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“It’s amazing! It’s incredible!” Ju Yang, a beautiful teacher with a rich and lithe and graceful look, looked at Shen Qiang with a smile in shock, not only giving Shen Qiang an excited possession, but also fiercely charmingly. Kissed Qian Qiang’s cheek.

Then she looked at the test report of the little mouse after she took Shen Qiang medicine pill with shocking eyes.

“All cancer cells, after 3 minutes of medication, stopped breeding and died within 5 minutes. It is incredible. It is simply Gods Vestige, which is the most powerful medical miracle of this century!”

“So…” Shen Qiang, who looked at the mobile phone, said indifferently: “The guys in Yaowanggu helped me make a decision to call this medicine, super amazing.”

Beautiful teacher Ju Yang, who is full of lithe and graceful, rolled her eyes and said, “The name is vulgar, but crazy enough, I like it.”

“Remember to feed the child when you go home.” Shen Qiang smiled, kissed her shy face, and then left the research center of Tianyou Medical and Health Products.

“Master, where are we going?” Golden Cicada grabbed Ke Bizhu’s long hair, looking at Shen Qiang who called Ye Guyun curiously.

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Of course it’s back to Beijing to save people.”


At this time, in the capital, in the hospital, Boss Ma was lying on the hospital bed, which was significantly thinner than it was a few days ago.

Sun Kaiping sat desperately on the small bench by the window.

Feeling haggard, Mrs. Di Ma, sobbing, stood beside his bed.

A group of experts in white coats, holding his film, stood aside, an expert headed by someone who looked like he was about 60 years old, sighed: “Mr. Ma, very regretfully tell you, because of your stubbornness and Indulge, your condition is deteriorating much faster than we thought. Now rectal cancer is in its advanced stages, and now even if you change your mind, it is too late to have surgery.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Ma, who was just sobbing, immediately burst into tears.

Even the always open-minded, frank Boss Ma can’t help but face sank like water. After all, even the open-minded people who hear this notification like the death sentence can’t calm down like water and can’t make waves.

Looking at Boss Ma, the expert said: “So now, there is no choice. At the first stage, we hope that we can take palliative treatment to treat you. Please cooperate.”

Hearing this, Boss Ma pretended to be smiled and said: “Yes, as long as you don’t move the knife, you can say anything. In addition, just say it, how long can I live?”

The expert glanced with questioning eyes, the tearful Mrs. Ma and Sun Kaiping sitting by the window sill.

“Tell him directly, it’s okay, his heart is bigger than you think, and if you don’t tell him the truth, he will feel more pressure.”

Hearing Sun Kaiping’s words, the old expert looked at the Boss Ma who was looking at him seriously, and said, “In my personal experience, you have about 5 to 8 months left.”

Madam Ma burst into tears with a wow.

Boss Ma, who was lying on the bed, was very nervous, and quickly said: “What are you crying, I’m not dead yet? Besides, I can still be at least half a year away, don’t cry.”

But the more Boss Ma said this, the more crying Mrs. Ma no matter whether there were people around, she cried: “When you are asked to perform an operation, you just don’t listen. In the past 20 years, you never listened. A word after me.”

“I won’t let you drink, but you go home drunk every day, and I quarreled with you for a long time, but then I learned that men are difficult outside, talking about business, doing things, and not drinking with others.”

As she said, Mrs. Ma shed tears, not knowing if she was sad for Boss Ma or for herself: “I just quarreled with you all day long after I gave birth to a child. I always said that you don’t care about your home, but then I I realized that you are running out all day regardless of your home, you are afraid that the child will break the milk powder.”

“Later, you earn more and have the ability, I always worry that you are looking for a woman outside, watching you at home for a whole year, and then you don’t make any money, I learned that 100 poor couples are sad, and relatives and friends all laugh. We have no ability.”

“So I encourage you to start all over again…” The more she said, the more crying Mrs. Ma could not continue.

Boss Ma’s eyes were a little wet, saying: “Don’t cry, I’m actually a jerk. I have been with many girls outside these years, oh, you know.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Ma wa’ed crying: “This is not to blame you, but every time I dislike you for not washing your feet, smelling of alcohol, and refusing to let you go to bed.”

Boss Ma was silent for a long time, and said: “It’s all past, what are you crying that makes me feel strange, you are my wife, I make money to support my family and give you flowers. .”

As a result, Mrs. Ma cried even more when she heard this, and she just couldn’t cry: “You’re not an asshole. For so many years, if the family didn’t have your hard work, how could the family’s life continue, how can the children and I stand up in front of others? Lifting my chest, I blame me for being ignorant when I was young. If I can go back to the beginning, I will certainly understand you.”

Hearing this, Boss Ma’s eyes were also a little wet, saying: “I used to be too brave before. If there is anything I can talk to you calmly. Maybe for so many years, we don’t have to suspect each other. Didn’t expect , When we can understand each other, we are already old.”

Madam Ma cried and took her eyes, holding Boss Ma’s hand hard, shaking and crying: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! You worked hard for several decades outside, and gave me and child a stable life, but I was never right You said thank you, I always feel that I still have time in life, and there are still many opportunities. Those grateful words, I can wait for you to retire and go back home, and slowly talk with you,”

“But I didn’t expect it to be so cruel in time. Even such an opportunity was unwilling to give me. I just knew where our future path should go, but I got old in the blink of an eye.”

“Don’t cry!” Boss Ma, who asked his wife not to cry, was unable to bear tears.

Sun Kaiping sighed, looking thoughtful, looking at Mrs. Ma, who was crying into tears, and Boss Ma, who was soft-eyed.

The old expert also sighed and murmured: “Ai, why do you always come to an end, and only when you are about to lose, do you understand to cherish?”

Hearing this, Mrs. Ma was crying and couldn’t stand, and Boss Ma, who was consoling Mrs. Ma, was still crying.

But at this moment, the ward door squeaked open, and then everyone was shocked to see Shen Qiang looking calm.

“Maybe I’m too young, I really don’t understand tolerance and the complicated feelings between you.” While talking, Shen Qiang lost a golden-bright and dazzling pill to Boss Ma, saying: “But as a friend, I think after taking my medicine, it is better for you to go home and talk about this.”

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