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While the beauty of the dragon group, Major General Wen Renmei Qiao, drove the car and drove Shen Qiang all the way to her office, the beautiful school flower Qin Yurou in the Graduate School of the Medical University was in a daze in the classroom.

“He likes me, he doesn’t like me, he likes me, he doesn’t like me.” Looking at the peduncle that had no petals in her hand, Qin Yu sighed softly, but then her eyes brightened and her wrists swayed slightly. Another flower was taken out of the storage ring. While pulling the petals, he meditation in his heart.

“He likes me, he likes me, he likes me, he must like me.”

Looking at only the bare pedicel, she was unreasonably happy, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

Seeing her being silly, the lecturer said unhappy: “Qin Yurou, are you in love?”

Suddenly came back to his senses, Qin Yu froze, and then subconsciously argued: “No, there is no love.”

The lecturer smiled: “Okay, what you said, I believe it, because you mutter to yourself while pulling the petals, it is definitely not for divination love, but for divination hepatitis B virus structure.”

Qin Yurou’s face suddenly reddened to the root of his neck, and many students in the classroom also snickered.

“Sit down, take it seriously.” The lecturer smiled.

Qin Yurou, who sat blankly, blushed like a red cloth, and Abi beside him snickered while saying playfully pouting: “Young Master, what you did is too obvious, you are a school flower, pulling petals in class, Fools can guess you are in love.”

Qin Yurou glared. If the divine ability kills, I believe Abi is at least dead.

At this time, looking at Qiao Yurou, who was blushing and silent, Zongzi gritted his teeth with hatred.

“For a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long, Shen Qiang, aren鈥檛 you awesome? When my ballast pill is refined, the medicine pill conference is when I fly to Huang Tengda, hum, Little Junior Sister is me Yes, Yaowanggu is mine too! You are crazy about you, as long as you Shen Qiang dares to attend the medicine pill conference, it will surely become my stepping stone. I will let everyone know that my son is Jin The Medicine Refining Master is even better than you.”

“By then, Little Junior Sister will definitely fall in love with me, she will put on a white hanfu, jade hand to play the piano, I play flute, the piano flute ensemble smile proudly throughout the country, the union of beads, Divine Immortal family members, At that time, Shen Qiang didn’t have to cry even though you were crying!”

Zongzi Jin, who wanted to join Feifei, excitedly dreamed up,

At this time, Shen Qiang, who drove to the Long Group office, had just got off.

A photography enthusiast on the roadside pressed the shutter of the camera, and then when Shen Qiang frowned and heard that Meiqiao was going to be angry, the photography enthusiast had already handed the photo to Shen Qiang.

Then he left with a smile.

Shen Qiang took the picture and smiled at first glance.

Because in the picture, Shen Qiang stride proudly ahead, dragon walk, tiger steps.

Lithe and graceful, who is tall and tall, smells Meiqiao, but she is happily following her about a step and a half behind her. In her eyes, there is appreciation, longing, and such a shameful shyness. The beautiful Wenmei Meiqiao, in a military uniform of indifference, was inexplicably charming.

“That man’s photo level is good.” Shen Qiang smiled and handed the photo to Wenren Meiqiao.

Wenqiao Meiqiao, who turned red instantly, had some shyness to tear off the photo. As a result, Shen Qiang seemed to see nothing, and walked in front of her indifferently. She could not help but quietly shake her wrist and took the photo Put away.

Then, looking at Shen Qiang’s slender and muscular back, he walked in, and Wenren Meiqiao was inexplicably nervous.

She didn’t even know why. She even suddenly looked forward to it. There were many people in the elevator. Shen Qiang would be overweight if she went up, and then she could just wait for the next trip.

It’s a pity that even though she followed her heart and deliberately slowed down her steps, she couldn’t help thinking what was going on.

So when she saw that she stood in the elevator and looked at her Shen Qiang with a smile while holding the elevator while waiting for her, her mood suddenly became a little complicated.

It鈥檚 not annoying, it鈥檚 not joy, it鈥檚 not expectation, but it鈥檚 lightly pressed into my heart, and I can鈥檛 describe it in words.

Got on the elevator.

2 people stand close together.

Wen Renmeiqiao inexplicably felt that she was sick, but inexplicably felt that the heartbeat was a little faster.

“I need to vomit to adjust. It seems that I have been too tired recently.”

At this time, Shen Qiang, who stood beside her, was surprised to smell the blooming jasmine scent from her.

It’s so full-bodied.

33th floor.

When she came out of the elevator, Shen Qiang, Wenren Meiqiao and her female assistant had just arrived in the office lobby. The three people heard the woman that Shen Qiang had taught in the lobby.

“Hah, you said, what the hell are our supervisors, she doesn’t care about the combat team’s affairs, she doesn’t pay attention to the office’s affairs, he is planted into filariasis, hehe, and check, if someone really makes trouble, Can’t find out half a month?”

“That鈥檚 right, it鈥檚 a coincidence, but it鈥檚 okay, she checked her, we did ours, she did it, I guess, it鈥檚 going to be transferred away in a short time, this place, Jingcheng! Even if she came to gilt Yes, do some serious things, just study parasites all day, she didn鈥檛 go to the doctor, it鈥檚 really a Qu.

“Hah, she can find a fart, completely mental illness.”

The three people who stepped in clearly heard clearly.

Wen Renmei Qiao’s face turned red and angry, but she didn’t at all behaved like before, yelling at what I cut you, but chose to silence, not only that, but also waved to stop, want to step forward The female assistant who went to theory.

Such a situation made Shen Qiang’s eyes bright, but then, Shen Qiang smiled, and while walking to Wenren Meiqiao’s office, Shen Qiang said aloud: “Sitting often thinking about oneself, chatting about others, and being alone. Mao, don鈥檛 say anything about being a monkey.”

Looking at the dumbfounded Dragon team staff, Shen Qiang made a shooting gesture with his hand, lightly nodded them, and then walked while saying with a smile: “Why should I try hard to climb up? Because I know that people in the upper classes support people, people in the middle class and the others, while people in the lower classes step on people.”

“You always think that Wenren Meiqiao can’t do it, and it’s discussing spiritedly behind it, just because you think that the person she hasn’t won with 1000 Mountain Snow for more than ten years is a waste, but you have forgotten that she is at least a strong 2nd place, and you, dare not even fight, just dare to sit and gossip.”

“But you will shut up soon, because I will help her prove that she is right!”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang didn’t look at the dragon team staff, and went directly to the door of the office.

At this time, Wenren Meiqiao was flustered, and her mood was even more complicated.

“He is helping me? Is this recognition of me, or is he going to set me up again? Maybe, he did it for divine corpse?”

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