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Shen Qiang’s smile in the corner of his mouth and the scene of the chair turning into ashes made the original worries, the pure and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Dai, beautiful eyes burst into surprise and admiration.

“Shen Qiang, so powerful! Sure enough, it is 10000 demon kings. He is really strong. For hundreds of years, there is no furnace cauldron that can be used by Medicine Refining Master. Even in his hands, it shines, which undoubtedly means Therefore, he is more powerful than the others who have been in contact with Shennong Cauldron in these 100 years!”

At the same time, watching the Furnace cauldron sealed by Immortal Technique, under the control of Shen Qiang, the flames are blazing, and the incredible Yu Xinghuo immediately took out a medicine pill into the entrance, and then hand-pulled the decision, True Yuan blasted break out.

“Trifling Illusion Technique, break for me!”

Then he opened his eyes and the Dan furnace was burning.

He was stunned, squinting his eyes, squeezing the law, and roaring: “The world is infinite, Universe Ring, break for me! Break! Break!”

He jumped up and down, cast a spell, and burst True Yuan, amused both Shen Qiang and the girls.

“Didn’t expect, it seems that Shen Qiang can use this alchemic furnace, which is a fatal blow to Yu Xinghuo, how does it look like a clown.”

“Laughing dead, my family Shen Qiang, that is the best, let alone a furnace cauldron that no one can use for hundreds of years.”

Bai Jiao Xu Nan is proud.

Weisheng 1000 Daimei eyes shine.

The news in the webcast room exploded instantly.

“My day! Brother Qiang mighty, Brother Qiang domineering, Brother Qiang very awesome! ah ha ha ha, cool! Cultivation world no one can use for hundreds of years? That is your group of Medicine Refining Master Tai Cai, look No, I’m in the hands of Brother Qiang, do as one pleases!”

“Kneel to the big brother, as Apprentice Alchemist, I have heard of this furnace cauldron that no one can use at any time. Just now I thought that Shen Qiang was a pretender, and now I understand that people are really big fairies!”

“Awesome! This is my king’s style, ah ha ha ha, look like Yu Xinghuo, and still screaming to break the Illusion Technique, illusion you uncle, my king is so powerful, that is how to hang, Yu Xinghuo’s own dishes, but also felt that others should be the same as him, just laughed dead.”

“Hahaha, inexplicably happy, 4 Xiao Danqing was shocked into this way, ah ha ha ha, Brother Qiang, please take the brother’s knee!”

“I’m going crazy. This furnace cauldron, which has been wandering in the cultivation world for hundreds of years, can really be used…”

“Brother Qiang too awesome, this Immortal Grade furnace cauldron really explodes! Now I will ask you if you are afraid! Who else!”

“Um… I feel an arrow in my knee!”

And in the webcast room, the moment when the barrage burst.

In the house deep in Yaowang Valley, elegant and graceful, delicate and pretty out of dust, do not seem to eat fireworks, Mount Tai collapsed in front of the beautiful young Valley Lord who can face doesn’t change, has already gotten startled, her eyes are shocked Looking at the computer screen, Shen Qiang with a chuckle in his mouth, the lovable body shivered with excitement.

“This is impossible!” The stunning Young Valley Lord was shocked: “The furnace cauldron has the Immortal Technique seal. It has been confirmed 300 years ago. It is the Immortal Technique Nine-Dragons Refininf Spirit seal because there is no one in this world. It can be solved, so Senior in the Valley did not include it in the Valley.”

“Not only that, even the original owner of the valley, known as the unprecedented strongest Pill King, was completely unsolvable in the Peak flourishing period, so it was clearly recorded in the valley, which was sealed by Immortal Technique’s Shennong Cauldron, so Worthless waste!”

“But it’s not!” happily said: “Young Master, look at the blue flame, it’s so powerful, the chair instantly turned into fly ash!”

Hearing this, the stunning Young Valley Lord who came back to his senses was shocked with eyes: “Shen Qiang, so powerful, did not expect this tripod, he could actually use it, and it really deserved to be the 10000 demon king, I really want to see him, I I really want to see him in person!”

At the same time, in the Hesheng He Auditorium.

The five judges on the jury also looked at the flames as they were small, but the 5 small dragons still walked on the furnace cauldron scene.

“Good! No loss is our Bai Family’s son-in-law!” Cheng Yiyi’s chief medicine pill Appraisal Master, excitedly roar said: “Did you see? Can be used, countless Immortal Cauldron that everyone can’t control, in the hands of Shen Qiang, such as Use your fingers!”

“How is this possible!” 4 The Fatty in Xiao Danqing looked at furnace cauldron with his eyes full of shock, divine light flashed in his head, and then suddenly turned his head in shock and looked at Shen Qiang with shock: “You are a monster, this is Immortal Technique seal furnace cauldron, why can you use it? You are not a fairy, this impossible…”

“Is there an expert who lifted the ban and gave it to Shen Qiang?” 4 The thin man in Xiao Danqing was shocked.

Watching their frightened and flustered performance.

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows helplessly and boredly. After all, this is the Shennong Cauldron sealed by Immortal Technique. In fact, until now, the seal has not been unlocked, which means the true strength of this cauldron, not at all really shows come out.

But this matter does not need to worry.

Because now on furnace cauldron, not at all the mantra affected by the Nine-Dragons Refininf Spirit seal is enough for Shen Qiang to use for a long time. After all, the inflammation of the 3 Fire Dragon, even the furnace used in Medicine Refining Master of Immortal World On cauldron, it is also one of the better spell marks.

It is enough to deal with the entry level that Shen Qiang can now control, as well as the basic level medicine pill.

So at this moment, looking at them with a shocked expression, Shen Qiang felt bored for no reason.

Because this is Shen Qiang’s first serious battle with the Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation field. Originally, Shen Qiang thought it would be a dragon wars, the tiger battles, didn’t expect, it’s totally abusive. This kind of gap is so big that Shen Qiang is naturally not motivated.

“Shen Qiang, come on, don’t forget, Yu Xinghuo may just be a nobody, maybe not worthy of your opponent at all, but Hesheng He wants to develop steadily, and your medicine pill needs to be recognized, you need to prove yourself to the cultivation field. .”

Ke Bizhu’s sudden sound transmission made Shen Qiang stunned. Then, when Shen Qiang turned his head and saw Ke Bizhu looking at himself with a smile, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but reveal a bit of a wry smile.


Ke Bizhu was right.

The opponent is indeed a dish, it can be said that Shen Qiang dozed off a bit.

However, Dou Dan’s purpose is to shut up those Alchemist who questioned himself. Dou Dan’s purpose is to let the people in the cultivation field look at himself, so even if the enemy is indeed a dish, Shen Qiang is absolutely not allowed under these eyes. Perfunctory.

Just thought of here.

Yu Xinghuo, who came back to his senses, confirmed that it was indeed not Illusion Technique, but that Shen Qiang really used the furnace cauldron that had been wandering in the cultivation world for 100 years and no one could control it. This made me see Weisheng 1000 Dai, beautiful Looking at Shen Qiang with surprise and admiration, he was angry for no reason.

Because this meant that Shen Qiang had already grabbed his limelight, he could not help but coldly snorted and said: “Shen Qiang, even if you can use Immortal Grade furnace cauldron? Without the recipe of the burning sun Chiyang Dan, you have lost!”

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