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So at this moment, when Shen Qiang saw the students around him be eager to have a try, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but wonder, what is the true strength of these students, especially the school flower Qin Yurou around her, she is not only a cultivator, but also She is a top student in the graduate school and a schoolgirl, but I don’t know if she is only good at theory.

But at this time, with the smiling lecturer, provoking constantly, the eyes of the students were also excited.

After all, for those of them who can be admitted to the Graduate School of Beijing Medical University, no one is an elite who refuses to accept defeat. How can there be a retreat.

So the male student who had faced the lecturer before, got up and walked to the podium. After some enquiries and observations, he said very seriously: “I’m pretty sure that the female student’s fever was caused by some kind of infection , Considering that there are many colds in the spring and then looking at her symptoms, I think it should be flu.”

Hearing this, the lecturer smiled, erased the words on the blackboard, and recorded his name before writing the flu on the blackboard.

Then the lecturer said with a slight smile: “The students who agree with the flu raise their hands!”

Hula, at least dozens of people in the classroom raised their hands and agreed that it was flu.

Because from the perspective of fever and swollen lymph nodes, this is a very common fever caused by viral influenza.

And the season is right.

Reference to a crowded environment is obviously correct.

The lecturer recorded their name one after another.

Then a said with a smile: “Oh, just half of the people think that it is flu, which is an overwhelming view. If the final diagnosis is indeed flu, then there is no doubt that they will be elites.”

Shen Qiang laughed and thought about it carefully. Without the technique of Micro Observation, Shen Qiang might also consider the possibility of influenza immediately because the girl himself is a medical doctor. If there is really a big problem, she should feel Arrived, but she just bought some pills, which meant that the situation was not serious.

If you follow this line of thinking, it is true that the probability of influenza will be relatively large.

“Mycoplasma!” While Shen Qiang was thinking, the man sitting on the other side of Qin Yurou’s seat raised his hand and said, “Hot and cold, as can be seen from the clothes she is wearing.”

The lecturer smiled and raised his hand on the blackboard with satisfaction, writing Mycoplasma.

“People who agree with Mycoplasma, raise their hands!”

Shua! ,

There were 20 people who agreed.

This situation made Shen Qiang laugh, because to put it bluntly, these two answers are common cases of fever. From which aspect, such a judgment cannot be considered wrong, after all, in the hospital Here, the next test will be done, the result is wrong, you can also detect other.

But obviously, this is far from the expert that Shen Qiang expects.

At this time, the lecturer on the stage saw Qin Yurou, Zong Zijin, Shen Qiang, and the audience student Abi, and other students who he thought were very good, all of them were silent, which made the smile in his eyes even more Rich hair.

“Classmate Zong Zijin, let’s talk about your views.” The lecturer looked at Zong Zijin. After all, he stirred up the lecturer’s routine and brought a good inspirational plan into the ditch, which became a torture of human nature. In this case, Zong Zijin wouldn’t be able to hide and watch a joke like everyone else.

The lecturer can’t stand it himself, and although this scholar Jin said that the thesis is very influential, after all, after two years of suspension from school, it is not really powerful, and the lecturer is not clear.

So naming him directly, let him say, on the one hand, it is a small warning for Zongzi Jin, on the other hand, I also want to see if this is really powerful.

Zongzi Jin smiled and said indifferently: “Did this student feel a slight swelling and pain at the same time as he had a fever?”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang’s eyes light up instantly.

“Okay, okay! Powerful, powerful! Found a filariasis infection?”

While Shen Qiang looked back at Zongzi Jin expectantly, the female student seriously thought for a moment and said: “Yes.”

At this time, Zongzi Jin, who is opposite to Shen Qiang 4, raised her eyebrows with extreme arrogance and said with a smile: “The diagnosis can be confirmed, it is acute lymphadenitis!”

In an instant, not only the many students in the entire classroom froze.

The lecturer on the podium also had a sharp eyesight, and then said: “Classmates who agree with acute lymphadenitis raise their hands.”,

Um, those who had not raised their hands before, all raised their hands. Only Shen Qiang, Qin Yurou, and Abi Shengbi, 3 people did not raise their hands.

The lecturer smiled, recorded the name of the person who raised the hand, and then exclaimed: “It is Zongzi Jin, this is my best answer so far. If you start with acute lymphadenitis, her cause can be checked in the shortest time. Come out, very difficult to deal with! Nice job!”

Hearing the lecturer’s appreciation, Zongzi Jin smiled proudly at Shen Qiang’s back.

At this time, the lecturer on the podium changed his words and said with a smile: “But in most cases, acute lymphadenitis is secondary to other sources of purulent infection. This seemingly perfect answer is actually only a record of 10000. Golden oil, it’s not as good as the flu, the mycoplasma is sure.”

“So from this answer, I can see that people who agree with this view are those who are mature and stable and do not want to take any risks. In any case, what I think immediately does not mean to quickly determine the cause. , But looking for reasons that can justify their responsibilities.”

“Because the causes of acute lymphadenitis are countless changes, to be treated, you need to do the most comprehensive examination, so I agree with the answer of acute lymph nodes, and anyone who wants to take advantage of it, all fail!”

Zongzi froze, and those who agreed with him looked a little ugly.

Those who had previously identified flu and mycoplasma looked at him snickeringly.

“Yes, let you pit others, how quickly this retribution comes!”

“Hehe, answer with 10000 gold oil. The flu can be acute lymphadenitis, mycoplasma can also be acute lymphadenitis, and the tumor can also be acute lymphadenitis. If you fail, you really deserve it.”

Zongzi Jin looked very cold, but he was still breathless, but another student refused to accept it and got up and said, “Teacher, you are too arbitrary.”

“I am a lecturer and your mentor. I said that if you fail, you are unqualified.” The smiling lecturer looked at Zongzi Jindao with a warning sign: “So in front of me, be less clever.”

Zong Zijin pretended not to understand, and his face was cute and cute.

Shen Qiang smiled, because the answer is 10000 gold oil, which means that it is also the most suitable. However, the lecturer gave a disqualification and made it clear that Zongzi was given a dismissal, which was a punishment for him.

At the same time as Shen Qiang snickered, he gave Zongzi Jin a white-eyed lecturer, and then placed his eyes on the school flower Qin Yurou. He said faintly: “Qin Yurou, through statistics, classmates in the class, Only you and Shen Qiang don’t agree with any of their views, so now let’s talk about your views.”

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