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When she heard this, Shen Qiang seriously looked at Bian Yi for a long time, and some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh and said: “Do you know what you are talking about? Xiu Ju is my girlfriend, I want to take her and me Do you have to get your permission to go to the capital together?”

“She is the head of internal audit of Heshenghe. Without her, your little demon and those cultivator will become respectless of the law and of natural morality, and you will become blind, deaf, so be sensible, you don’t have to worry about her Will love me, in fact, if I don’t consider the big picture, I would rather not have her appear in my world in my life.”

Bian Yi raised his eyebrows.

Looking at Bian Yi, who was very serious, Shen Qiang hesitated and went to: “Well, I will choose another manpower.”

“Well, my dear Boss, I don’t care how you choose people, but I want Ke Bizhu to stay as my secretary.” Bian Yi said very seriously.

Shen Qiang frowned, looked at Bian Yi for 3 seconds, then pu chi smiled at once: “Little hair thief, you want to set me again, right, you know, I am impossible to leave Ke Bizhu as your secretary, but He still made such a request, so obviously, what you are looking forward to is that I let you change your choice.”

Hearing this, Bian Yi pretended to be stupid: “Ah, then change the night alone cloud.”

Shen Qiang was amused: “No way, not only that, I will also take Zuo Lianghao to the capital.”

Bian Yi brows tightly frowns, hastily said with a smile: “My dear Boss, calm down, Zuo Lianghao is more important to me.”

“Then say directly, don’t go around in my circle.” Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows indifferently.

“Ji Wei.” Bian Yi said seriously: “If you want Qingyun Sword Pavilion to become Qingyun Sword Hall, Ji Wei you must stay with me, because even if you want to threaten the prince to make the princes, you can say it by your mouth. It’s useless. While holding the emperor and fisting, this is the fundamental way to bully people.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Ji Wei, Zuo Lianghao, these two people are by your side, you are going to be awesome.”

Bian Yi smiled: “Dare not, Heshenghe only has Brother Qiang prestige.”

Shen Qiang laughed, thinking about the current situation seriously.

Shen Qiang already possesses the strength of Yang Shenjing, surrounded by Ke Bizhu, Ye Guyun, Golden Cicada, and Qing Xuan with the body, Tai Yin You Ying, and an undead demon asleep in the storage ring, where to go, If you only ask for self-preservation, you should have enough strength.

So if you bring Ji Wei, it might look more powerful.

But in fact it is not very useful.

Instead, let him stay with Bian Yi and help Hesheng fight against Jiangshan.

So Shen Qiang wanted to agree without thinking about it, but when she looked at Bian Yi’s eager look, Shen Qiang frowns saying: “This is not easy to handle, Ji Wei is not only superior in strength, but also quite prestigious among the demons, I left him to you, did you indirectly control my little demon?”

Hearing this, Bian Yi immediately patted his chest and promised: “My dear Boss, you think too much, it will never be like this, I am not that kind of person.”

Shen Qiang used a pair of you, and he looked at him with a smile on his face.

After a lot of reasons for his Barbara, after speaking, faintly smiled and said: “Ji Wei can give you, He Shenghe’s monster, or you can mobilize with you. I only need the result, and within a year, I want the Xiaoyao Valley to become a Shenghe’s Xiaoyaotang.”

Upon hearing this, Bian Yi’s eyes were raised in an instant: “What do you mean? I just married Young Lady, you are going to swallow others? No, absolutely not, there is absolutely no discussion on this matter, so many cultivation circles, which one to swallow? No? I have to stare at Xiaoyaogu? No, absolutely not!”

Seeing Bian Yiyi, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Yes, since you are so fond of Xiaoyao Valley, then I am not embarrassed for you. Ji Wei will give it to you as usual, the time is limited to one year, if it is this time next year The plaque of Heshenghe Qingyun Sword Hall cannot be hung on the mountain gate of Sword Pavilion of Qingyun, you should resign.”

“In one year’s time, we have Kang Luoying and Qingyun Sword. It is difficult, but it can be solved. It should be no problem, yes.” Bian Yi responded.

Shen Qiang smiled: “That’s OK, it’s quite tiring, you go back to rest, I will let Ji Wei take you away, from now on, he will be your driver.”

Hearing this, Bian Yi, who got the wish, was ecstatic. ,

Humorously complacently, he immediately left Shen Qiang’s office, and while arranging his suit, he was actively thinking about how to talk to Ji Wei. You know, Ji Wei, that’s the real Daogu demon, there is He followed him, absolutely flying.

It’s just the elevator going down. Suddenly he was shocked. Then he raised his eyebrows, inexplicably angry, and pointed at the elevator roof and said angrily: “Shen Qiang, you bastard, I have never seen such a shameless person in my life. What you want is the Qingyun Sword Pavilion!”

“However, draw an arc with me, what is the Xiaoyao Valley, do you care about the money earned by the funeral dragon? Despicable, shameless, I am so loyal, you even set me up!”

“That Qingyun Sword Pavilion a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, let alone take it in a year, even if it is taken in 5 years, you can have a snot bubble!”

“Shameless! Scum!”

Bian Yi scolded and left all the way.

Slightly hearing his scolding sound, Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu pushed the door into the office and said with a smile: “The president around is not very satisfied with the chairman.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “President Shen Bian is still very capable, but this guy is just as greedy as me, so don’t give a precise time, he will use the reason to conquer Qingyun Sword Pavilion, the endless and me renowned , So it’s good, he promised to do it within a year, he will definitely do it.”

“The Qingyun Sword Pavilion itself is the First-Class Sect, even if the strength great injury before, if all really become Qingyun Jiantang, then we Heshenghe, will quickly become the existence beyond the First-Class Sect, by then, maybe I can also play like Kunlun Sect Master, wherever I go.”

Hearing this, sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu said with a smile: “Actually, you can do it now. You are a God-class Medicine Refining Master. Wherever you go, someone will admire you.”

Shen Qiang laughed, then said: “I hope so.”

Then he got up, walked to Ke Bizhu who had helped him to open his coat, and put on his coat.

At this time, Ke Bizhu said: “The things in the company have been dealt with. Next, where do we go? Is it to go out for dinner or the round of Shenghe Village?”

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiang was silent for a moment and said, “I will not be a villa, I want to see someone.”

Sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu surprisedly said: “Then lunch…”

“Solve together.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow calmly: “We go to the bun shop.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang who went out suddenly frowned and said, “Well, what gift do you think a boy about 3 years old would make him happier?”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled: “Of course Ultraman who can sing.”

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