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Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, Wenren Meiqiao stunned, and then she exasperated: “What are you saying? How dare you say it again!”

“I said, either you just make a price. Let’s sit down and talk about the immortal female corpse for 1000 years, otherwise, don’t bother me, understand? If you don’t talk about this matter, even you I took off my shirt and chased me for 2 kilometers. If I look back, I will be considered a rogue!”

Looking at the angry Wenmei Meiqiao, Shen Qiang’s heart is also blazing, because this Wenmei Meiqiao is really a bit too much, at first, the bite of the girl was pretended to be suicide and was related to Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang After the suspicions have been eluted, the matter should be logically concluded.

After all, Shen Qiang specifically asked Zuo Lianghao and Bian Yi, and even secretly asked the eagle demon. Finally, it was determined that the two of them recently had never been to Beijing.

This means that the case where the girl was murdered is fundamentally related to the two of them.

Moreover, Shen Qiang clearly pointed out a clear way for her.

Why did the other party kill the girl and then pretend to be suicidal?

Make it clear that you want to get rid of your suspicions.

This means that the death of the girl was done by close acquaintances around her.

What about renren Meiqiao?

Check Bianyi.

It’s quite bullish. It’s Shen Bian, but the problem is that Bian Yi is not a wanted criminal!

At first, he had a plastic surgery and changed his identity, it was only because, Shen Qiang released a sound in the cultivation field, Shen Qiang wanted to kill him, he could not die,

But this moment, one moment.

At that time, Shen Qiang urgently needed Liwei.

And do I need to do this trick now?

And, even if she finds out, what can she do?

Determined, at most, Bian Yi extorted another cultivator.

Who cares about this kind of thing in the cultivation field that advocates weak are prey to the strong?

Oh, then she straightened up and thought that she had caught Shen Qiang’s braid. Instead of breaking her case where she could find the murderer with her toes, she ran here happily and asked Shen Qiang to explain the problem?

What problem?

Still frankly?

This simply marks Shen Qiang as a criminal.

The meaning inside and outside the words is that you must be guilty, and you must confess quickly.

Isn’t this the whole thing?

I don’t want to leave Shen Qiang a bit!

Under this circumstance, Shen Qiang is used to her again, then she will go to heaven properly, and investigating Bian Yi can’t do Shen Qiang, so he goes to investigate Zuo Lianghao, Zuo Lianghao can’t, Cha Baijiao, Bai Jiao can’t check. Xu Nan, no matter what, he was dragged out by a little demon and tried to find it.

For such a big Heshenghe, the daily expenses are calculated at 1000000, when the time comes to do nothing? Accept her investigation every day?

Shen Qiang, who became more and more angry, repeated these words without hesitation.

Wenren Meiqiao was about to explode, and she moved towards Shen Qiang.

The two female subordinates beside her quickly pulled her to persuade.

“Major General 3 Thinking!”

“Major General Calm!”

Shen Qiang coldly said in a huff: “What are you doing to stop her? Let her come and let me see what she can do!”

Hearing this, Meiqiao was even more angry.

One of the 2 female subordinates beside her hurriedly explained: “Shen Qiang, things are not what you imagined. We went back yesterday and found the real murderer of the girl’s case, her uncle, so the major general did not want to owe Your favor, so I took this information because the lifespan of the cultivator is not the same as the environment. As long as it is filed, Bian Yi can be officially renamed Shen Bian and receive his true identity.”

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow coldly: “Do you think I will believe it?”

Wen Renmei Qiao said angrily: “Do you think I need you to believe? You listen to me, Shen Qiang, unless you are in accordance with the rules, otherwise, you will wait for me to send you to hell.”

Say that’s all.

Wenren Meiqiao turned and left with anger.

A female subordinate glanced coldly at Shen Qiang and followed her away, while another female subordinate, who was heard by Mei Qiao, handed the stack of files to Shen Qiang again and said seriously: “This is Bian Yi’s new identity, Shen Bian, all identities are legal.”

“Because the cultivator often faces powerhouse chasing and killing, as long as it is necessary to change the identity and pass the review, the dragon group will send him a new identity. Obviously, you only declared in the dragon group before, but not at all provides additional information.”

“So Major General Wen Wen helped you get these done. As for making you plead guilty, it’s probably just a joke.”

Shen Qiang smiled and raised his eyebrows coldly: “Thank you.” Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang took those files and turned and left.

What kind of joke?

Plead guilty, explain, can this be used to crack a joke?

Don’t say anything about Shen Qiang.

This matter is replaced by who it is at worst.

And to put it bluntly, the ghost knows whether Wenren Meiqiao saw Shen Qiang’s fire before performing the play.

Shen Qiang doesn’t believe that if you really admit that you are guilty, then can Wen Qiao let me go?

Can you pretend not to know?


Really admit it, what is waiting for Shen Qiang is the penalty!

Unless it is mentally retarded, who would use this kind of thing to crack a joke.

Is Shen Qiang stupid?

Holding Bian Yi’s new identity, Shen Qiang called Bian Yi while walking towards the restaurant.

After briefly talking about the legal procedures for his identity, Shen Qiang told him to ask the people in Xiaoyao Valley and Youmingge to ask Shen Qiang if anyone knew where there were 1000 immortal female corpses.

After Tong Bianyi said this.

Shen Qiang called Bai Jiao and Xu Nan again. They also asked them to use their family relationships to help them inquire about the 1000-year-old immortal female corpse.

Subsequently, Shen Qiang called the beautiful demon Fox Chuqing again.

Let her directly ask the monster of He Shenghe if anyone knows about the immortal female corpse in 1000 years.

Because of this situation, no matter what Wenren Meiqiao thought, Shen Qiang didn’t want to ask her at all.

After all, there is no airtight wall in this world. If one person knows it, there will definitely be a second person who knows it. The so-called secret is just that no one who knows the situation is found.

This is so good, so what can Shen Qiang do without asking her?

As long as Athena’s divine corpse is still on this Earth, as Shen Qiang’s cultivation base increases, He Shenghe grows stronger. As long as he seeks with care, Shen Qiang doesn’t believe that he will not find it.

And the old saying is good, you look up at people with a 45-degree angle, so don’t blame people for looking down at you with a 135-degree angle!

Fight if you are provocative and do it if you don’t!

Anyway, in this situation now, Shen Qiang is useless even if he asks to be heard.

Thinking in my heart, Shen Qiang, who was obviously a little preoccupied, went to the cafeteria, cooked meals, and found a clean table and just sat down.

Qin Yurou’s voice came from his ear: “Hey, Shen Qiang, can I sit here?”

Shen Qiang, who came back to his senses, turned her head and looked at the somewhat nervous Qin Yurou said with a smile: “Of course.”

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