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Saying that’s all, Wenren Meiqiao, who had a tall, beautiful face, and 2 female subordinates, turned around and left the underground garage. She was very dissatisfied with Ke Bizhu, who was very dissatisfied with her apparent attitude towards Shen Qiang.

“Shen Qiang, this woman is too much, I should teach her.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang shook her head, then smiled and said: “When the major general advanced to the game, she had a chance to play a beautiful turn-off battle and take off the hat of the 10000-year-old 2, but I helped 1000 Shan Xue hold it again. It鈥檚 normal for her to see me upset because of her.”

“And she is now the major general of the Dragon Team. The place where we live and where I go to school are her jurisdictions. Without absolute necessity, we don鈥檛 have to worry too much about her, and I鈥檓 thinking now, if she doesn鈥檛 Lying, that means a great body is waiting for Qing Xuan.”

Hearing this, holding a large bag of snacks, Ye Guyun, who was nibbling on pine nuts, suddenly said, “Boss, why is this so complicated? That Qing Xuan wants the body, we just grab one and kill it. Well, whoever is good, who looks good, and who has a high cultivation base, grabs the body and solves it in minutes. Is it necessary for you to talk to her?”

Shen Qiang hearing this frowns saying, “You Guyun, you must understand that all things have spirits in the world, existence is reasonable. If Qing Xuan wants your body, what should you do?”

“Kill Qing Xuan!” Ye Guyun didn’t even think about it.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Don’t impose it on others you don’t want to do.”

Ye Guyun’s eyes looked at Shen Qiang without blinking, and he said straightforwardly: “If someone can’t fight us, then the body is deserved to be robbed by Qing Xuan.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang shook his head helplessly and said, “There is always someone stronger. Sooner or later, you will meet someone you can’t beat. Is it that he wants to take your body, do you agree?”

“If you don’t agree, what else can you do?” Ye Guyun looked seriously.

Shen Qiang was stunned, because for the head of the ancient Four Great Vicious Beasts, weak are prey to the strong, which is the truth, telling her what you don’t want done to you don’t do to others is that useful?

So after hesitating for a while, Shen Qiang said: “I say no, it’s no. You just have to do what I said.”

Ye Guyun said aloud, “Okay.”

Looking at her little unhappy expression, and a trace of confusion flashing under her eyes, she suddenly couldn’t bear Shen Qiang sound transmission, take a deep breath, and then quietly sound transmission to her: “If critical moment, people can also Eat, don鈥檛 tell others this is what I told you.”

Ye Guyun’s eyes suddenly turned on, and then Crafty smiled, and the sound transmission said: “Master also told me, so I believe you.”

Shen Qiang smiled, then boarded the car and said, “Have you finished shopping? If it is over, we will go home.”

“Enough for me to eat tomorrow morning.” Ye Guyun held her oversized snack.

Ke Bizhu handed an indigo blue tie and Shen Qiang’s bank card to Shen Qiang, faintly smiled and said: “I hope you like it.”

Shen Qiang laughed and drove back to his place.

Later, he took the 2 girls to the vegetable market and bought some fresh vegetables and food.

The chef personally made the dinner, and at the same time called the supervisors of Ji Wei and Hesheng’s joint office in Beijing.

For dinner, I used it very much.

The director of Heshenghe Beijing Office is an ordinary person named Ma Guocheng, 47. He is a very stable middle age person. His ability to handle things is still good. He does not understand things like cultivator, but he still respects Shen Qiang very much. Yes, there is not much to say, there is no nonsense to say.

Shen Qiang is fairly satisfied.

After the meal, he stayed for a moment, he left, and Shen Qiang did not stay at all. Ji Wei sent him back as usual, and stayed at the office.

After they left, Ye Guyun continued to lie on the sofa and watch the shouting rubber and rubber guy in the anime.

Ke Bizhu, like an ordinary housewife, humming songs and washing clothes.

Shen Qiang sat on the terrace on the roof of the building. In the cold wind of the early spring night, he landed on the database of the Dragon Group to search for the immortal female corpse.

However, the searched information disappointed Shen Qiang.

Loulan female corpse, non-corrupt female corpse, there are dozens of messages returned, but the overwhelming majority are all exaggerated words, the so-called immortality is nothing but a dry corpse.

Wenren Meiqiao is lying to me?

Shen Qiang thought in surprise, then sighed inexplicably.

Looking at the brightly lit community, softly said: “Qing Xuan!”

In an instant, Qing Xuan appeared on Shen Qiang’s side again.

“Qing Xuan please the master!”

Looking at the figure is quite upright, Qing Xuan beautiful face, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Sit down and chat, what do you think of this World?”

Hearing this, Qing Xuan looked at the brightly lit community with enchanting eyes and said enviously: “Master, this is the real Human World Immortal Realm,”

Shen Qiang was stunned.

Qing Xuan said with serious eyes and serious longing: “Everyone here lights up the lights. This is impossible in Immortal World. There are cars and planes here. If you are sick, you can see a doctor, and there are a lot of beautiful clothes. A lot of food, no hunger, no plague, no endless battles and killings at any time.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang frowned, and hesitated a little: “If I want you to stay here with Immortal Realm, don’t you go back?”

Qing Xuan was stunned, and then she anxiously anxiously said: “Master, you must not have this idea of 鈥嬧€?0000 10000, Immortal World Zhong Prefecture, 40000 10000 compatriots are struggling daily on the verge of death, you are their only hope, 100 Only at the cost of military life…”

“Don’t say it, I know.” Shen Qiang closed her eyes for a moment, said solemnly: “If I can one day really be able to cultivate base Great Ascension, Fei Xianfeixian, I will save them, but now, still solve it, Our current problems.”

Looking seriously at Qing Xuan, Shen Qiang said: “That Wenren Meiqiao, told me today that she knows the whereabouts of a female corpse that has been immortal for several thousand years. Do you think this is possible?”

“Thousands of years of immortal, lifelike cadavers are rare, but they are not uncommon, and the dead bodies are not usable.” Qing Xuan frowns saying.

Shen Qiang hearing this brows tightly frowns, said: “It is true that if the cells of the body have died and all organs have failed, such a corpse is simply impossible, but according to my observation, the cultivation base of Wenren Meiqiao is almost only one step away. Into the Dao fruit, and she has a certain understanding of reincarnated in someone else’s body, if it is not available, she should take it out and speak.”

Qing Xuan hearing this nodded, said: “But what she said is ambiguous, but we can’t be sure whether it is true, so I think the master should not pay attention to this matter.”

Shen Qiang frowned, just nodded.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang’s eyebrows were shocked, and the suffocating Taiyin Youying suddenly appeared next to Shen Qiang, and the tone said angrily: “Wen Renmeiqiao said it was true. The immortal woman is lying in a crystal coffin. Her soul is annihilated, but her body is still alive. You must find her, because the crown on her head is mine!”

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