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Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, looking at Shen Qiang’s smile, the charming beauty of the posthumous film Song Weiyin not only whitened Shen Qiang charmingly, but also pink lips slightly sneered: “Don’t be too close to you, the original scandal now It’s already Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and it’s even more unclear if you are closer to you.”

Looking at her faintly red face, listening to her coquettish tone, Shen Qiang suddenly wanted to laugh, because at this time wearing a long skirt, jade foot snow white, Song Weiyin sitting on the autumn 1000, simply unlike After what is unattainable, it has a girlish shyness and a little bit of naughty taste.

So that if it wasn’t for Shen Qiang, he was already used to getting along with Qing Xuan. I’m afraid I could see Song Weiyin’s eyes pouting in a shy way, and she was so charming that she could not find North.

“Even more how, you are a well-known bad guy, more than half of the people in the playboy and cultivation circles say you are an asshole, and they should not be too close to you.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Okay, I’m a bad person, so I need you to nurture me with your righteousness. That’s what it says, near Zhu Zhechi, near Mo Zhehe, You are so perfect, come and save me.”

Song Weiyin pu chi smiled at once, his white and neat teeth, and the beauty of his smile, so that even if he used to see Shen Qiang of Qing Xuan, he could not help but stay.

She is very beautiful and beautiful.

Blows up, frosting Sai Xue’s skin is better than the creamy white jade’s skin, exquisite facial features, perfect figure, all this, although it makes her look pleasing, but it can not affect Shen Qiang, because not only is it too dark and glorious Has a beauty far superior to Song Weiyin.

More importantly, Shen Qiang, who has been with Qing Xuan for more than a year, has naturally produced antibodies to her appearance.

However, when she smiled, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but admire.

Because in that smile, there is no intention, no interest, some are just a little coy, a little happy, and a little reserved.

“Girls who laugh, usually will not be too bad.” Shen Qiang said with a slight smile.

After hearing this, Song Weiyin Meimu crafty said: “You love to laugh, but you are a famous bad guy, don’t think you are handsome, I will think you are not bad.”

Shen Qiang smiled.

At that moment, the phone next to Song Weiyin rang, she glanced at it, and then squeezed her tender, white and long fingers delicately on her lips, saying: “Hush!”

She fully understood that this was Shen Qiang, who implied herself not to speak out, immediately nodded with a smile.

Afterwards, Shen Qiang heard Song Weiyin’s phone call and heard the voice of a middle-aged woman: “After my big movie, your request is really too high, but fortunately, after all of our efforts, The advertising film plan for Datongjiang Restaurant has been completed, and the content has been sent to your mailbox. Please check it out. If you need to modify it, please call me at any time.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang’s eyes lighted up, because Shen Qiang knew very well that he had rejected the script, and asked Song Weiyin to find someone to write someone else’s script for the commercial. It was only Shen Qiang’s thought that tempered Song Weiyin It shouldn’t be do this, but now, it seems that he was wrong, in this regard, Song Weiyin is still very professional.

“Sorry, the previous unpleasant, didn’t expect, you remember to find someone to write the script for me.” Shen Qiang laughed.

Looking at Shen Qiang who was moved, Song Weiyin was in a daze, Meng Meng Da said: “Actually… I forgot to cancel the script.”

Looking at her cute eyes, Shen Qiang froze.

And at the same time.

Beyond a thousand li in a luxurious business office building.

40 years old with a cold face, about fat, sitting coldly on the Boss chair, coldly looking at the city at the foot of the window, said solemnly: “Maple grandma is provoking me, she made a 9-year movie, no Any gossip, I just told her to marry Song Weiyin 2 months later, this Song Weiyin, broke the scandal, or what boyfriend?”

“Go and kill the guy for me and bring his head to see me.” Around 40 years old, in a high-end casual wear, he looks out of the ordinary.

A young man on the side immediately nodded: “Young Master, rest assured, I will go.”

But just as he was about to step away, he sat on the side of the sofa and watched the old man about fifty-sixty years old say: “Slow, Young Master 3 think, please calm down. In fact, these scandals are not just those. The speculation of entertainment reporters, and, as the male and female protagonists, two people get along for ten minutes in the car, does not mean that what happened.”

About 40 years old sitting on the Boss chair fatty coldly said: “I know you want to say that all this may be a misunderstanding, but I think you understand that Grandma Feng has the ability to stop these scandals, but she did not do it, which means She is using this matter to try to embarrass me.”

Hearing this, the old man laughed, and then said solemnly: “The Young Master said well, Grandma Feng is a bit provocative, but the person who had a scandal with Song Weiyin is not an ordinary person, but 10000 demon. Wang Shen Qiang.”

That fatty was surprised for a while, then took the tablet and looked at it seriously, only surprisedly said: “It’s really unexpected, didn’t expect, this Shen Qiang is dressed in an ancient style, but it is quite handsome, but handsome Return to handsome, but unfortunately he is not smart enough, my woman he dare to touch, then you have to pay the price.,”

“Young Master 3 thinks that this Shen Qiang is a prince of Hesheng and he is also an advisor to the Dragon Group. Not only is his cultivation base good, the battle strength explodes, his first medicine pill and poisoning are also unique in the cultivation world, Under his staff, there are not many powerhouses.”

fatty laughed, and then put away a smile said solemnly: “Xia 3 is just indiscriminate, if the strength of Heshenghe, in front of ordinary cultivator, can already be called powerful, but in front of our door, he is just a paper tiger.”

“Grandma Feng may be looking forward to our fight with Shen Qiang. In that case, she may be able to sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.”

fatty face sank like water said: “I don’t care, if Shen Qiang is dead, I will see who else dares to compete with me.”

Hearing this, the old man hesitated and said: “The expert as clouds around Shen Qiang is not so good to kill, and, more importantly, the medicine pill conference is about to start, anyway this Shen Qiang will Go, you go back, talk to the person in front of you, and then plan?”

“After all, the 10000 Shen Qiang was used by grandma and Song Weiyin without knowing it. Once we hit the head and break the bloodstream, then the grandma caught the opportunity to secretly engage in something, it would be very passive.”

Middle-aged fat sneer: “In the cultivation field, there is no brain, only people who fight, there are usually only two ways, one is not knowing that they are used by others, and the other is willing to be used by others, but you are very good It makes sense, okay, then wait to meet him at the medicine pill conference.”

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