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When the lantern was first lit, in the villa, the beautiful shadow behind Song Weiyin, with two round and white thighs, wearing a men’s loose white shirt, knelt in the bathroom, and wiped the mirror-like toilet intently.

Looking at her meticulous, concentrated attention completely, her female assistant was helpless 10000 points, saying: “Wein, you have wiped that toilet several times, why not tell me, what did Shen Qiang tell you? Since you went to see him, you have become weird in these few hours.”

Song Weiyin, with a slight sweat on his forehead, froze, and then said with a smile a little shyly: “Where is there?”

But speaking, she still stopped, sitting sideways on the ground, cross-legged, spotless loose white shirt, her beautiful figure, against the faintly discernible.

“He scolded me.” Song Weiyin said slightly unhappy.

Her female assistant, the middle-aged female cultivator froze, then said: “What? He scolded you? How is this possible, Shen Qiang is a famous playboy, notoriously lustful of money, he is not supposed to, you Diligent and diligent, are there any answers?”

Song Weiyin, with her little pink mouth in her mouth, said unhappily: “I thought the same way at first, but the result was wrong. He asked me if it was set with gold rims or with diamonds.”

Hearing this, the middle-aged female assistant pu chi laughed at once.

Song Weiyin was stunned: “What are you laughing at? He doesn’t just think I was born in battle, some…

The middle-aged female assistant smiled and showed her back molars, saying: “silly girl, this is set with diamonds and gold edges, there is a story behind it, the story is told like this, say a man, go to brothel, brothel young lady Asking for 1000 taels, the scholar asked, is it set with diamonds? Brothel Young Lady cuts her own price and says 500 taels. Then the scholar asks again, with gold trim?”

In an instant, Song Weiyin blushed: “What is this, I thought his words meant that I was born with a golden spoon in it, this bastard, where there is a little bit of 10000 demon king’s demeanor.”

The middle-aged female assistant smiles and bends her eyes, saying: “Shen Qiang may not be very particular about that person’s speech, but, in some respects, under normal circumstances, when a man is talking to someone outside, most of them will retain their sense of proportion. “

“He is so unkind to you, maybe to a certain extent, it is also a potential inner recognition of you, a sense of closeness, so this is the case.”

Upon hearing this, Song Weiyin frowned beautifully and said, “A sense of closeness?” She then surprisedly said, “How is this possible?”

The middle-aged female assistant smiled: “Of course, you don’t understand it, it’s like, when you are outside, the weather is very cold, others handed you a hot drink, said to you, when careful hot, you will How to say.”

“Thank you.” Song Weiyin as it should be by rights said.

“If grandma handed you a hot drink and made you hot, what would you say?” The middle-aged female assistant asked with a smile.

Song Weiyin froze for 3 seconds and hesitated: “I will say… I am understood, are you bothered?”

The middle-aged female assistant smiled: “The difference is here, close people, you know, no matter what you say, no matter whether they are angry, but they will still choose to forgive you, so naturally when you talk to them, they will not You’re welcome, and Shen Qiang is the 10000 demon king, you are the spokesperson of his restaurant after the shadow, he would not normally speak like this.”

Song Weiyin’s eyebrows suddenly raised a smile, shocked happily said: “You mean he likes me?”

“It should be like this.” The middle-aged female assistant said with a smile: “If it is not, then unless he is regarded as his enemy and wants to kill you, otherwise, he will never be unkind and You say something like this.”

Hearing this, Song Weiyin smiled and bent his eyes, the beautiful cherry lips curled up with a proud arc: “How is it possible, that Shen Qiang guy, although he doesn’t like me very much, but he is also impossible and wants to kill me.” .”

The middle-aged female assistant also laughed: “So say, since he didn’t treat you as an enemy and didn’t want to kill you, it was in his heart, in his subconscious, he was very close to you, so he talked You’re welcome. If you’re an ordinary friend, he’s very kind.”

“It seems reasonable.” Song Weiyin said with her beautiful eyes and a cheerful expression: “However, this Shen Qiang is really rude. He said that when he let me go, he didn’t frown.”

The middle-aged female assistant was surprised and said, “What the hell did you tell him?”

Song Weiyin was pretty and charming, and said slightly: “I will say, I am not free now. If he can join the abyss, I will be free. I beg him to help. He not only does not help, but also scolds me, let I got out and said 2 more times.”

Pu Chi, a middle-aged female assistant, smiled and bent her eyes: “You really told him that?”

“Well.” Song Weiyin’s eyes were cute and looked at the middle-aged woman. “I have played such costume dramas many times. Every time I say this, the heroes who play heroes are not all justice. Say, don’t be afraid, I’ll help you, I won’t let them succeed.”

Song Weiyin, who was frowned by Liu Mei, was wronged: “Who can think of this, Shen Qiang turned upside down, what an unparalleled chivalrous man, even if he is too busy to help, he will curse.”

The middle-aged female assistant pu chi smiled at once: “Wein, are you really stupid or fake stupid? He Sheng closed up and down, and even a monster with a cultivator, hundreds of people are waiting for Shen Qiang to make money to eat, you say, think If he wants to be free, he will ignore everything? It’s all for you?”

Song Weiyin hearing this unhappy: “What is this, I am so beautiful, isn’t he supposed to ask me, is there anything I can do?”

The middle-aged female assistant smiles and bends her eyes, saying: “silly girl, those who have what you want, have other plans, just like you said, they either want to sleep you, or they want you to speak for them. The product, or participate in a new drama, or even just take a picture with you, reserved for bragging capital.”

“But Shen Qiang is not the same. He is the person whom grandma loves. I have been with her for almost 50 years. I saw her for the first time like this youngster. You must know that it is hidden in the abyss under the water. There are countless elites and powerhouses of all kinds, but grandma has never explicitly stated who to recruit internally. It has always been recommended by other members and allowed to enter after passing the assessment.”

Song Weiyin frowned, and said unhappy: “It may be that my grandmother is getting older and her thoughts have changed.”

The middle-aged female assistant smiled and bent her eyes for a moment, then said with a smile: “Did you ever think about this matter itself, there seems to be another possibility, after all, even if you can’t do it, at worst, Just continue filming, continue to be famous, and continue to hand over your income to the abyss without real cruel punishment.”

Song Weiyin was helpless and said curiously: “Another possibility, you said grandma has another purpose?”

Middle-aged female assistant said with a smile: “Of course.”

“Impossible, right?” Song Weiyin hesitated and said while thinking: “Grandma said, asking me to let Shen Qiang fall in love with me, and then join the abyss, I will be free. What purpose can this have?”

The middle-aged female assistant smiled and reluctantly reminded: “People in love can not only join the abyss but also get married.”

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