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Fashion lingerie show scene, long legs, voluptuous, lithe and graceful, beautiful women from different skin tones enjoy the sexy and beautiful and alluring that belongs only to them, not luxurious T stage, shining under the camera flash, Looking at the side with a big gold tooth smiling, holding his mobile phone, he was seriously posing as a photographer Boss Ma, and Shen Qiang sitting quietly beside the T stage, inexplicably fascinated.

Snow-white sexy ankles, high-heeled shoes with lithe and graceful gestures, revealing the gauze that wraps their bodies like a fishing net, are totally unable to attract Shen Qiang’s attention at this moment.

Because Shen Qiang at this moment, there was no such thing as looking at beautiful women, because somehow, looking at the Boss Ma who insisted on never undergoing surgery, she showed a smile like a 200 Jin child, and Shen Qiang suddenly felt a kind of , I have never felt happy, and an inexplicable ease.

In particular, Boss Ma’s open-minded open-mindedness of life and death makes it even more difficult for me to go to the medicine pill conference, divine corpse, and Shen Qiang, who wants to climb up, is inexplicably relaxed. After all, compared to the real critical moment, these are all It’s just a small thing.

It’s just happy to be happy. When thinking of leaving Boss Ma with the hospital, Madam Ma’s tears and the tension and worry of the two children, Shen Qiang knew that Boss Ma might not be as happy as he appeared.

After all, it is a choice between life and death. How many can truly be indifferent to their own destiny?

And more importantly, the special effect of cancer cancer, medicine pill, Shen Qiang read through Medicine Sage Inheritance several times in his mind, and finally determined that cancer cancer is not new in Immortal World, and the recorded cases are at least 4000 Existed years ago,

But only, this kind of special effect medicine pill is very rare, only 5 kinds.

not only.

More importantly, these 5 kinds of medicine pill are all medicine pill of Medicine Sage.

In other words, he is not sure that these 5 medicine pills are effective for anyone. Not only that, but the requirements of these 5 medicine pills for materials are not only harsh, they are simply dreams.

In 10000, the basic material of King Sam was nothing. What is Revitalizing Soul Grass, 7-color Resurrection Lily, Frost and Snow Spirit, and various scarce materials. It’s really unimaginable, and Shen Qiang felt that This disease probably means that Medicine Sage is helpless and comes up with something to take care of face.

The reason is simple.

In general, people of Immortal World disagree, and treatment by removing body organs, the body skin is affected by the parents.

Ordinary medicine has no effect, so come on hard.

The patient left without waiting for the material to be collected, so they can’t say that Medicine Sage’s medicine is not good, right?

So this road obviously does not work. On the one hand, those materials are too dreamy, and Shen Qiang has no way to get them. In addition, even if they get them, it is still unknown whether they can be cured.

If you put your hopes in the doctor’s inheritance medicine pill, you will undoubtedly miss the best time for treatment.

Because Boss Ma is now in the middle and late stages of rectal cancer, he may have a chance to do surgery.

But he refused to operate, then next, the condition will soon enter the advanced stage, and then the spread of the whole body, and then the medicine pill material can not be collected, then only the memorial of the crematorium will meet again.

This obviously does not work.

Although Boss Ma is not a good person in the traditional sense, he is not thin for Shen Qiang. If at first, he and Sun Kaiping helped Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang’s entrepreneurial Early-Stage would not go so smoothly. .

Even more how, persuading Mrs. Ma to take the child back first, when Shen Qiang took Boss Ma to find the old Chinese Medicine, Mrs. Ma cried very difficult to deal with.

She said nothing.

But Shen Qiang knows that she is very clear that finding old Chinese Medicine is just an excuse.

Surgery Boss Ma refused, Medicine Sage medicine pill can not count on, so now, only Boss Ma can really help, Shen Qiang’s Bacillus anthracis.

This thing can cause lethal anthrax, and speaking of which is scary.

But in fact, anthrax toxin is a special toxin composed of three kinds of proteins, and each protein is non-toxic.

During this time, Shen Qiang did a little experiment and found that the protein in anthrax toxin can indeed inhibit cancer cells and is not harmful to humans.

But it is more embarrassing that the human immune system will fight against this protein, so on the one hand, the little white mouse used in the experiment is not enough, on the other hand, this is how to bypass the confrontation of the human immune system, so it has led to, already mastered Shen Qiang, which has been around for a long time, has no way to turn it into a real medicine for use.

And now, to save the Boss Ma of life hanging by a thread, I really have to count on it.

So Shen Qiang who has been trying to use anthrax toxin protein pharmaceuticals, after feeling the open mind in Boss Ma’s heart, suddenly got a bold idea, that is, maybe it can be like covering moon, shaming flowers dan, peerless grace and elegance dan , Refining this anthrax toxin protein and other medicine into a pill.

In that case, everything is not a problem.

“Hoho, the legs of this old Chinese Medicine are so white!”

After the fashion show was over, the 3 people casually found a restaurant and ordered food. Boss Ma was satisfied and chuckled at the table with his mobile phone. He said to Sun Kaiping on the side: “You Old Guy, still pretending to be there Expert, look, how about my photo level?”

Sun Kaiping gave him big white eyes and said: “I have seen more people with heartless. You are such a heartless person. I met for the first time. Watching a fashion show, looking for long legs. Old Chinese Medicine, um, still blue eyes. , Tsk tsk, there really is no one.”

Boss Ma smiled and showed his back molars: “Son, you come here, don’t say that you seem to have more heart and lungs, anyway, I think about it, I’m happy to be alive.”

Say that’s all, ignore Sun Kaiping, Boss Ma said to Shen Qiang a said with a smile: “Hadron, you have a good arrangement, very good, those foreign girls who are old Chinese Medicine I saw, very good.” After dialing the photo on the phone, Boss Ma said with a smile: “I’m fancy with this. I’m going to let her give me a joyful treatment tonight. The price is only 35,000.”

A glance at the picture of the girl who was totally inferior in Shen Qiang’s eyes, Shen Qiang faintly smiled and said: “Don’t over treat me.”

Boss Ma hearing this pu chi smiled: “No, I have a sense of size, there is no way, I am old, and the charm is gone. If I want to find such an old Chinese Medicine, I can only rely on money. I will be young. It’s also handsome, you sister-in-law married me, the gift was only 8,000 yuan.”

“You, it looks like, you really have to die on the girl’s belly.” Sun Kaiping gave Boss Ma a blank look and said.

Boss Ma laughed: “That’s it, my own choice, I’m happy.”

These words made Shen Qiang unable to laugh and could not help frowns saying: “Don’t die, die, I listen to repression, rest assured, with me, you can’t die.”

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