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Hearing the words of the young chef, many of the female customers present had their eyes brightened, and they even laughed.

“How could he guess Chef Yukang’s secret recipe, after all, cooking is like a person, everyone is different, and how many times I have tried, at home, no matter what seasoning I use, I can’t make it at all The taste of Chef Yu Kang.”

“Laughing dead, this silly boy dare to challenge Chef Yu Kang. His secret recipe is absolutely mysterious. I have eaten in restaurants in Beijing and I can’t find the second store with the same taste.”

“Ha, I didn’t say that unique fragrance before. After hearing what we said, he even shameless said that he wanted to keep Chef Yukang secret. Haha, who did he think he was, God of Cookery?”

Amidst the mockery of many female customers, she looked at the young chef of Shen Qiang with contempt, and raised her eyebrows wryly, “Why don’t you speak because you don’t know? If you don’t know, don’t understand Pretend, because that makes people look down.”

Wenren Meiqiao couldn’t take it anymore and turned around and wanted to leave. After all, it was really too ridiculous. Originally it was just a meal. Who knows how to do this.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang smiled: “Since you so demand, I will satisfy you.”

In an instant, Wenren Meiqiao was stunned.

“He really can eat Chef Yukang’s secret recipe? Is this possible? I have eaten it for more than 100 times, but none of it.”

At the same time as she wondered, looking at Chef Yukang with pride, Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows indifferently: “Your so-called secret recipe is actually the oil you use to fry the meat.”

Everyone was stunned for a while, and then they chuckled, but just before they started taunting Shen Qiang, they were shocked to see that the smile on the face of the handsome young chef who was proud and arrogant.

“And this recipe is very simple. To put it bluntly, it is ordinary butter boiled, then cut an apple and put it in oil, then remove the oiled apple, and use the apple-flavored butter as fried meat. Oil.”

“Then the unique creaminess of butter and the sour taste of apples infiltrate plum blossoms with caloric fat, which creates this unique taste.”

There was silence in the restaurant.

All the customers and chefs looked dumbfounded at Shen Qiang.

On the side, Wen Qiao Mei Qiao also said with shocking eyes: “Shen Qiang, are you talking about true?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Of course, apples are sweet, calm, and slightly sour. As an old Chinese Medicine, how can I say this wrong, and to say unkindly, in order to avoid too much sugar in apples, There is too much plum meat, which produces a taste like too much MSG. Apples used for oil should be the ones that are sour.”

“If you put it in the past, the sour apple can only be found on the apple in the shade. The usual apples are very sweet, but now, don’t have to be so troublesome.”

“Because today’s fruit farmers choose to put apples in bags in order to sell apples at a good price. In this way, apples that used to take months of light to become red before only become red after only a few days. Not only that, but the lack of sunlight, the apples now look red and big, but they taste sour.”

“So, if you want to make pan-fried plum meat with the same taste, the real key is just to fry it with butter extracted from the natural aroma of apple.”

Hearing this, everyone in the room looked at Shen Qiang with shocking eyes, and his eyes were unbelievable!

At this moment, in the kitchen in the middle of the restaurant, a young chef made a wailing noise, and then rushed towards Shen Qiang with a spoon: “Asshole, how can you say this secret recipe here, Your special code is to deliberately hit the field, right? I killed you!”


The young chef’s collar was caught by the handsome young chef.

Then, in the eyes of everyone in surprise, the handsome young chef of the face sank like water coldly said: “Wonderful, I didn’t expect that I looked down on you, this capital is really the place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and only eat 2 I guessed my cooking secret, let’s say, which restaurant are you spying on?”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once: “I have opened a restaurant, although the reputation is average, but if only this level, in my restaurant, that is, to be able to be a cook, I’ll be a spy? Steal you A kind of cooking with a little technical content? There is absolutely no such thing.”

Hearing this, not only the young chef frowned, but also the many female customers present exploded in an instant.

“Oh! This guy is so powerful, he actually found Chef Yu Kang’s secret recipe all at once!”

“What a terrible, crazy man, chef Yu Kang, who can only be a helper in his restaurant, is that crazy!”

“Write down, write down, this secret recipe of fried meat may be used to open a store. Such delicious food will definitely make a lot of money!”

At the same time as many female customers were shocked, the handsome young chef coldly said: “What if your understood my secret recipe? Like anyone who cooks boiled meat, but whoever does it well, who is the true powerhouse, Do you think you can understood my secret recipe to do better than me, and be qualified to slap in front of me?”

Hearing this, the female fans of this restaurant, all made up of handsome guys, immediately found courage.

“Yeah, Chef Yukang’s pan-fried plum meat is the best. There is no better in the whole capital, so even if you know how to make it, what’s so great? Want to judge Chef Yukang’s cooking skills, then You must at least take out your pan-fried plum meat and prove that it is indeed stronger than him to be qualified, otherwise, hehe, the ghost will listen to you.”

“Ha, chef Yu Kang’s pan-fried plum meat, the world’s first! Absolutely someone is better than him.”

“That is, it is one thing to know, and it is another thing to do. Everyone knows that reheating Miri with water is equal to rice, but you did good is not tasty, but depends on the level, so relying on this alone, we are handsome Mr. Shuai Da Yukang is at the roadside level, saying that he can only be a chef, we don’t agree!”

“Yes, absolutely not agree, this guy must apologize!”

Amidst the drum noise of many beautiful customers, the young chef of face sank like water said very seriously: “Have you heard their words? Unless you can make better fried pan-fried plum meat than me, I want you Apologize to me.”

Already tired of the noise of those female customers, and also a little bit bored, this handsome young head chef raises her eyebrows coldly because of Shen Qiang who heard the whole thing repeatedly.

“Okay, since you strongly demanded, that brother will come to teach you to be a man!”

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