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Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang simply ignored it, and immediately turned pale, and then walked away. Looking at the back of Shen Qiang, she was so angry that she heard the mist and said: “Shen Qiang, Don’t you know what’s wrong, you can’t fight them!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang, who walked out, stopped slowly, turned his head, and said with a cold expression, “The fight is over, but the fight is not what you said, and I warned you for the last time. , Wenren Meiqiao, listen well.”

“If you think my Shen Qiang is a waste, you don’t have to be hypocritical to me, I don’t need your care, you don’t need to count on your so-called care, you can control everything, I know who I am, I know that I am Oh, know what you are doing.”

Wenren Meiqiao was so angry that the lovable body shivered and said angrily: “Okay, then you continue, you have the ability, you kill all the hunters who came to hunt you down, your surnamed Shen is also a leader, you can’t do it. , Roll as far as you can!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang said coldly, “You don’t have to worry about it, I know what to do.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang walked away.

When he arrived outside, his face was embarrassed, and Ke Bizhu said hesitantly, “Shen Qiang, why did you quarrel with her?”

“No noise.” Shen Qiang calmly.

Ye Guyun’s eyes were shocked and said, “Shen Qiang, are your expressions so calm when you lie?”

“Tomorrow snacks will be halved.” Shen Qiang calmly said while going out: “No more nonsense, there will be no tomorrow tomorrow.”

In an instant, Ye Guyun curled his lips, but hesitated for a moment, and then said nothing.

Ke Bizhu beautifully followed Shen Qiang behind, hesitantly said: “Calm down, in fact, she may be kind, you want you to avoid some unnecessary battles.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang dashing eyebrows stood upright, calmly said: “I don’t care if she is kind, I am a man, I can’t let myself live behind a woman forever.”

Ke Bizhu surprisedly said: “Shen Qiang, what are you thinking, we always rely on you.”

“But at least it looks like you are protecting me.” Shen Qiang frowned, went downstairs, and got into the car.

Ke Bizhu drove helplessly and explained: “Wen Renmei Qiao is probably kind, so why are you so angry?”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows calmly: “This is not a problem of getting angry with her, but a very serious problem before us. That is these bounty hunters. During the Spring Festival, they went to my hometown. I thought, After giving them enough lessons, they will learn from it.”

“But I didn’t expect that 10000 10000, they were okay, the scars were forgotten, so I felt that it was time for me to fiercely teach them.”

Sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu surprisedly said: “Are you going to kill the ring? This is the capital, don’t mess up, the dragon group will be very angry.”

Shen Qiang took a deep breath, closed her eyes and leaned back on the seat like a god, then said solemnly: “You said it well, if I really open the killing ring for no reason, then it is definitely not suitable, then change it. Way to fight those bounty hunters.”

Hearing this, the Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu was full of surprise and said, “If you don’t kill them, they’re just going to get worse, they won’t be afraid, because even if they are secretly planning to get rid of you, but only No action, you move them, it belongs to you to provoke first.”

Shen Qiang smiled, leaned on the seat, and calmly watched the bright street lights shining through the dark night outside the car window, said indifferently.

“Yes, all cultivators think so. They think that I am a consultant of the dragon group. I can’t mess up. I am Hesheng and Boss. I have to obey the rules of the cultivation industry, so their courage is growing. Not only plotting against me in secret, but also observing me from a close distance, they think I can’t treat them, I can’t move them.”

“Once I moved them, it was I who was looking for trouble, and they could come to me justifiably. Everyone thought this way, and so did Wenmei Meiqiao, so she felt I could not deal with these bounty hunters.”

“But they were all wrong, because when they cracked their abacus, they forgot, my Shen Qiang is a powerful 10000 demon king!”

Hearing this, the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu’s beautiful eyes were bright, and he looked up at the domineering Shen Qiang from the rearview mirror in the cab. The beautiful eyes shone: “So what are you going to do?”

“Salute first, then soldiers.” Shen Qiang’s eyes were cold, and the corners of her lips raised a wicked smile with awe-inspiring smile: “Warn them, don’t listen, die!”

At the same time, just as Shen Qiang made the decision.

In the office of the dragon group, the valence and formidable looking Wenren Meiqiao changed the normal martial strength in the normal, and was doing it alone in the office. When the female assistant came in, she just heard her sobbing inhale. ‘S voice immediately saw her red eyes.

Helplessly looking at Wenren Meiqiao, her female subordinates, sighed and sat in the position that Shen Qiang had done before, but did not give Wenren Meiqiao the extremely thick investigation materials in her hand, but whispered: “General , You don’t know men too well.”

Hearing this, I felt that I was aggrieved by Wenren Meiqiao, my eyes were red again, and then I was angry: “I don’t need to understand, men don’t have a good thing.”

Puchi, a female subordinate, laughed out loud, and then said with a slight smile: “General, I have followed you for 3 years. Although from the position, you are my boss, but in terms of age, I bigger than you.”

“You are a strong person, very strong, and very capable. Since being enlightened by Shen Qiang, recently, the several cases at hand have been handled very well. I believe that even if 1000 Shan Xue meets, she will admire you.”

“But you have been in the combat team for too long. Subconsciously, you treated Shen Qiang as a team member under your command and called to drink, thinking that he would do as long as you wanted, if you were in the combat team. Here, you are right to do this.”

“But Shen Qiang is not your man, I know you like him, but you express this way, as a man, he will never accept your call and drink, he will only be angry, angry, turning his face, even He understands that you are kind.”

Hearing this, inexplicably angry at Meiqiao, staring at the side wall with red eyes, said: “I am like this, he does not like me to pull down, there are men on the street.”

Puchi, her subordinate, smiled at once: “General, emotional matters are not 1+1=2, but 1+1 is equal to 1, that is to say, if two people want to be together, everyone must Lose half of your personality to accommodate half of each other before you can be 2 in one.”

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