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Seeing Song Weiyin after the beautiful film, the white dress fluttering, the beautiful one-handed sword, the sword glow pierced Shen Qiang’s throat straight like a little star, and the guys responsible for hanging the wire and props were all stunned, looked at each Other in blank dismay communicate with his eyes.

“This sword is good, it looks so realistic.”

“Is it going to Wia after the movie? It seems that there is no arrangement, and the speed is impossible so fast.”

“Damn, worthy of being the shadow, feels like she’s shooting a martial arts film, as if she had her own special effects halo.”

And in their mind, there was a moment of consternation, feeling that the breath of Flying Sword in Song Weiyin’s hands was definitely not weaker than that of Hunyuan Realm. Shen Qiang couldn’t help but because he was slightly curious because he was different from the ordinary crew. ,

Shen Qiang, who is also a cultivator, but clearly 10000 points, Song Weiyin is really angry.

But it’s right to think about it. The two had just called by phone before, and Song Weiyin made it clear that she didn’t want to see Shen Qiang, but then, Shen Qiang not only appeared in front of her with a male pig’s feet, but also used Chu Liuxiang’s classic lines. Come mock her.

I believe that anyone who is going to run away will not have to mention Song Weiyin, who has a bad temper.

So now the sword in her hand is not only the Flying Sword she used, this is a strenuous blow, and it is really exhausted.

In this case, if it is a general Primordial Chaos Realm cultivator, you will definitely find a way to avoid it.

But Shen Qiang is not a general cultivator.

The invisible atmosphere changed, and the load was instantly relieved, and the violent Shen Qiang was opened. At the moment when the sword glow was about to reach the body, after using precision, casually caught the ferocious sword of Song Weiyin after the shadow.

Not only is she at ease, she doesn’t even shake her figure.

This is normal. After all, in such a state, not to mention Song Weiyin, who is a mixed film and television circle, even Yan Xianghui, one of the cultivation 5 tigers, Shen Qiang can hit with a punch. How could Song Weiyin be injured.

“Handsome!” The director was excited.

The producer also shined binocularly: “Very good.”

At this time, Song Weiyin was so angry that the Flying Sword stabbed hard in his hand, but he couldn’t get in, and he couldn’t pull it out. He couldn’t help but anger: “Let go!”

Shen Qiang smiled and shook his head, saying: “We have to talk about some things seriously.”

Upon hearing this, Song Weiyin exploded in an instant: “We have nothing to talk about. I’m going to meet the handsome little brother. He is handsome, gentle and versatile. He is a real gentleman, not a jerk like you.”

“Oh, are you trying to make me jealous? Unfortunately, I’m not your fan.”

Shen Qiang frowned, loosened his fingers, and Song Weiyin, who suddenly lost support, screamed and fell. But Shen Qiang was completely indifferent, because such a height does not constitute any threat to Primordial Chaos Realm cultivator.

But it seems to consider too many ordinary people around.

Song Weiyin not at all displayed Divine Art in a shocking manner, but after landing, the posture must be on again, but at this time, the excited director shouted excitedly: “Stop!”

In an instant, not only did the lights in the studio’s shed light up, but many staff members had also shut down.

“Perfect, beautiful job!” The director was excited.

Shen Qiang was a little surprised.

But at this time, the lights are already on. It is no problem to continue to stand on the treetops, but it is easy to wear, let people see that he is not at all hanging the steel wire, so Shen Qiang took a slight step and controlled True Yuan, slowly Falling down, it really has several points of, like the feeling of being hung down by a wire.

Just as soon as she landed, Shen Qiang saw Song Weiyin, the unfathomable mystery in front of her, who was grieved with tears in her eyes. Not only was her lovable body trembling, but her eyes were full of anger.

The director, who had no idea what was going on, rushed over excitedly.

“Perfect, once, it is enough to use this to finance.”

Hearing the director’s excitement, Song Weiyin was angry and said angrily: “Director, what are you doing, you can see clearly, he is not the actor you invited!”

In an instant, everyone in the entire shooting hall was stunned, staring at Shen Qiang in amazement.

Until the producer came over and looked at Shen Qiang of dashing eyebrows, calm and composed, and asked seriously: “Who are you.” When all the talents came out of amazement, came back to his senses.

“Chu Liuxiang.” Shen Qiang smiled calmly: “You can call me like this, I don’t care, I just want to chat with Song Weiyin.”

“Don’t talk, don’t talk, I don’t want to see you!” Song Weiyin was angry and frantically said: “Do you think this is funny? I told you on the phone that you don’t want to see you, so you mix into the crew? Do you think you are Ling Ling? paint?”

Upon hearing this, everyone in the moment showed a pair, they knew each other, and they seemed to have awkward eyes.

The director who realized this, immediately interrupted said with a smile: “This Chu Liuxiang, can we use the film after the filming? Of course, we try not to use it in public.”

Shen Qiang, who just wanted to have a good talk with Song Weiyin, said: “Oh, you can use it at will, it is my compensation for using your costume.”

Hearing this, the director was ecstatic and raised an eyebrow at the producer and director.

2 people immediately dropped their hearts.

“I only need 3 minutes.” Shen Qiang ignored the others.

At this moment, a man whose height was almost the same as that of Shen Qiang, who looked like a handsome man, walked in with 2 entertainment reporters and greeted with a smile on his face: “Director, Director, Producer, sorry, traffic jam in 3rd Ring is too Awesome, I’m late. Where is the makeup artist, I can start work immediately.”

Hearing this, the producer and director glanced coldly at him without saying a word.

Director frowns saying: “I’ve finished shooting, didn’t you see this Chu Liuxiang?”

Upon hearing this, the man was anxious at the time: “Ai, director, what do you mean, Chu Liuxiang is my horn!”

The two entertainment reporters who came with him came to his eyes, and the camera snapped.

The director was in a hurry: “What are you filming, go around, go out.” As the director said to Song Weiyin, said with a smile: “Wein Na, you are behind the film, there are reporters here now, don’t mess up Come on, you male… well, cousin, it’s not easy to come here to find you. If you have something, get in the car and say.”

“He’s not my cousin!” Song Weiyin was more and more angry, and more and more wronged, and made a good film. As a result, Shen Qiang was distracted, but there were entertainment reporters at this time, and she couldn’t talk indiscriminately, although she was dissatisfied. , But still closed his mouth and turned to the side door.

Even if the expression is wronged, like an emotional little girl, it is already amazingly beautiful.

At the same time, the director, who had obtained permission from Shen Qiang, took a simple authorization for the right to use the video from the crew and handed it to Shen Qiang. He smiled and said: “Brother, brother is here, brother tells You, a woman, if you try to make you jealous and make you angry, it means that she is actually jealous and angry.”

After receiving the simple authorization form signed by Shen Qiang, he smiled and said, “Go, outside the side door, car 1.”

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