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Shen Qiang was silent for a long time, until Chi Ningjia鈥檚 eyes in her arms became a little nervous, came back to his senses, and then said with a smile: “Yes, you said it well, to catch a shadow Dreams of perfection, just missing the happiness at hand, is something that a fool will think about.”

Chi Ningjia pu chi laughed at once, said charmingly with a smile: “Since you think about this, does that mean you want to have a long-term relationship with me?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I have to wear pants.”

Chi Ningjia immediately stopped laughing and stared at the quick dressing, seemingly concerned about Shen Qiang, frowns saying: “Now, what the hell do you mean, fooling me around.”

Shen Qiang smiled and sorted out his clothes and said: “Of course, it is prepared not to admit it, otherwise, do you think I will send you flowers?”

Chi Ningjia froze, willow eyebrows tightly knit suddenly said angrily: “Hah, you really are a ruthless bastard, tumbling, to be your perfect Goddess dream, go to find your Song Weiyin, but Forgotten, the mountains and rivers meet!”

Looking at the suddenly angry Chi Ningjia, Shen Qiang smiled: “If you are interested, I don’t think we will meet again tonight.”

“Get lost!” Chi Ning’s good-for-nothing pillow threw Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang smiled and threw the pillow she threw over.

After going to the bathroom, simply tidy up and go out.

It was already 9 o’clock in the morning. When I arrived at the door of the studio, Shen Qiang saw a man who looked like a housing agent. He was coming up with 2 beautiful women in sunglasses.

“Li Young Lady, please believe me, if your model company is here, it will be absolutely windy and rainy, soaring into the sky, this is the real Feng Shui Treasure Land.”

Hearing the intermediary, the two beauties in sunglasses seem to be quite moved.

Shen Qiang laughed: “You don’t lie or make drafts. So good. The previous companies could close down and move away so quickly? Let you rent out.”

Upon hearing this, the faces of the two beautiful women immediately changed.

The intermediary man said anxiously: “Who are you, what’s the matter with you?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You can call me a hero, because I don’t want to see you lie again.”

Upon hearing this, the agent’s face was white.

The two sunglasses women looked at Shen Qiang in amazement, and one of them anxiously said: “Sir, is the office not good here? The office building nearby, the price is moderate, and there is a terrace garden for employees to do activities, which is not perfect. Is it?”

“No one has survived a year.” Shen Qiang whispered: “Do you know who is going to move away? Chi Ningjia, the big-name woman who played the opposite drama with Song Weiyin after the film, she is so powerful that she hasn’t spent a year here. The reason is that the feng shui is too poor, and the surrounding office buildings are high. It is pressed against the feng shui. This is a pit.”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s unreliable words, the two women glanced at each other, then turned around and left.

“No wonder the terrace garden can be used free of charge. It is also correct to think about it. That many office buildings nearby is the lowest one. Is the business still good?”

“No, it can’t be cheap, this house is not rented.,”

Looking at the two women, they turned and left without looking. The intermediary stared at Shen Qiang with anger and shouted, “Who are you, why dare you to come here and stir up, thinking I don’t dare to beat you?”

“You won’t.” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows calmly, and then said with a smile: “Because of this house, the lease was renewed.”

In an instant, the intermediary froze, saying: “Impossible, you are teasing me, the rent is going to increase by 5%, and the person in charge of the studio cannot accept it.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I can accept, no problem, renew for one year, pay in cash.”

The agent was flustered: “The rent for one year is 100 400,000, are you sure to renew for one year?”

Shen Qiang smiled, took the pen from the agent, wrote Ke Bizhu’s phone number, and said: “Call her and she will sign a contract with you and pay cash.”

Saying that’s all, throwing the pen to the agent, Shen Qiang turned to go downstairs, just entered the elevator, the agent rushed in and said, “Sir, are you serious?”

Pressed Shen Qiang on the first floor and smiled: “Of course it’s serious. You can go to her now to sign up for money and mention my name.”

The agent’s eyes brightened, and the husband was long and the husband kept talking short.

But Shen Qiang’s words of compliment and intermediary, simply is that the left ear listens to the right ear, without saying a word.

But Shen Qiang knows.

This Chi Ningjia did not take the initiative to leave here, so although he said, he would not admit it when he put on his pants, but in any case, the girl fell asleep and got the answers she wanted. Shen Qiang, who continues to struggle, feels that this may be the only place she can help Chi Ningjia. ,

As for other things, Shen Qiang was reluctant to think about it, and it was unnecessary.

In an emotionally unstable night, the two lonely people are naturally together, nothing more,

After picking up the car in the parking lot and passing a restaurant next to it, Shen Qiang ordered a takeaway and sent them to Chi Ningjia. Shen Qiang drove the car calmly and went straight to the Hecheng Group office in Beijing.

To the office.

As soon as she went upstairs, Shen Qiang saw Ji Wei, who was wearing a straight suit, shiny leather shoes, and holding a large thermos. He was leaning on the front desk with a smile, and chatting with the little girl at the front desk. old monster, talking to the little girl at the front desk who answered the phone, her eyes straightened.

Even the real Boss, Shen Qiang, didn’t realize it.

After making a pistol shot of Ji Wei, who nodded to the full of smiles, Shen Qiang entered the office indifferently and went directly to his office.

The charming Ye Guyun was leaning on the sofa to watch the anime on the tablet, and the Fire Fire demon Ke Bizhu came over with full of smiles, helped Shen Qiang take off his jacket, and then waved his hand at Shen Qiang鈥檚 desk , Filled with what Shen Qiang loves to eat.

Shen Qiang smiled and couldn’t help but secretly sighed, and indeed Ke Bizhu was most distressed to herself.

Say thanks, Shen Qiang sits in his place to eat.

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu took the opportunity to say: “There is a message from the villa that there is a small cultivation Aristocratic Family in the province. Recently, it has been in close contact with Kunlun Sword Sect, and is secretly working on a joint, wanting to encourage other cultivators to join them. To stop the expansion of the logistics center under Heshenghe.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “This little thing, let Bian Yi deal with it.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled: “Yes, he dealt with it. He sent Zuo Lianghao to release a dozen sword arrays. Although no substantial casualties were caused, the small cultivation Sects tended to join forces.”

“Don’t worry, Bian Yi will deal with it soon.”

Shen Qiang, who was completely absent from company affairs, said while eating: “I was wondering if a person who is close to you in a pretentious manner, obviously has a different purpose, and is full of lies, will you kill her?”

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