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Zong Zijin said this in a decent manner, and there was no half sentence in the sentence that accused Shen Qiang, but not only the instructor’s face changed in an instant, but the school flower Qin Yurou sitting next to Shen Qiang was not only pretty, but also beautiful. Yue, even the graceful Liu Mei frowned tightly.

Because as long as you are not a fool, you can hear that Zongzi Jin is obviously mocking Shen Qiang for stealing the results of others.

This reminded the entire classroom immediately of buzz.

“Yeah, if Zongzi Jin didn’t mention it, I almost forgot about it. At that time, when a reporter asked about it, Ju Yang was also mentioned, but Ju Yang Teacher, who was in charge of this project, pushed the honor to Shen Qiang.”

“When I mention this, I am hehe. This matter, the Thermophilic Streptococcus Oral Liquid, is obviously a team in charge. In the end, it became Shen Qiang. If I had such a team, wouldn鈥檛 I be the same? “

“That’s right, the team honors alone, it’s much more to have no shame to do this kind of thing.”

Listening to the reverberations echoing in the classroom, Shen Qiang smiled.

In fact, in the whole classroom, there are only four cultivators, Qin Yurou, Abi students, Zong Zijin and Shen Qiang.

Regarding Shen Qiang’s ability in medicine pill, let alone the Thermophilic Streptococcus Oral Liquid, even if Shen Qiang develops a more potent drug, the other three people will not be surprised.

Therefore, Zong Zijin said this, when he made it clear that he wanted to disgust Shen Qiang, let Shen Qiang be embarrassed in front of his classmates, and destroy Shen Qiang’s image.

What’s more, what he said is straightforward, he doesn’t blame Shen Qiang at all, but just praises Ju Yang. In this case, if Shen Qiang gets angry with him, then Shen Qiang will not only become a poor spokesperson, but also let the students all Thought that Shen Qiang had a ghost in his heart, so he would fly into a rage out of humiliation.


Shen Qiang smiled and raised her eyebrows. She couldn鈥檛 help but praise it. It really deserved to be the Graduate School of Beijing Medical University.

First, the lecturer plays routines, talks about lions and cats, and then pulls himself and Qin Yurou out as targets, inspiring other students to surpass.

From a technical point of view, although this routine makes Shen Qiang a little unhappy, it cannot be denied that if everything goes well, this will definitely have an effect, because in this way, the students have struggled aims.

However, Zongzi Jin is even more powerful.

In a word, the focus shifted.

Originally, the students were all excited, wanting to surpass Shen Qiang, but they had no bottom in their hearts, and they dared not talk big.

But Zong Zijin was so mixed, everything the lecturer did was turned into help Zongzi Jin to pull hatred to Shen Qiang.

Because after listening to Zongzi Jin’s words, Shen Qiang’s image of other students in mind’s high-mountain demeanor collapsed instantaneously and became a mean villain who only swallowed the research results of the team.

In this case, the more the explanation, the more the students will think that this is the case, and the non-explanation is the default Zongzi Jin said.

Moreover, without thinking about it, Shen Qiang already knew that Zong Zijin was afraid that he had repeatedly practiced in his heart, how to mock himself, and even if Shen Qiang won, it was estimated that in the end, there was no words to accuse Shen Qiang. Zongzi Jin will also act innocent with a just face.

“Er, Zong Zijin, you don’t seem to understand the point of my speech.” The lecturer frowned embarrassingly. This was because he was quite proud of inspiring the student routine, but was used by Zong Zijin to attack Shen Qiang, which embarrassed him. 10000 points, also a little angry, but obviously, now he said such words, there is no strength at all.

“I don’t think I made a mistake.” Zongzi Jin raised his eyebrows proudly: “Because what I said is fact.”

Hearing this, the lecturer froze.

The voice of many students present became louder.

“The lecturer of the Department of Biopharmaceutics presided over, at first was still studying in the university. Those experts and professors are estimated to have no help. Otherwise, how can a trifling undergraduate student use genetic technology to control the flora.”

“That’s right, so this Shen Qiang is probably not as powerful as the legend.”

“It’s just a spokesperson, maybe his company is someone else’s, he just put a name on it.”

Discuss spiritedly in the classroom, everyone looked at Shen Qiang teasingly, looking forward to Shen Qiang’s gaffe rage, or leaving in shame. Some people who thought that their mouths were slippery had already rubbed their hands and prepared to use sharp words. Good mocking of this lecturer’s eyes, the extremely strong lion.

To their surprise, Shen Qiang was only slightly smiled, not to mention angry, not even picking his eyelids.

This made Zong Zijin, who wanted to see Shen Qiang鈥檚 joke, disappointed, because Shen Qiang said nothing, and then he had nowhere to start, so seeing this situation, he smilely smiled and said, “I think Shen Qiang, you I also respect Ju Yang Teacher very much.”

Hearing this, watching Shen Qiang sit there quietly, the other students immediately went away.

“He respects a fart. If he really respects, can he grab the results of other people’s research?”

“Hehe, after the Thermophilic Streptococcus oral solution, why didn’t Shen Qiang have a new drug? It’s not that others have seen through his character and don’t cooperate with him, so he just ran out of Jiang Lang.”

“Well, there is still no ability, otherwise such a big pharmaceutical factory, relying on a drug to support it?”

Hearing that many students said more and more, it was not the scene they wanted to see. The lecturer was anxious and said angrily: “Enough! What nonsense are you talking about? Before questioning Shen Qiang, you don鈥檛 want to think about whether you own this qualification! “

“Is the medal issued by the Ministry of Health fake? The experts at home and abroad have unanimously agreed that how to get to you, there are so many unprovoked guesses! With the ability, you can make a better medicine than the thermophilic Streptococcus oral solution! “

Hearing the lecturer’s words, many of the students present still pouted, but kept silent.

At this moment, a girl in a sweater and a thick down jacket happened to want to find a seat while the crowd was quiet. She was found immediately, and then she said embarrassingly: “Sorry, Teacher, I I went to the infirmary with a fever, so I was late.”

Lecturer slightly frowned, watching her face obviously have a red face caused by fever. At first sight, it was clearly early spring, but she wore more than winter. She could not help frowns saying: “Is a comprehensive inspection done?”

The girl was stunned for a while, and then said: “I just have a fever, I think it’s probably a cold.”

Hearing this, many of the students present laughed. After all, this is the Graduate School of the Medical University, and all the clinical graduate students are present. They all know that there are many reasons for the fever.

This made the lecturer who didn’t know what to do next suddenly blink, and said: “Very well, since this student is unwell, let’s come to the consultation. Let’s take a look at it without a detailed test report. , Who can confirm her condition.”

The moment I heard this, Shen Qiang, who opened the technique of Micro Observation and looked at the girl, immediately brows tightly frowns.

“Acute filariasis! This girl is gutted.”

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