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The dean and director Liu in the graduate school watched the surveillance video and were shocked by the power of Shen Qiang’s medical skills, and most urgently rushed to the Provincial Medical University, trying to get Shen Qiang’s school status at the same time as the Beijing Medical University.

In the corner of the library.

Although the book is on the table in front of the beautiful Qin Yurou, Beijing Medical University, Qinghua Rou, her beautiful eyes are staring at Shen Qiang sitting opposite, and the pretty girl beside her. Abi, just pretending to be a book.

Shen Qiang is the same, there are big beauties like Qin Yurou on the side, what other books are you reading!

“It’s amazing, I didn’t expect that Shen Qiang you are very good at massage acupuncture.” Qin Yurou sound transmission in beautiful eyes.

Shen Qiang laughs.

There are a lot of people in the library, but 3 people are all cultivator, so although 3 people are chatting, others can’t hear.

But this does not prevent them from showing envious and jealous eyes.

“School flower, Fairy Qin Yurou, who is so arrogant and fair, stares at that guy so charmingly, who is he, hanging like this? Hehe, even Qin Yurou dares to soak, waiting to be beaten, hit the daybreak.”

“Fuck, there is no fear of death. Beijing Medical University is so awesome that it doesn’t dare to meet Qin Yu’s soft eyebrows. Where did this stupid boy come out?”

“Hehe, there is a lot of excitement, the school flowers are Qin Yurou, but Xu Dashao has already set it early, I really don’t know life and death, and she dare to fight her ideas!”

The college students in the library aimed at Shen Qiang with a look of excitement, and they laughed at Shen Qiang for a long time.

But at this time, they could not imagine that 10000 10000, Shen Qiang not only stared at Qin Yurou, but also sound transmitted with a smile: “It’s a little understand, if you are interested, I can help you someday.”

Hearing this, the inexplicable and shy Qin Yu was blushing softly, and then sound transmission said beautifully and charmingly: “This sounds a little frivolous.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “My heart is sincere.”

Qin Yu smiled softly and said, “Okay, if I get sick, I will ask you to help.”

At this time, Shen Qiang’s phone suddenly rang, and in the buzzing vibration, Shen Qiang looked at it and called it from Sleeping Fire Lotus Yao Ke Bizhu. As soon as the phone was connected, Shen Qiang heard the sleeping Fire Lotus Yao Ke Bizhu tenderly said : “Do you want to eat together at noon?”

After hearing this, Shen Qiang slightly frowned, and then said with a smile: “No, you take Ye Guyun to eat, I still have something.”

“Well, you pay attention to your body, I hang up.”

Hanging up the phone, looking at the beautiful face, Qin Yurou full of eyes, Shen Qiang glanced at the watch slightly and said: “Sorry, it’s noon, but I still have important things to do, so noon , I can’t invite 2 people to eat together.”

This remark embarrassed Qin Yurou, who was full of eyes and eyes, and then she said with a slight smile: “It’s okay, change the day, I invite you.”

Shen Qiang laughed, Abi, who was on the same side, also got up and left.

Looking at Shen Qiang’s slender and muscular back, Qin Yurou not only had a mysterious splendor in her beautiful eyes, her lips were pink, and she smiled a little shyly.

“Young Master, is this Shen Qiang handsome?”

Hearing Abi’s voice in his ear, Qin Yurou didn’t respond at all, almost subconsciously nodded and said: “Handsome.”

“Then do you like him?” When hearing Abi’s voice with a snicker, Qin Yurou’s pretty face flushed to the root of her neck, and then she gave Abi a puffy eye, said while staring : “Dead girl, talking indiscriminately, punishing you for not eating for a week.”

Abi laughed, only then suddenly thought of First Senior Brother Zong Zijin.

At this time, Shen Qiang left the school and hurriedly walked. He bought two steamed buns outside the school. While eating, Shen Qiang stopped a taxi and rushed to the regional office of the Dragon Group Beijing Branch.

Looking at the traffic outside the window, Shen Qiang sitting in the car is actually speaking from the perspective of his heart. At this time, he is more willing to bring Qin’s soft and upright girl Abi to sit in a clean restaurant not far from Academy , Chat while eating.

It is a pity that the current situation does not allow it.

Because Shen Qiang is very clear, the female classmates infected with filarial worms are not ordinary sicknesses, but have gotten guated.

Gu teacher, insect technique, sounds very magical, very cattle.

But in fact, to put it bluntly, it is to give people parasites.

Common spot, filarial, polyester worm, sparganosis, higher order spot, iron wire, golden silkworm, 5 poisons, various.

The girl had been infected with filariasis for less than a month. According to common sense, this time is the incubation period, but the female student had already developed lymphangitis and diffuse redness, and the progress of this course of disease was too fast. .

Moreover, according to the information returned from the technique of onlookers, the filarial infection on that girl was also more fierce than the common filarial infection, which was obviously a Gu made by humans.

From this perspective, there are only two possibilities for Gu Gu’s situation.

first possible, it is this Gu teacher’s level is relatively junior, he either accidentally got the cheats of the insect technique and tried it in a small way.

Or, it was a deeply hidden master Gu who deliberately used this filariasis to secretly spread filariasis without revealing the mountains and leaking water.

And this filariasis, in essence, is just a parasitic disease. If Shen Qiang mentioned this matter directly to the people of the Dragon group through the network, then obviously no one will check it. After all, everything is Shen Qiang The words on the side are just speculation. The dragon group is impossible, because there is a filariasis infected person, it is very active.

Even more how, Wenren Meiqiao is the director of this area.

She and Shen Qiang can now be said to be incompatible as fire and water. If this matter is sent via the Internet, Shen Qiang is worried that Wenren Meiqiao will not take it seriously.

So this must be made clear in person.

And this person under Gu must also be found as soon as possible, because now there is only one Zhong Gu found by Shen Qiang, then as long as the source is found and solved, once this person starts to move around on a large scale, when the time comes to suffer It must be an ordinary 100 surname.

Not only that, but what is more terrifying is that it is now spring.

If the weather is suitable for the mosquito survival season, I am afraid that the filariasis will be spread by those mosquitoes. After all, this is a capital city of 30,000,000. Once the filariasis outbreak, it will definitely be a disaster.

Soon the car arrived at the place marked by the map of each office of the Long Group. Shen Qiang, who paid the fare, got out of the car and raised his head in amazement. He looked at the building in front of him and murmured: “33rd floor?”

Shen Qiang entered the building while waiting for the elevator.

On the 33rd floor, in the office, through the not at all tight door, the beautiful face frosted Meiqiao, just heard that in the office hall outside the office, there was a female clerk of the dragon group, who lowered her voice. with a smile.

“Laughing dead, our new boss did not leave the office in the morning. I guess, 80% are still silly about what filariasis, you said, is she stupid?”

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