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Bikang Clinic Building, 7th floor, Dean office.

“What are you talking about? Shen Qiang is the owner of the garden on the A1 floor of Jinyu Huacheng?” Dean Su looked at Su Xiaonuan with amazement.

Su Xiaonuan sighed helplessly: “Dad, do you understand? The Shen Qiang you see in your eyes is completely different from the real Shen Qiang. Before, you feel that giving him a position is a gift. But true The situation is that he simply doesn’t care.”

Dean Su frowned and was silent for a moment. “You give me a way to leave him.”

“No way.” Su Xiaonuan shook his head: “We have missed the opportunity. When I came today, I saw the Deputy Director of Surgery of the Armed Police General Hospital, and Li Section Chief of the Personnel Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical University. Shen Qiang.”

“The treatment they can give is something that we simply cannot give.”

Looking at Dean Su, Su Xiaonuan said: “In addition, Shen Qiang’s own attitude is also very clear. He wants the resume of the 3A hospital, which is no longer a problem that money can solve.”

Dean Su frowned, looked at Su Xiaonuan, and was silent for a long time: “I heard that he drove your car to work for the past 2 days?”

Su Xiaonuan naturally nodded and said: “Yeah, it just happened that he lived upstairs and walked together.”

Dean Su smiled: “Baby girl, tell the truth to dad, do you like him?”

Su Xiaonuan froze for a moment, his face flushed, and then he cried, “Dad! What are you talking about? The other person, Shen Qiang, has a girlfriend, which is the very beautiful female Intern.”

Dean Su smiled and said: “Your girl, when you mentioned Shen Qiang, your eyes are bright like a light bulb. What thoughts can I not know?”

“Even more how, what if you have a girlfriend, are you worse than her? Height, appearance, education, family background, which is not better than that Intern?”

Looking at Su Xiaonuan seriously, Dean Su said: “So if you like him, just grab it by yourself.”

“Ah?” Su Xiaonuan was shocked: “How can you have a father like this? Actually let me go to the sword to win love?”

Dean Su pu chi was amused: “When you were a kid, when you went to kindergarten, but to see who’s toys are good, you just grabbed it. Why are you now growing up, but instead you’re crossing the line?”

“I ask you, beggar is alone on the street, do you want him? The big boy who chases you doesn’t need your crosscut, do you want it?”

“Do you think this is your world? Everyone will be around you? What do you want, what will appear in front of your eyes?”

“Don’t be stupid, girly.” Dean Su said earnestly: “This man has been fighting with people, fighting with heaven, and fighting everywhere, since he was in his mother’s womb!”

“Shen Qiang is rich, handsome enough, has good medical skills, and has a good personality. Is there anything that makes you dissatisfied?”

Inexplicably, Shen Qiang hung under the basket, Su Xiaonuan arrogantly sneered at the corner of his mouth, and the red face was unreasonable, saying: “But I always think he has a girlfriend, I…”

“It’s a fart!” Dean Su raised an eyebrow: “Look at those big stars, show affection today, gossip tomorrow, and get divorced the day after tomorrow, does that count?”

“Go grab and fight if you want, don’t stand aside and watch, in the end, watching others happy, grievance yourself.”

Su Xiaonuan said: “Dad, but love cannot be forced.”

“Don’t ask for it?” Dean Su smiled: “silly girl, your dad, I’m a man. I tell you, the man’s most fearful thing is a woman making trouble, but the man’s most fearful thing is tenderness.”

“Sexual entrapment do you know?” Dean Su said with a smile: “Shen Qiang is going to the 3A hospital, and seeing the current situation, he will definitely go, but as long as he is your boyfriend, that is not our Bikang. A specialist in royal surgery?”

Su Xiaonuan froze, saying: “Dad, what do you mean? Do I have this value in your eyes?”

Dean Su smiled: “Bikang is our Su Family. Although I am in charge of it now, but it won’t take long, this Bikang will be your head.”

“This hospital is a life-long effort of father. It has nurtured you and gave you a good life. In the future, Bikang will also raise your children and give them a better life.”

“Frankly, this sounds a bit mean, but you have to understand that if there is Shen Qiang in our Bikang, we will be very promising to become the best surgical hospital.”

“Since he insists on going, we have no way to stay, then we can save the country by curve.”

“If you like him, be her girlfriend. If you don’t like him, be an ordinary friend. I’m sure that as long as your relationship is with him, he will definitely come to Bikang when he has a difficult surgery. “

Hearing this, Su Xiaonuan sighed and said, “I know your plan, but father, I don’t want any interest in my feelings, so I’m sorry.”

“Even if I really want to be with Shen Qiang in the future, it’s only because I like him, but it’s definitely not because of Bikang.”

Say that’s all, Su Xiaonuan turned and left.


Looking at the door that she fell into, Dean Su frowns saying: “Hey, this child, why don’t you listen to this?”

Tumor Surgery.

Wait until those people are gone.

Wu Guoxi laughed heartily gave Shen Qiang a hug and said, “Congratulations, the affiliated medical university is the top 3 A hospital in the provincial capital! It is perfect to be able to work there.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Thank you Director Wu.”

Wu Guoxi laughed: “Thank you for what? I thank you for being right. If I hadn’t met you as an Intern, I would have been nothing and accomplish nothing in my life, but fortunately with you, I can brag for a long time after I retire. “

Shen Qiang laughs.

At this time, Wu Guoxi remarked: “I heard Professor Hu said just now that the Medical University will provide you with a postgraduate study. Are you going to study as an on-the-job graduate student or full-time?”

Shen Qiang said: “It’s on the job, so you will not be delayed in every way.”

Wu Guoxi frowned: “Then this will be busy, it will be very hard.”

Shen Qiang laughed, but he hadn’t waited for him to speak, and the phone rang.

Take a look at the phone, it is a strange number.

Shen Qiang answered.

“Hey, Shen Qiang, remember who I am? I am Zou Dong.”

Shen Qiang’s complexion immediately sank and said, “Oh, call me for something?”

“Isn’t this all the qualification exams for doctors, and the internship period will be over soon, so the students want to get together, and the earth will fly the song the night after tomorrow, and it will not disappear.

Shen Qiang frowns saying: “I have no time.”

“Haha, really free or fake? No, Xiaoshan will go too, it’s your ex-girlfriend, but you’re going to call her sister-in-law now, because she thinks you’re useless and has lived with me now Together.”

Shen Qiang was silent for a full 3 seconds and said, “Okay, we will see each other.”

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