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Hearing Yu Xinghuo’s words, not only the pure and beautiful 1000 Wei, but also looked towards Shen Qiang nervously, the news in the webcast room exploded instantly.

“666, Yu Xinghuo is definitely not pretending to be a dead star, but I have to admit that he does have pretense of capital. After all, furnace cauldron for cultivation concocting in cultivation circles has always been the most rare magic weapon because it has to withstand high temperatures. It’s just this, an ordinary magic weapon can’t do it.”

“Good, ordinary Flying Sword, as long as the strength and toughness can be balanced, it is a good baby, and it does not need to be harsh in other places, but the furnace cauldron used for pill concocting usually has to be able to withstand at least 2 high temperatures. Ability, so the requirements for materials are particularly high.”

“Well, the temperature of the rocket jet is 4500 degrees. That kind of material can be used to make an ordinary alchemic furnace, but it is not enough to give a really powerful Medicine Refining Master, so the process is still second. The material that can make the alchemic furnace is itself. rare treasure, so Purple Gold’s secret heart is only Magical Artifact, but it’s really a treasure.”

In the live broadcast room, everyone was quite ambiguous, but at this time, the beautiful young Master Wang Gu not only willow eyebrows tightly knit, but also sighed very seriously: “These cultivators in the live broadcast room, for furnace cauldron The importance of being completely amateur.”

“The higher-order furnace cauldron not only can withstand the extremely high temperature, but also often comes from the powerhouse. If it is engraved with an array, it can make pill concocting twice the results for half the effort. Simply put, if only 4500 degrees The high temperature, some bizarre materials, can’t even melt, how can this pill concocting?”

“And the same, the high temperature of 4500 degrees can melt the material in 3 hours, and if it is 2 10000 5000 degrees, maybe it takes only a moment to melt the material, which leads to ordinary furnace cauldron and top grade furnace cauldron pill concocting There will be a gap as different as heaven and earth.”

“And in the cultivation field in the last ages, three of the most famous furnace cauldrons are in Yaowang Valley, and the affiliation of the other seven is also clear, so this Shen Qiang is impossible with better furnace cauldron, so, Yu Xinghuo’s sarcasm, he simply couldn’t refute it.”

Hearing the beautiful Young Valley Lord’s words, the pretty girl anxiously said: “Young Master, this spark is too shameless. The attribution of the top ten furnace cauldron in the cultivation field is not really a secret. He knows it. Shen Qiang impossible came up with better furniture cauldron, so I said this intentionally. Isn’t this a clear way to bully Shen Qiang?”

The stunningly beautiful Young Master sighed: “There is no way, the cultivation world is to compete with each other, walk the heavens-defying road, my magic weapon is better than yours, it proves that I am more powerful than you, so this game, Shen Qiang has Planted.”

At the same time as the beautiful Young Valley Lord made his judgment, he looked at the broadcast room and said that he was too capable, but he had to admire the many news. Yu Xinghuo’s eyes could not help but proudly, especially when he was When he saw Wei Qiang 1000 Dai, he looked at Shen Qiang nervously and blamed himself.

In his heart, there was no reason to be happy.

“Hmph, don’t you think that Shen Qiang is better than me? Then I just want to humiliate him in front of people and make him shameless, this time, let you know how good I am.”

Thinking in my heart, Yu Xinghuo raised his eyebrows proudly and said, “Shen Qiang, it doesn’t matter if you can’t take it out. You are just a nobody, and you don’t have a good furniture cauldron. It’s as it should be by rights. As an Old Senior, it’s not as good as you come I beg you, maybe my heart is soft, I will lend you my top grade furnace cauldron for your use, but I expect you to use your level, even if you lend it to you, you cannot control top grade furnace cauldron.”

Hearing this, Bai Jiao and Xu Nan’s complexions instantly became ugly.

Because this is not only related to Shen Qiang’s own face problems, the honesty of Bai Family, the aunt of Wanxin Hesheng Xu Family, and the decent furnace cauldron are not there. If this word goes out, people in the cultivation field will have to laugh.

And just as the two of them wanted to speak.

Thirty two wonderful hands hidden in the webcast room have spoken one after another.

“That is, an nobody like Shen Qiang, even if he lends Purple Gold to him, he will not use it.”

“Hmph, when you look at this Shen Qiang, you don’t have a good furnace cauldron. Can the ordinary alchemic furnace be smelted out of medicine pill?”

“Hah, don’t need Bidan, an alchemic furnace by Yu Xinghuo has already exploded Shen Qiang. That’s it, blowing your grandma’s whistle!”

Looking at such a barrage, the live broadcast room is silent. After all, it is now a real thing. It is not a few empty words that can be refuted. So even those who support Shen Qiang have no way to help in this case. Shen Qiang speaks.

So the atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room was silent and embarrassing.

It is at this time.

It was thought by everyone that it could not be refuted at all, and Shen Qiang, who could only bear it, suddenly laughed, and even in the consternation of everyone, he said indifferently: “Yu Xinghuo, I really thought that the so-called 4 Xiao Danqing probably had the strength to be one Fight, but I now find that I really overestimate you.”

Swing your wrist gently.

Shennong Cauldron, sealed by Immortal Technique, suddenly appeared in the middle of the auditorium, next to the Purple Gold cover, the rich immortal spiritual qi breath, just a moment, made the five judges present stared wide-eyed.

“Immortal Grade!”

“Such a pure breath is definitely Immortal Grade!”

“Good baby, but looking at the quality, it is far better than Purple Gold.”

In their surprised voice.

Shen Qiang said indifferently: “I use something and there is a stinky problem, that is not the best. I don’t want it, so Purple Gold conceals that this kind of junk should be thrown wherever it should be. , Immortal Grade level of things, can not get into my eyes.”

As soon as Shen Qiang said this, the barrage exploded in the live broadcast room.

“Brother Qiang is mighty! ah ha ha ha, society, my Brother Qiang, powerful magic weapon, Yu Xinghuo’s broken Magical Artifact furnace cauldron is just like his World’s First, it’s a pi, my Brother Qiang’s furnace cauldron is Immortal Grade!”

“Hahaha, attractive spectacle, my Wang Weifeng, can Yu Xinghuo DC be comparable!”

“Oh, laughed, beggar guessed that the king must eat buns, stuffed with meat, and the old farmer guessed that the king’s dung fork must be gold. Yu Xinghuo felt that his Purple Gold was overwhelmingly explosive, but in Brother In front of Qiang’s Immortal Grade furnace cauldron, it’s simply slag!”

This situation not only made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room instantly warm, but also made the pure and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Dai Meimu look at Shen Qiang in surprise.

“Immortal Grade! At least it’s a top grade Immortal Grade! It’s absolutely not wrong to fill up Spirit Qi, so powerful Shen Qiang, I know that you are the best!”

But it was when everyone was happy and weird 1000 Dai Dai was pleasantly surprised.

The stared Yu Xinghuo suddenly smiled, and then he stepped forward, said with a big smile madly: “Shen Qiang, you really are a top grade, this furniture cauldron dare to show it? It is very famous in the cultivation field, Because it is the Shennong Cauldron of Immortal Grade, the first garbage in the cultivation world, which has been in the House of House for hundreds of years and no one can use it.

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