear that the atmosphere on the campus was a little weird.

Especially when the students passed Shen Qiang, not only did they stare at Shen Qiang strangely, but they also secretly pointed there. ,

“It’s him, yes, it’s him, and there is news on the Internet, it’s him, Shen Qiang at the graduate school, and the gossip boyfriend of Song Weiyin after the film.”

“It’s so hateful, there are such handsome guys in graduate school. Why didn’t we know it earlier, alas, let Song Weiyin let the early bird catches the worm. This is over, we have no hope.”

“It’s so handsome, no wonder that the beautiful women who met in 1000 like Song Weiyin like him. These big legs, tsk tsk, are so handsome.”

“Hmm, did you see the still picture that came out? When he smiled, he was handsome.”

“But he is not laughing now.”

Several girls, who lowered their voices there, peeked at Shen Qiang to discuss, they thought Shen Qiang could not hear, but there was no way. As the distance of Primordial Chaos Realm cultivator, several dozen meters, they whispered a little, but still Ears clearly.

“I really want to see him laugh, you said, if he smiles at us now, do we also enjoy the post-film treatment?”

“Well, it must be happy to die.”

They peeked at Shen Qiang and whispered. And then, their tone barely fell, they were shocked to see that Shen Qiang, who was walking into the graduate school not only with his hands in his pockets, not only showed a smile to them, but also raised his eyebrows and flicked his eyes, with a smirk on his lips. , And the dazzling electric eyes, surprised them instantly.

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