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Most of the messages at the bottom of the mission introduction page make Shen Qiang feel a little curious because it is really strange. For example, Shen Qiang makes an identity, the nightmare of the dragon group, and the reward amount on the bounty hunter platform has reached 200000000 30,000,000, still the attitude of a super rookie. ,

But because Shen Qiang hasn’t acted in such an identity for a long time, the bounty hasn’t changed much.

Shen Qiang himself is the king of 10000 demon, he is the hegemon of Hesheng, and he is also the security consultant of Dragon Group. According to common sense, there are definitely not many people who want to kill Shen Qiang.

Including Yan Shou Tang, who was expelled by Shen Qiang, Longyan Sword Sect, even Qingyun Sword Pavilion, and other Alchemists, there should be a lot of people who dream of Shen Qiang dying, but strangely, only 20,000,000 cash reward , A jade finger sword, a Kunlun Sword Art.

The jade finger sword is a good thing.

Kunlun Sword Art is also worth at least 100000000.

But it’s not as thrilling as cash.

Moreover, task rankings are based on the amount of money.

For those tasks in the front, all bounties are relatively explosive.

For example, 1000 Mountain Snow. When Shen Qiang first knew about the bounty hunter platform, the bounty of 1000 Mountain Snow was super high. Now, her bounty has already exceeded 6 100000000.

apart from this, there are also many people’s bounty in the dragon group, all of which are over 100000000 million.

For example, the blue scorpion, on the platform of the bounty hunter, there are more than 200 million rewards.

But Shen Qiang is 20,000,000.

You know, Blue Scorpion is just Captain of a fighting team.

Shen Qiang is the only safety consultant of Long Group.

The dark forces should offer rewards, shouldn’t Shen Qiang be given priority?

This is really strange.

Perhaps, those dark forces do not want to kill Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows.

Put away the phone.

After getting dressed, he went out of the back house, and when he arrived at the front door of the restaurant, he saw at a glance that the big man with high cheekbones and a little ugly looks was pestering with a large group of monsters, looking like a grudge. Ye Guyun was alone, eating and drinking 2 in the restaurant.

Sure enough, this big man is very strong, indeed an expert in the Dao fruit period.

But unfortunately, Blade Technique, he lost to the Evil Spirit Yuwen Hu of the 3th Emperor, even singled out, and could not fight the lonely cloud overnight, so he is now not rejected by those monsters, because he is just like other monsters, only Can stand in front of the restaurant and watch.

Anyway, before Ye Guyun finished eating, they went in to eat and they would definitely be beaten.

This made Shen Qiang want to laugh, and his heart was quite moved.

After all, Ji Wei had been left by Bian Yi, and he wanted Ji Wei to be his driver. He would keep up with Zuo Lianghao beside him, not to mention in the provincial capital. This cultivation world, wherever he went, could also stand up.

And to be honest, Bian Yi simply isn’t optimistic about Ji Wei, all he wants is to be around him, to have a guy with more than Dao fruit, to help him support the scene.

In this case, if this big man can stay in Heshenghe.

It’s just perfect.

Let him follow Bian Yi.

With this big man’s eloquence, it takes less than 3 days for Bian Yi to know what it means to be low-key and what the security guards around him teach him to do.

The more I pondered the matter, the happier I was, the more reliable Shen Qiang showed a kind smile, lightly coughed, and then walked over.

“Boss is good!”

“Boss is good!”

In the respectful greeting of the demon, she walked to Shen Qiang next to a big man with a smile: “Why stand here, and go in if you want to eat.”

“The powerhouse eats first.” The big man was straight-hearted and didn’t seem embarrassed: “When this girl finished eating, it was my turn.” He said with a smile: “Everyone else has to wait, I am alone.” After that, before 10000 people, it’s fine.”

Shen Qiang laughed out loud.

“Very good.” Say that’s all. Shen Qiang clapped her hands and then said: “Everyone should go in for dinner. It’s okay. Now, let’s seize the time.”

Hearing Boss said, the demon rushed into the restaurant with a hula.

The big man was a little ignorant.

Looking at his incomprehensible expression, Shen Qiang refrained from laughing and said, “Okay, don’t be stunned, go in and eat with me.”

Speaking that’s all, Shen Qiang went straight to Chia-Eat 2 and drank, with an unhappy night lonely cloud, sitting across from her, sighing helplessly: “How many times have I said, you just have to eat in the back house When you come here to eat, don’t be so overbearing. It’s cold and not tasty. That many you can’t finish.”

Ye Guyun grunted, hesitated for a moment, and said nothing.

The big man watched the monsters neat and tidy line up for food. He was anxious: “All back! Except that girl, Laozi is the strongest!”

Shen Qiang turned his head and found weirdly that the monsters had actually bought the bill and asked him to take the food first.

It’s a pity to take it.

The chef in the transcendent position in the restaurant still gave him a crit.

A big spoonful of Red Braised Pork.

Just as the big man showed his excited eyes, the chef’s hand began to shake, half a spoon, one third spoon, and finally a small piece in the big bowl.

“Newcomers must understand the rules.” Chef Chao Niu.

The big man, with tears in his eyes, walked to the next window.

But fortunately, the restaurant has a lot of food. In the end, this guy not only brought chicken legs, but also brought a big pig head.

Then he sat next to Shen Qiang, eating a place called a incense.

It’s gnawing his face like he hasn’t eaten in days.

“Delicious?” Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows and asked him.

“It’s okay.” While eating 2 and drinking, the big man said sideways.

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Well, the evaluation is fair. The best restaurant in Heshenghe is Datongjiang. This is only the staff canteen. Unfortunately, you are not a person in Heshenghe, otherwise you will be free to take you there. “

When the big man heard it, his eyes were very strange, and he looked at Shen Qiang very coldly. He remained silent for 3 seconds before eating, and said, “I have money, I don’t need to bring you.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Oh, just have money.”

As he said, Shen Qiang raised hand, black blade, was already on the table.

The eyes of the big man who is eating and drinking 2 are bright, but for less than 2 seconds, he frowns saying: “It’s too short, one inch long and one inch strong, this knife is acceptable for you, I want a longer one, and , I hope the blade is wider.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Very well, I know you are a man who really understands knives.”

Shen Qiang put away the black blade, said with a slight smile: “The person who made this knife is my good brother Wu morning sun, I can let him hit you a blade, there is no problem, but the raw materials are your own Prepare, and, you have to pay him.”

“I have money.” The big man looked sharply.

Shen Qiang smiled, raised a finger, and said, “I want this number.”

The big guys shined, and then said: “A forge maker who can build black blades is worth 1,000,000, I agree.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Wrong, wages are a 100000000 million!”

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