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With Yu Xinghuo’s proud tone, an azure furnace cauldron seemed to fall halfway into the middle of the auditorium, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, colorful brilliance, like a marquee, looks inexplicably a bit like a game hall The sense of sight of the slot machine.

This made Shen Qiang want to laugh, because as soon as he saw this flashy design, Shen Qiang knew that this furniture cauldron was not much better.

The reason is very simple, because Medicine Refining Master’s furnace cauldron, the most important function is pill concocting, everything that does not exist for pill concocting is garbage.

Will flash, like furnace cauldron with a marquee installed, can it improve the quality of pill concocting?

So this thing, in Shen Qiang’s eyes, is definitely a fighter in the trash.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang inadvertently saw 5 people on the jury seat, but found that their expressions all turned on, like a hungry wolf.

“Good baby! I didn’t expect it to be Purple Gold. I really deserved to be Yu Xinghuo. With such a furniture cauldron, it’s no wonder that his medicine pill is so good. Sure enough, a good horse should also be equipped with a good saddle, skill, and top quality. furnace cauldron!”

“Treasure! 10000 10000 I didn’t expect that this Purple Gold was a secret, but in his hand, it was so powerful. With this furniture cauldron, the success rate of the pill concocting is increased by at least 30%, and the quality is definitely not too bad!”

“It’s really enviable. I didn’t expect that this Purple Gold cover is actually in Yu Xinghuo’s hands. This is not the refining of the hot sun Chiyang Dan. Even if it is refining Cultivating Yuan Pill, Shen Qiang will definitely win. !”

While the eyes of several people on the jury were shocked, the news in the webcast room exploded instantly.

“Look at Yu Xinghuo’s furnace cauldron, Purple Gold conceals the heart, this is legendary top refining medicine Magical Artifact, the success rate is more than 30% higher!”

“Ai, I can’t accept it. Sure enough, there is no emptiness under the prestige. What magic weapon is the most lacking in this cultivation field? Of course it is furnace cauldron, because Alchemist pill concocting, the temperature of the fire is often as high as a few 10000 degrees, ordinary materials, It is simply unbearable, so every furniture cauldron is rare treasure.”

“And this Purple Gold conceals the heart, it is one of the top ten famous in the undisputed cultivation world of Medicine Refining Master, absolutely top grade, ho! The dan refined by this trip, the quality is definitely first-class, Shen Qiang will even Refining the burning sun Chiyang Dan is absolutely impossible better than Yu Xinghuo!

The judges and everyone in the webcast room were shocked by Yu Xinghuo’s furniture cauldron.

Because their expression was so shocking that Shen Qiang didn’t control it, he directly opened the technique of Micro Observation and glanced at the furnace cauldron.

alchemic furnace.

Quality: Elementary.

Time of existence: 900 years.

Efficacy: It can improve the apprentice Alchemist’s pill concocting success rate.

Value: None.

The information surging in my mind made Shen Qiang hide his heart about this Purple Gold and lost his interest instantly, but at the same time, Shen Qiang was a little curious. This technique of Micro Observation, no matter how it feels when used, It’s a little different from the information returned.

Because of the previous technique of Micro Observation, it will never suggest what value.

But think about it right.

When Shen Qiang first started using the technique of Micro Observation, he could use up to 8 seconds.

However, after using the Foundation Establishment of Fetal Dragon Essence, Shen Qiang’s Micro Observation technique is basically not very limited in use. Because of the spare no effort, the technique of Micro Observation, Shen Qiang is now at least no longer necessary. Intermittent use for half an hour.

After all, his current cultivation base is Yang Shenjing, which is completely incomparable with the original.

After reading Yu Xinghuo’s so-called Purple Gold, which can open Shen Qiang’s eyes, he concealed his heart. ,

Shen Qiang was inexplicably irritable.

In a strict sense, from contacting cultivation and getting Medicine Sage Inheritance, this is the first time Shen Qiang competes with other Medicine Refining Masters.

Previously, Shen Qiang was hiding concilling himself.

It is not clear how others refined the medicine pill, so Shen Qiang is actually looking forward to this fight.

After all, there is competition to improve.

Only by comparison can we find our own shortcomings.

Only now, after watching Yu Xinghuo’s furnace cauldron, and his pretense to the extreme style, Shen Qiang suddenly felt very disappointed.

Because he suddenly understood that he who owns Medicine Sage Inheritance and Alchemist like Yu Xinghuo are not interesting at all, because they are not in a series at all.

In his eyes, the hot sun Chiyang Dan is already top-level. In Shen Qiang’s eyes, this hot sun Chiyang is just an entry level to practice medicine pill.

In Yu Xinghuo’s eyes, Purple Gold conceals his heart, and it is already something that can be used to show off treasure in front of people.

But what about Shen Qiang?

His pill concocting uses furnace cauldron sealed by Immortal Technique.

Is this comparable?

As a whole, Shen Qiang, who was originally excited, suddenly felt good and boring.

Because of this feeling, Shen Qiang’s left hand Slaughter Dragon Blade, right hand leaned on Heavenly Sword, and opposite, but just a kindergarten kid with a rotten kitchen knife in his hand, simply waved his hand to make himappeared.

In this case, Shen Qiang became a little bit fighting.

“Ai, I originally thought that 4 Xiao Danqing is also a powerhouse. Fighting with him, I might be able to improve my pill concocting ability, but I did not expect that he was actually this kind of slag with a battle strength of minus 50, which is almost no fun. Words.”

Seeing that Shen Qiang’s eyes had no fighting spirit, not only Yu Xinghuo was delighted, but on the jury, two judges who were also from 2 Xiao Danqing couldn’t help but be excited.

“Sure enough, when Shen Qiang saw Purple Gold covering his heart, he already knew that he had no chance to win, and he could not help showing his desperate eyes. It seemed to have understood that as a cultivation world refining medicine famous place, 4 Xiaodanqingzhi First name, not everyone can be provocative.”

“Yes, first is Shen Qiang, who has clearly never heard of Battle Dan, and then Purple Gold, one of the top ten cultivation circles, conceals the heart. Know that there is no illustrious person under the prestige, facing one of the 4 Xiao Danqing Yu Xinghuo, even the 10000 demon king, can only despair!”

In this case, an exit.

Shen Qiang, who was about to doze off in the auditorium, didn’t feel anything.

The news in the webcast room exploded directly.

“Fuck, looking at Shen Qiang’s listless look, it really seems to have given up!”

“Wipe, do you think 4 Xiao Danqing eats dry rice? Who dares to take the porcelain life without Vajra drills? With Yu Xinghuo’s strength, it is definitely a first-class existence in the medicine pill. Shen Qiang has the recipe Is it true that Purple Gold covers Shen Qiang? Well, in this case, if you are Shen Qiang, you are not desperate!”

“Well, it makes sense that Battle Dan has always been a legendary existence in the cultivation world, as is Purple Gold, and 4 Xiao Danqing is even more famous. Shen Qiang is about to kneel.”

“Lying trough, Brother Qiang hold on, but don’t kneel, but you are my idol!”

The news exploded in the live broadcast room, Yu Xinghuo looked at Shen Qiang’s Weisheng 1000 Dai with nervousness and concern, and he thought he had won, and he was very comfortable and proudly coldly snorted: “Shen Qiang, Okay, today, I will let you know, I am the top Alchemy Technique in the cultivation world! If you can get a 2 from the middle school, I will give you a fortune!”

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