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In an instant, Anger Value was completely stunned by Wenren Meiqiao, who was staring at Shen Qiang with her eyes full of helplessness, but her heart was shocked like a giant hammer.

“I realized the suspect’s motive from the wrong inference. This Shen Qiang’s thinking is more than evil spirits!”

At the same time that she was stunned by her beautiful eyes, she was shocked to find that Shen Qiang was not complacent at all. Instead, she was boringly paralyzed on the sofa and murmured: “In this case, you don’t need to check at all. The suspect is too obvious. It doesn’t mean anything at all. It’s unchallenging and boring.”

At the moment when he heard this, Wen Ren Mei Qiao’s heart immediately burst into tears, as if he had been injured by 10000 points of critical damage, and he slumped weakly in the endless darkness.

“Is this Shen Qiang still a human being? How could it be so smart for human beings? I tried hard and spent half a month, and I found it clueless, while Shen Qiang only took a few hours, Didn’t even go to the scene and found the murderer?”

“Is there any reason? How could he be so strong!” Wen Renmei Qiao wanted to cry without tears.

But at this time, the heart fell into despair, and Wenren Meiqiao, who had doubts about her intelligence level, suddenly heard Shen Qiang say.

“So sometimes, there are some things I have to admit, it’s really reasonable for 3 stupid masters to beat Zhuge Liang. If I think about it myself, I think I’m not going to think about hotels or hotels. In that case, although I can also speculate about the suspect’s prosecution method, but it is difficult to see through his motives at a glance, so Wenren Miqiao, be confident, without your thinking, I will not find him so simple.”

Hearing this, it was like the renren Meiqiao who fell into Dark Abyss, as if there was light in front of him, and his mood was suddenly inexplicably excited.

“Yes, even if it is a wrong inference, at least I came up with it!”

Her mood was suddenly bright, and then she said: “Now tell me who the suspect is. Let’s go and grab him immediately.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang was calmly paralyzed on the sofa, watching Wenren Meiqiao calmly with an almost indifferent expression, saying: “If you refuse to use your brain and just want answers, then I can tell now Who is your suspect, but there is a condition.”

Wenren Meiqiao ran away in a hurry and scolded: “Do you still want to use this suspect to change the whereabouts of divine corpse?”

Shen Qiang shook his head calmly, indifferently said: “I don’t need to do this deal with you, my condition is that since you don’t want to use your brain, you only want to ask for help in four places, then you only have to promise me, after catching the suspect , Resign immediately, I can tell you this.”

“What are you talking about?” Wen Renmeiqiao slim eyebrows said angrily: “This is the position I got after struggling for more than ten years. Do you want me to resign?”

Shen Qiang said indifferently: “Yes, I’m asking you to resign. Even if you think this is me retaliating against you, I will not excuse you, but I remind you that you are now the regional security director of the Dragon Group. Within the jurisdiction, there are at least a few 1000000 people living, nearly 10000000 million, including floating population.”

“If you don’t have the ability to protect them, hand over the rights in your hands and do something with a more capable person, and, don’t think that this is my personal idea, believe me, if your ability If you are not qualified for this position, even if you do not resign, it will not take long before the dragon team will send you away.”

Hearing this, Wen Renmeiqiao slim eyebrows: “You also question me?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I just let you see the reality. Being a safety supervisor is not just a knife.”

Nodding his head with his hand, Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows calmly and said: “I came to Beijing to study, you can come here for me to be gilded, or you can think that I am not asking for progress, but you must understand that I do not at all interested in being your private detective and helping you wipe your ass all day.”

Hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao was stunned, as uncomfortable as a punch in the chest.

“He despised me, he despised me, bastard, bastard!”

Wenren Meiqiao’s eyes turned into tears.

It seemed that Shen Qiang couldn’t bear it, but Shen Qiang knew that as a security consultant of the Dragon Group, if he found that Wenren Meiqiao’s ability was insufficient, there were only 2 results. First, help her get through the difficulties, see Whether she has the potential to improve herself, 2, after helping her to overcome the difficulties, react to the situation of the dragon group and let them substitute.

After all, Shen Qiang lives here too!

Who can bear the guts of being an incompetent safety supervisor? Even if she is beautiful, this is also a matter of principle. There must be no compromise or concession.

It was only at this time, watching the grief and indignation, and the silent Wen Meiqiao, faintly realizing that she seemed to be a bit too harsh, Shen Qiang, after a sigh, inexplicably soft-hearted.

After all, in a strict sense, whether it is 1000 Shanxue or Wenren Meiqiao, they have never been intelligent talents. They are only the elite of the combat team. It is probably because of her high rank that she cannot be transferred to the position of safety supervisor. Keep thinking about staying on the front line of the combat team.

So suddenly changed the new environment, Wenren Meiqiao should not at all adapt to the current situation.

After all, in the combat team, there are specialized combat staff to provide all kinds of information. The combat team usually receives instructions to go to the enemy, kill the enemy, and return triumphantly.

Now, she can only rely on herself.

Colleagues are no longer as reliable as comrades who can live and die, so maybe she is simply unfit. After all, judging from the decision of the senior team of the Dragon Team, giving a position like Wenren Meiqiao means at least in the Dragon Team. In the eyes of senior officials, they think Wenren Meiqiao has this ability, otherwise she will not be given such an opportunity.

So after hesitating for a while, Shen Qiang said: “Crying won’t solve any problems. It’s better to do this. Let’s change our thinking and think according to the thinking of the dragon team combat team. You think about it seriously. The essence of this suspect It’s an enemy, he launched a well-planned attack on the combat team members of your certain camp, and he wanted very quiet to profit from it.”

“And you, now the defender’s general, you have the power that the enemy can’t compete with. He doesn’t dare to compete with you head-on. He’s hitting the weak in your camp to make them sick, so he can get What is a fighter?”

At the moment of hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao only felt that her brain was banging, and then not only True Yuan hovered around her, but she was unscrupulously flaunting the meaning of powerhouse, and her beauty eyes were suddenly violent. Terrifying with bright eyes and bright eyes.

“I am understood! This enemy infects the weak in the camp, and at the same time controls their illness in the camp. The next action must be that he acts as a doctor to approach, because at this time, the camp urgently needs him!”

Looking at Shen Qiang ecstatically, Wen Renmei Qiaomei said with shock: “That is to say, this suspect who orchestrated everything, his true identity is… The hospital specially invited to retire the filariasis expert! “

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