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“Aiya! What are you stunned? You knocked people down, don’t you know how to help?” Chi Ningjia, who fell on the ground in front of Shen Qiang, frowned, but smiled on her lips, a pair, The coquettish expression of you hurrying to help me up makes Shen Qiang somewhat didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

The current Shen Qiang, already the Primordial Chaos Realm powerhouse, is a powerhouse that stands above the gold tower of the cultivation world, probably only 5% of which is not reached. Although it does not usually deliberately guard against ordinary people, but as long as ordinary people collide Falling down, True Yuan still instinctively pushed others away.

But only second.

So when the beautiful Chi Ningjia fell to the ground, Shen Qiang knew very clearly that this product was intentional and was acting, otherwise, she wouldn鈥檛 all sit on the ground and still show her there. Big long legs under a black skirt.

“There is no money in the wallet, do you want to help you up when someone comes over?” Shen Qiang asked with a smile.

Chi Ningjia pu chi smiled at once, not only whitely Shen Qiang, but also smiled while playing fully pouting: “What, you treat people like who, I鈥檓 not wrong with you, you think What the hell.”

Shen Qiang laughed, raised her eyebrows and said: “Then I will not help you…”

“I just don’t raise.” Chi Ningjia, who smiled and bent her eyes, extended Xuebai’s small hand to Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang smiled and hesitated, grabbed her hand, and dragged her up to feel her hand soft and warm.

“Why do you look at me like this? Haven’t seen a beautiful woman.” Chi Ningjia stood up and was charming. Under the light that was not bright in the parking lot, her face was indeed beautiful. After all, although it was just behind the film Song Weiyin played No. 2 in the play, but if Yan Yan is not close, how could she be competitive.

“Well, beauty, I was actually thinking, we really had a fate, we did not expect that we can meet here in such a huge capital, this vast crowd of people.” Shen Qiang smiled, although I don’t believe this Encounter is a coincidence.

Chi Ningjia looked at Shen Qiang’s eyes and suddenly Pu Chi smiled and said, “Then, we are so destined that you hit me again, so I think I should invite you to have a drink.”

Shen Qiang smiled.

Immediately realized that she was suggesting that Shen Qiang should ask her for a drink.

For this beautiful face, youthful figure, no makeup at all, but the charming Tian Ningjia, Shen Qiang’s deep in one’s heart, actually do not like her very much.

Because Shen Qiang still remembers that in the restaurant, after that Zhai Zhijie showed his financial resources, this Chi Ningjia took the initiative to step forward and gave a business card, and she also called Shen Qiang. Since then, Shen Qiang has I always felt that this woman was too utilitarian.

Although, Qian Qiang knew long ago that women in mind perfect men are handsome, rich and have a sense of humor.

Just like men like Ms Perfect, gentle women, women also like tall legs, handsome, and rich, but when overwhelming majority, even if they have some ideas in their hearts, most will not say it, they will be very reserved. Obviously, Chi Ningjia is the kind of very active person.

Shen Qiang doesn’t like contacting such people very much.

Because of her obvious purpose, even without guessing, she can think that she is the kind. When you are beautiful, she is the icing on the cake. When you are down, she smiles and walks away.

But it is undeniable that a utilitarian woman, with a straightforward intention, is more attractive than those girls who are shy to answer.

Not only that, but more importantly, she reminded Shen Qiang inexplicably of the 1000-year-old beautiful woman, Song Weiyin, who was a film actress.

So Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Let me please, you can’t even deprive me of the opportunity to be a gentleman.”

Hearing this, Chi Ningjia said smugly and complacently: “That’s fine.” Looking at the nightclub not far away, Chi Ningjia smiled and said with a tone of coquettishness: “But people don’t like too noisy environment .”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Well, you choose that place, I pay, I want to drink whatever you want.”

Chi Ningjia smiled and bent his eyes, saying: “Okay.” Then Meimu looked at the sports car parked by Shen Qiang, saying: “I didn’t drive.”

Shen Qiang smiled, opened the door remotely, and said, “Please.”

Chi Ningjia laughed and then got on the car naturally.

Looking at her graceful figure and delicate face, Shen Qiang’s eyes were not fiery, but rather cold.

But when thinking of Song Weiyin, Shen Qiang became enthusiastic.

After getting in the car and taking Chi Ningjia, the two people chatted casually, and under the command of Chi Ningjia, Shen Qiang drove the car and crossed most of the capital before arriving at a very interesting place.

Carrian Studio.

This made Shen Qiang want to laugh.

But Shen Qiang, who went upstairs behind her, arrived upstairs and, under Chi Ningjia鈥檚 guidance, sat in the glass room on the terrace and looked at the tall buildings and neon around stand in great numbers, and couldn鈥檛 help thinking of the province. The house in Huacheng, Jinyu.

The houses are different, but they feel very similar.

Chi Ningjia poured a glass of red wine to Shen Qiang.

Then she sat on the lazy couch full of smiles and looked at Shen Qiang standing in front of the window, she said with a smile: “What do you want?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “This bar is really different.”

Chi Ningjia pu chi laughed at once, and then calmly said: “This is my studio, due next week, I have to move out.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Is this too small? I think it’s good here.”

Chi Ningjia laughed and said: “It is to reduce expenditures, my career is not going well.”

Shen Qiang smiled, picked up the red wine and sat on the sofa, said with a slight smile: “Do you need investors? I think if it’s just a matter of money, maybe I can help you.”

Chi Ningjia pu chi laughed out loud, and then she looked at Shen Qiang charmingly and said: “I understand people like you. Without benefit and reward, you are a penny. Yes, so forget it, you are not a good business partner.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “This is really surprising, I always think I am actually an angel investor.”

Chi Ningjia laughed: “Angel investors, I have a lot of people around, but people can’t be greedy, so I am more curious, don’t you ask Song Weiyin?”

When she heard that she was talking about Song Weiyin, Shen Qiang laughed and said, “I haven’t had time to start yet, but I am very interested in her, so would you like to talk about her and come to the news?”

Chi Ningjia smiled: “This will make me uncomfortable. After all, in the film, I am a supporting role. Now sit down and drink, do you have the heart to let me continue supporting roles?”

Shen Qiang took a deep breath, and then calmly said: “Well, then you can talk about how I do it, then you think you are the protagonist here?”

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