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Shen Qiang looked at the masked people calmly, but could not help but take a deep breath. In fact, if not considered, the bounty hunter is a group of guys willing to kill for money, Shen Qiang will never choose Talk to them, but they will directly poison to death without the slightest hesitation.

Because that is the simplest and most effective way to save lives.

But at the same time, Shen Qiang thinks this is also a good opportunity.

Since they are willing to kill people for money, they think that as long as there is enough money, they can be used by Shen Qiang!

“I have a small book here, it is recorded that it was the person who took the task of hunting me.” Shen Qiang threw a small book in front of them, saying: “There are 5 people, now, right now In my hands.”

“Hunt me, the task rewards you can get are Jade Finger Sword and Kunlun Sword Art, but if you kill them, your gain will be huge, because among them, the lowest level is Primordial Chaos Realm and above 3-Star level hunters, as for what you can get, not only about their Bounty Mission, but also the magic weapon they carry.”

Looking quietly at Shen Qiang, the brigade leader with a blue mask smiled and applauded: “It’s a good plan, kill two birds with one stone, that is, save your own life, and be clear about those secret calculations. Your fellow, great, yes, 666.”

This way of speaking made Shen Qiang faintly uncomfortable, but slightly smiled Shen Qiang said: “Why not look at it, what are the rewards for those guys who offer rewards? To know, those things, together, ten The value of the jade finger sword is not limited.”

I heard this.

Greed with a blue Totem mask said: “Shen Qiang, you are indeed very intelligent, courageous, and courageous, but you have overlooked one thing, that is, the reason why the Disillusion Brigade is on the bounty hunter platform Legendary, because we have our rules.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows in surprise, saying with a smile: “Speak and listen.”

“The Disillusionment Brigade, the meaning of existence, is to eliminate the potential threat of the cultivation community, so that those cultivators know the convergence.”

Hearing the blue Totem mask Captain, Shen Qiang was surprised, saying: “I am a threat in the cultivation world? This sounds funny, and since you are named after greed, but now you want to tell me, do you think money is like dung? “

The captain of the blue Totem mask smiled: “Shen Qiang, you are better than I thought, but you are not a real wise man, don’t you understand? The anger represented by the red mask, but the mask wants you to calm down, so although you are on the road According to the habit of the regiment, we should call you anger, but in fact, the real chill is to alert you to the anger in your heart.”

“My name is greed.” Captain of the blue Totem mask said with a smile: “Also reminding myself not to be greedy, arrogance is, jealousy, ***, also, are reminding myself not to fall in this respect, so Put away your little book. Your little trick to drive the wolf away will not work with us.”

Shen Qiang smiled, and then calmly said: “So before you start, can you answer my last question? Why do you think I will be a potential threat in the cultivation field?”

“Because you broke the balance.” Captain said solemnly of the blue Totem mask: “Your appearance makes the dragon group not to worry about the restraint of those monsters, then next, the dragon group will soon completely free their hands to try Eliminate all cultivation boundaries Sect.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Because I fear that the dragon team will do something for the cultivation community, so you come to hunt me?”

“Yes.” Captain of the blue Totem mask said: “The existence of the Disillusion Brigade is to ensure that the cultivation sector will exist peacefully until people figure out how to become a fairy.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes, saying: “Very good, this is really a noble and satisfactory answer, then the greedy Captain, if my unstable factor is the disillusionment brigade’s own person? I That is to say, assuming that I have also joined the Disillusionment Brigade to accompany you to ensure the balance of all aspects, how do you feel?”

“I agree.” The pretty girl with the green mask immediately raised her hand: “Sect Founder’s prediction made me believe that Shen Qiang will be my…partner, yes, it is a partner!”

The person with the azure mask said: “I don’t care. In fact, I am more optimistic about Shen Qiang’s plan to let him be a bait. Those hunters are here. We kill those hunters. We have money and magic weapons. We will change. Be stronger.”

The purple mask woman said solemnly: “I always thought that the instability factor that really threatened the balance of all parties was the dragon group. Because he was too big, I still refused Shen Qiang to join the brigade.”

Shen Qiang smiled when he heard this.

“I give you 5 seconds to think again, because you have to understand that this is my territory, so you have only 2 options now, one option is to accept my offer, give up hunting and kill me, and go Hunt those who accept the mission of hunting me, for me to use.”

“Another option is to accept my joining and let me know what you are doing behind the scenes.”

In an instant, a few killing intents were released from several people beside the referee stage.

“Are you threatening us?” Blue mask Captain coldly said.

Shen Qiang smiled: “It’s not threatening you, but stating a fact. In addition, I know very well that someone lied between you. In fact, when I received the news from here, I already realized that I sent a message. People, should be sure that Shen Qiang is the nightmare of the dragon group, and the mask he wears is the mask of the Disillusionment Brigade.”

“Then, if you want me to come here, there are only two possibilities, one is to kill me and the other is to pull me in.”

Raised his eyebrows indifferently, glanced at the swordsman who was still fighting with Yuwen Hu, Shen Qiang calmly said: “And after I came here, except at the guy who pulled the knife, not at all people, they showed me Must kill my intentions.”

After looking at the petite woman, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “She released the golden-eye jade flower gu, and the guy pulled the knife. You 4 people, 2 people evaded, fearing poisoning, silenced one outside, and one said me Very difficult to deal with, this is not the attitude that the adversary should show.”

“So don’t play guessing games with me, no matter what your attitude is, you must understand that in the current provincial cultivation industry, I have the final say, don’t play with fire, you can’t bear my anger. “


Shen Qiang turned her head smilingly and looked at the sexy woman with a purple mask: “Girl, your acting is poor. When I came, she had already discovered me, but she had to act astonished. Tone, could it be, do you really think I can’t see it?”

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