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In just an instant, many cultivators in the webcast room exploded.

“Fuck, what are you kidding, is this funny? ah ha ha ha, I have known for a long time that 12 Hua Gong, one of the 100 gangsters of the cream of the crop in the cultivation industry, is very beautiful, it is definitely not I will make endorsements for people’s products casually. Yeah, I guess right!”

“Laughing pee, which one did Shen Qiang play? Before, he himself said that 100 Hua Gongzhu Weisheng Zhimei came to make an endorsement. As a result, when others didn’t come, he was on the stage and laughed. Before, I thought that Shen Qiang was really capable. He could even say that a big cow such as Weisheng Zhimei gave him a platform, and it just hung up. As a result, hahaha…”

“Eh… Speaking of pill concocting, this Shen Qiang’s ability is still obvious to all, but this character is indeed open to question. The original so-called 100 Hua Gongzhu endorsement was actually just a title. This is clearly stated in Deceive consumers.”

Everyone questioned, but Shen Qiang, who was standing on the stage of the conference at this time, not only calmed down, but also quietly said something to Bai Jiao, Xu Nan and Ke Bizhu.

Almost at the same time, among the people in the live room.

There are obvious girls speaking.

“Wow, Shen Qiang looks very handsome. The student in black is wearing a white shirt. It鈥檚 simple and clear. If you don鈥檛 know, he is Grand Alchemist, 10000 demon king, Hesheng and Boss. I will think he is a private noble. The school grass, or the small fresh meat in the film and television circle.”

“Yeah, yeah, he looks so young, tall, red lips, white teeth, full of vigor, and looks like a handsome little brother just grown up!”

“Well, it’s a long-legged little brother. If there is another schoolbag, it looks like school grass when I was in school.”

“Wow, I thought Shen Qiang pill concocting was so powerful, it would be a middle-aged uncle. I didn’t expect it to be a small fresh meat.”

“Plop, plop! The handsome little brother!”

These obviously resemble female speeches, which surprised many male cultivators in the live broadcast room.

At the same time, Shen Qiang standing on the stage also stepped down.

Just when many onlookers feel unfathomable mystery.

The auditorium of Heshenghe Building went black.

What surprised everyone was that a photo of Weisheng Zhimei with a date appeared on the stage background in the auditorium. The time was after the sun-bath meeting. The Weisheng Zhimei on the photo, wearing a formal dress, sat quietly In the office.

The whole person looks mature and elegant, limited to the solemn style of the strong woman.

“That day was my 100th year as the owner of 5 Flower Palace.”

Wei Sheng Zhimei’s crisp voice resembled a yellow warbler.

Inexplicably made the painting style strange.

Because at this time Weisheng Zhimei’s voice is obviously much younger than on the screen.

And when everyone was surprised.

The projection on the screen background changed, and under the high-definition image, Weisheng Zhimei stood beside the stream in the forest, hit her in a white clothed snow race, walked beside the mountain stream in the forest, and then squatted to wash her face by the clear stream After wiping off the moisture on her face, her delicate and pretty dry face, not only without any trace of makeup, but as white and tender as a baby.

Then she blinked lightly, pink lips and said with a smile: “covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, return to 18 years old!”

In an instant, everyone in the entire broadcast room exploded.

“Fuck, is this really a real beauty? That white long dress, delicate shawl hair, beautiful eyes, pink lips, immature, looks like a little fairy in the forest. Is it possible that video optimization has been done now? This degree?”

“Fake! Impossible! She must have used a beauty phone.”

“Dirty evil! Obviously a man in his 30s, what’s he pretending to be? Make me… like giving her flowers!”

Although everyone was shocked by the beauty of Wei Sheng Zhimei, it was not at all too heartfelt. After all, in their opinion, is it a commercial? It must be makeup. Various advanced technologies are applied. Sheng Zhimei looked so young.

But while they were thinking like this.

A scene that shocked them appeared.

With the light on.

Under the spotlight, Weimei Zhimei, who was wearing a very ordinary high school uniform, walked onto the stage.

A slightly fat school uniform obscured her lithe and graceful figure.

Simply ponytail, can not be any face modification.

But even so.

In all the live rooms, she witnessed her cultivator, and she could not help but make a mess in no time.

“Fuck, this is Weisheng Zhimei? How do I think it’s her daughter!”

“I used to think that taking pictures at school would not look good because the school uniform is too ugly. Now I suddenly feel that I was wrong and it is not the pot of the school uniform!”

“My God, the 100 Flower Palace Master, is really beautiful. Even now, wherever she goes to study, it will be an undisputed school!”

“Perfect! It’s incredible!”

Then, what made them hold their breath was that on the stage, Ke Bizhu personally experimented and used a pot of makeup remover to help Wei Sheng Zhimei wash her face.

Then everyone saw it very clearly.

100 The master of the flower palace, Zhisheng Zhimei, still has delicate and pretty dust, and looks beautiful like a fairy, whether it is not as inferior as Bai Jiao, Xu Nan, or Ke Bizhu, not only insignificant, but also more delicate and pretty. More dusty.

This caused the news in the broadcast room to explode instantly.

“Sure enough, she is naturally beautiful, and she is one of the top 2 1 in the cultivation world!”

“Obviously I can eat by my face, what kind of a palace master!”

“Ah! My Goddess!”

As for everyone in the live broadcast room, it has been the second time for the medicine pill conference.

More explosive scenes appeared.

The background screen is black.

Many photos of Shen Qiang appeared immediately, wearing a white coat with a split head, wearing a suit, wearing a tie, and short hair. It looks like a 27~28 years old young man.


The lights are on.

Under the spotlight, Shen Qiang, who was wearing a student costume, stood beside the 100 flower palace master Wei Sheng Zhimei.

For a moment.

Everyone is stunned.

Especially when they saw Shen Qiang clearly, they were even dumbfounded.

“What a handsome little brother, so handsome!”

“It’s really unbelievable. I never thought that Shen Qiang was also a guy with a big face.”

“If I hadn’t read the pictures of Shen Qiang before, I can’t believe that this young little fresh meat turned out to be him!”

“It’s incredible!”

And just as they were shocked.

Shen Qiang, who was standing on the stage, looked at her side, and Meimu also looked at her Weisheng Zhimei in surprise. There was no inherent tension in her heart.

Because from the beginning of contact with cultivation, his appearance has been changing.

And now, it has clearly been reached, Peak, the most perfect face value among the genes.

Shen Qiang doesn鈥檛 consider whether it鈥檚 handsome or whether he can make the beauty attractive, but he knows that he used so much thought, if this covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, still can鈥檛 sell, it鈥檚 not only Shen Qiang who is disgraceful. , Weisheng Zhimei, Bai Jiao, Xu Nan and He Shenghe will all become a joke.

So Shen Qiang, who took a deep breath, looked very seriously at the scene of the live broadcast room, said with a smile: “covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, maybe you can鈥檛 make the ordinary you devastatingly beautiful, but you can keep you forever. In the spring.”

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