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The beautiful female voice that is clear like the spring ding dong not only contains a unique charm, it makes everyone realize that it should be a beauty without seeing others, and when the people turn their heads, when they see clearly, they stand at the door of the classroom , Pure and beautiful, like the beauty of 9 Celestial Immortal who came here, everyone was stunned.


The thermos cup held in the professor’s hand fell to the ground, hooked up and sprinkled the chrysanthemum.

“A Peerless Beauty in 1000, Song Weiyin, the biggest film behind!” a female voice screamed in shock, instantly making everyone in the classroom come back to his senses.

The man who just said that Shen Qiang doesn鈥檛 have to look for Song Weiyin鈥檚 Peak Level movie, even if it鈥檚 just a first-line actress, he admits that Shen Qiang鈥檚 awesome boy student鈥檚 face is instantly pale, but then it鈥檚 over. At 2 seconds, he jumped with excitement, as if he had completely forgotten what he had said, and shouted excitedly.

“Song Weiyin! Seen in 1000, after the peerless Fenghua film, I want to sign and take a group photo. What about my book and my pen? The book is so dirty, will she dislike it? This pen only cost 20 yuan, she Would it be uncomfortable to hold…” The male student who had clamored with Shen Qiang beforehand immediately fell into a kink.

At this time, everyone in the classroom was boiling.

“Song Weiyin, really Song Weiyin!”

“Perfect Goddess, the most perfect Goddess, a great beauty who met in 1000, if she and Zhang Ying could be together, it would be enough for me to blow a lifetime!”

“White and flawless pretty face, exquisite five senses, perfect figure, wow, it’s really thrilling at a glance!”

But at this time, just before they got up from their seats, cheers broke out and they acted. Professors with large mugs and wolfberry chrysanthemum tea were all spilled on the floor. Not only did their eyes shine like car lights, even that The top of his head, already bald, also flushed with excitement.

He was so excited that his voice was a little trembling, and he was anxiously excited: “Song Weiyin, are you Song Weiyin?”

Standing at the door, Song Weiyin glanced at Shen Qiang, and then revealed a plain and formal said with a slight smile to the professor: “Hello, I am Song Weiyin.”

A magnificent professor, red light, looked like he had returned to 18 years old. He stepped forward, looking forward with expectation and expectation: “Can you sign me a name?”

Seeing that the professor had taken a step ahead, many students Anai couldn’t help but feel excited, and got up one by one, wanting to pass, but at this moment, Song Weiyin standing at the door, polite, but refused to be beyond a thousand li said with a slight smile: “Sorry, I just came to find someone, it’s not convenient to sign, next time.”

In an instant, not only did the professor awaken from the beautiful dream, but also the many students present were sober, and stopped in embarrassment.

“I was too rash.” The professor who wished he could slap him in the face, sighed: “Okay, then next time.” Although he is very clear, whether he can see Song Weiyin in his life is unknown.

Although Song Weiyin refused his request so clearly in front of everyone, the professor still had no dissatisfaction in his heart.

The other students are still full of excitement, and as it should be by rights.

“Where is the signature of the great beauty Song Weiyin who met in 1000 so much?”

“Being able to see her is already a blessing from previous generations.”

“She is really beautiful, even when she refuses to be others, she is so beautiful and thrilling.”

They were shocked by the beautiful appearance of Song Weiyin after the film, and the immortal beauty brought by cultivation. They were full of shock and could not extricate themselves.

But at this time Shen Qiang, who tightly knit, looked more and more impatient.

“Shen Qiang, can you come out? I have something to talk to you.” Song Weiyin looked at Shen Qiang and said softly.

In an instant, all the students were shocked, and even the professor shivered fiercely, staring at Shen Qiang.

Absolute silence in the classroom.

So that Shen Qiang not at all can raise the voice, becoming like thunder.

“I don’t want to talk to you now, and you’d better leave here, don’t delay me in class.” Shen Qiang’s tone was lazy and impatient.

In an instant, all the people in the classroom only felt that their brains had a blue screen, and then they might crash at any time.

“Crazy? In this world, is there anything more meaningful than having sex with a beautiful woman who met in 1000?”

“Shen Qiang, it’s no wonder that his academic performance is good. Is this a silly mind in class?”

“Heaven, a thunder is about to kill this Shen Qiang! I can’t bear this guy anymore, the indifferent expression of hateful teeth!”

“No, the curse must be cursed by Shen Qiang tonight.”

“Cang Tian Wu Yan, such a demon, don’t hurry to give him Five Thunderbolts?”

But just as they looked at Shen Qiang in tears.

Song Weiyin, who seemed to have long thought of Shen Qiang who might not want to talk to herself, hesitated for a moment, then said with a slight pleading tone: “Shen Qiang, I know, you don鈥檛 want to ignore me now, but I really I have something to tell you.”

“Not interested.” Shen Qiang’s eyes were cold.

These cold words made Song Weiyin’s heart inexplicably hurt. Not only did his expression look unnatural, but his eyes were more like a great grievance, misty, like he was about to cry.

Shen Qiang doesn’t matter.

But in an instant, everyone in the class couldn’t stand it.

A girl directly caught fire: “Shen Qiang, you are too much, Song Weiyin is so beautiful, so serious to come to you, even if you don’t like her, you must listen to her to make it clear.”

“That’s why you, a big man, have the heart to treat her like this!” Another girl also said,

“Duel, you bastard!” A tall, burly boy raised his water bottle and was angry.

The other boy held the pen in his hand like a knife, angrily roared angrily: “Shen Qiang, you believe or not, if you dare to anger her again, I will stab you!”

In just a moment, everyone in the classroom seemed to become the enemy of Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang’s face is innocent, and there is only one idea in her heart, that is, they really have never seen a beautiful woman. Song Weiyin, who is similar to Qing Xuan, has such a big charm. If it is Youying, or the emperor of Immortal World Body, they must kneel instantly.

And while Shen Qiang was thinking, the professor who was obviously rejected was also tightly knit. He looked at Song Weiyin with a distressed look, and then said to Shen Qiang, “Shen Qiang! You are too much!” , Go out immediately and listen carefully to Song Weiyin’s words, otherwise, my class will give you zero points.”

Shen Qiang looked at the wayward professor in a moment of consternation, and he was helpless, but then, under the hostile eyes of all his classmates and professors, he had to stand up, but while walking towards Song Weiyin, he wrinkled the frowned Shen Qiang, just remembering I have made my commitment to Qing Xuan.

“Relax, I will bring you back to life soon!”

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