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Just when the enchanting sexy beauty ended the call with the head of the Disillusionment Brigade with sighs, Zheng Qiang, with Ke Bizhu and Shen Qiang in Ye Guyun, was very interested in a large table of dishes, looking at the fun. Gao, lithe and graceful sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, Shen Qiang smiled.

“Happily, eat a bit, and grow a little, let’s say, haven’t we not let them take advantage? Even more how, the problem has been solved. Tomorrow the woman will report to you and start working, although she has the fruit The strength of the period, but everything in the store is treated according to the standards of ordinary employees.”

Hearing this, Sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu sighed helplessly: “Why are these people so bad, really to achieve their goals by fair means or foul. I used to think that I really found this manager by working hard, As a result, everything was designed by her, and the scheming is too deep!”

“There are benefits in places where there are people, there are fights in the interests, and it is not bad to be able to solve problems without any effort.” Shen Qiang said with a smile: “This is better than those who use a knife and a gun. “

Ke Bizhu helplessly said: “Sure enough, I am still suitable to be a secretary, as long as you arrange your itinerary, do other things, sometimes feel that I really can’t.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Everyone is unique and unmatched. Everyone has something they are good at or are not good at, so the team will be respected. If you want to do business, you will sell it to you. The kind of fragrant tea I drink will be stepped on by the threshold.”

Hearing this, Ke Bizhu pu chi a said with a smile: “I will not go, I will only make it for you to drink.”

Shen Qiang laughs.

Hearing this, Ye Guyun’s eyes brightened: “Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang, then you said, if I go to do business, what do you think is a good business, I also want to be a strong woman, just like in a TV series , In charge of big companies, big consortium, and domineering high-cold female president.”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed out loud: “Then analyze your characteristics and specialties.”

Ye Guyun frowned.

Shen Qiang laughs: “Your characteristics are edible, and your specialty is very edible, so if you are a business person, all you can do is eat, and then sell what you love to eat, but with your meal, I I feel that your inventory may be eaten up before you ship it.”

Hearing this, Ye Guyun was not happy, and his mouth pouted so that he could hold the oil bottle.

Not happy to see her, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “In the commercial society, a lot of wealthy people have emerged from businessmen, so everyone wants to be a businessman, and they always feel that they can make money with their eyes closed when doing business, but in fact, Everyone has different talents, and not everyone is suitable for business.”

“So, I’m here to make money, and you’re in charge of eating.” Shen Qiang’s voice fell. As the dishes from Zhengyang Tower came to the table, Ye Guyun suddenly became happy, and then stared at Shen Qiang in a cute manner: “That’s good, speaking and counting, I’m responsible for eating, you are responsible for making money, you have to keep me up.”

Shen Qiang smiled and raised an eyebrow: “No problem.”

Ke Bizhu smiled and bent his eyes, said: “Don’t forget, there is me.”

Shen Qiang smiled.

At the same time, in Beijing’s film and television shooting base.

Song Weiyin, a popular super star idol actress who was hailed as a peerless beauty seen in the world in 1000, is smilingly away from many reporters, and then behaved 10000 1000 on the nanny car.

Lithe and graceful figure, she in a Han suit, sitting beautifully in front of the vanity mirror.

But just when she was relaxed and wanted to relax.

With a cold wind blowing through.

A black cat with shiny fur jumped into the car.

This made Song Weiyin frown instinctively, but then, he had to bow down and salute, saying: “Weyin has seen grandma.”

“Get up.” Big black cat speak human’s words.

After Song Weiyin stood up straight, the big black cat looked her up and down and said: “You are thin, you can eat a little meat, I won’t tell you.”

Hearing this, Song Weiyin frowned, surprisedly said: “Grandma, what do you mean? Didn’t you say that I can only eat 30 grams of meat a week?”

Looking at Song Weiyin, the big black cat with bright fur, calmly said: “The situation has changed a little, and women who are too thin have no charm, so you don’t have to be wronged, but you must stay within the standard.”

Song Weiyin was puzzled: “You guys helped me take the new play again?”

Big Black Cat said: “No, but Shen Qiang is in Beijing. He seems to be preparing a restaurant. I want you to go to his restaurant at least once a week.”

“Shen Qiang?” Song Weiyin’s eyes lit up: “Boss of Heshenghe?”

The big black cat said: “Yes, it is him. We speculate that there is a better medicine pill in his hand than covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, so you have to find a way to know him and finally get it.”

Song Weiyin frowned: “Why? I think covering moon, shaming flowers Dan is enough.”

The big black cat said: “covering moon, shaming flowers Dan can only make you look permanent, but it can’t make your beauty more important, so don’t question the decision of the abyss, you must understand that this Shen Qiang hands medicine pill, Will make your career more successful and will make you more popular with the world.”

Song Weiyin sighed and said with some interest: “I don’t like this kind of life, I feel that I have no freedom to do anything.”

The big black cat said: “Then you should work harder to do all this. If you become more beautiful and perform better, then you can earn more money, and you will finish the abyss faster. By convention, by that time, you will be free, and you can do whatever you want.”

Song Weiyin was silent for a moment and said, “I am understood, I will go, please rest assured.”

The big black cat looked at Song Weiyin’s apparently lost expression and suddenly said: “In fact, if you really don’t want to use several decades to complete the appointment, there is a quick way to complete the appointment.”

Song Weiyin’s eyes lit up, looking forward to saying: “Grandma please say.”

“Take Shen Qiang to the abyss, as long as he will to join, you will be free.” Dahei cat said.

Song Weiyin was stunned: “He is a security consultant of the Dragon Group, and is opposite to the abyss incompatible as fire and water. He is impossible to give up everything he has now and join the abyss regardless of everything.”

The big black cat said: “This is something you need to consider, it is difficult, but if it succeeds, you are free, so how to do it is up to you.”

Say that’s all.

The big black cat’s shiny eyes suddenly dimmed, and then he licked his tongue. Like a normal cat, he jumped into the window and then left.

Seeing all this, Song Weiyin sighed helplessly, then took the phone, opened the webpage, found a picture of Shen Qiang in the Immortal World forum, stared at it for a long time, and sighed quietly.

“Would you care nothing for the beauty?”

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