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Lithe and graceful mature Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, when she walked into the laboratory with a charming face, when she saw Shen Qiang was carefully recording the results of the experiment, her eyes couldn’t help but bloom with splendor, and then lightly opened her lips said with a slight smile: “Boss, I know you are going to complete your education at the Beijing Medical University as an exchange student. Time is very precious to you, but there are some things that can’t be hurry, good health is more important.”

Shen Qiang turned her head and looked at the beautiful and alluring sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, said with a smile: “It makes sense.”

Say that’s all, stop working in my hand, and look at the darkened sky outside the window, saying: “It takes a certain amount of time for cell cancer, and after a whole afternoon, I found that the change is very insignificant, so let’s do this first, haste brings no success, me, let’s think about it, the question of the new semester.”

Hearing this, Sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu was charmingly said with a smile: “Beijing Medical University has a large number of talents, and the elite are as many as stars. I specially helped you pay attention to the forum of Beijing Medical University and found that the school flowers of Beijing Medical University turned out to be Recognized as the most powerful school bully.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Someone stipulates, can’t Xueba be school flowers?”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu charmingly smiled and helped Shen Qiang take off her white coat, saying: “Miao Xiao Xia is now the school flower of the medical university, but her results seem to be a bit bottom.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “That’s why she blamed herself, who made her play mahjong with Aliye Xiaolei all day long, and one night, when I heard her dreams, I was still talking, 3 loaves, Hu!”

Ke Bizhu smiled and opened his Qian Qiang’s coat to open Shen Qiang’s coat, saying: “President Shen Bian said that you went to Beijing to study, which is conducive to the development of the group. Office in Beijing.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “This Bian Yi, I asked him to work on a project in my hometown. He pushed 3 and blocked 4, and when he heard about Beijing, he was in a spirit.”

Ke Bizhu smiled while helping Shen Qiang to organize his clothes while saying, “Beijing is different from other places, where dragons and snakes mingle are, but it is the world of the dragon group. Any cultivator above Nascent Soul Stage needs a dragon group to stay in Beijing. Report, so there is a world where the real ordinary person decides everything.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and said, “You are reminding me that once I go to the capital, I will leave the identity of the cultivator?”

Ke Bizhu said with a smile: “Just say, there, be more careful.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “Actually I understand what you mean. In Beijing, everything must be in accordance with the rules of the world. The law is an insurmountable gap, but don’t go. I am a dragon team safety consultant. Although my consciousness is not High, but also know what to do and what not to do.”

Go downstairs and get in the car.

There are only 2 people in the enclosed space.

Smelling a pleasant, quiet sleep of the unique fragrance of Fire Lotus, Shen Qiang said calmly: “When school starts, you and I will go to the capital.”

Ke Bizhu smiled and bowed his eyes charmingly and said yes.

Then her words suddenly changed, and hesitantly said: “Someone challenged you today at the Immortal Realm forum, preparing to fight against you on the 9th and show off your skills.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Hope is not a nobody.”

The Sleeping Fire Lotus demon who has been observing and watching can’t help but said with a smile: “I thought you would be nervous and worried.”

Shen Qiang laughed and looked sideways at Ke Bizhu who was driving, and then said indifferently: “So far, I know very well that the cultivation community is more afraid of me, but it lies in the 300 monsters of Heshenghe and my means of poisoning. “

“Apart from this, they don’t pay tribute to me, because cultivator is like a crucian carp, and there are many powerhouses in it. Before my cultivation base really reaches the top of the Daogu period, I have to be a cultivator. Despise me on the cultivation base.”

“I accept this. After all, my cultivation time is short. It is indeed not as good as those of Old Guy, but the medicine is different.”

Looking at Ke Bizhu seriously, Shen Qiang said abnormally calmly: “medicine pill and medicine are my truly powerful places. I allow myself to cultivate base inferior to others and allow myself to be inadequate in a certain way. The only medicine I have to refining Be the first.”

“Because the teacher has requirements?” Ke Bizhu was curious.

Shen Qiang smiled: “No, but I have the best teacher, the most comprehensive and thorough Pill Recipe, if this does not win, am I not a waste?”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled beautifully, and then whispered: “Confident you, handsome burst.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “You are also beautiful and gentle.”

Ke Bizhu smiled and said nothing. When the car was driving towards the mountain village, she said: “The person who challenges you is Yu Xinghuo. It is the famous Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation world, and is one of the 4 little Danqings who is famous for arrogance. “Although I am confident that you can win, you better prepare yourself not to fight unsure wars,”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Relax, I won’t lose, whether it’s 4 Xiao Danqing, or thirty two wonderful hands, even the people of Yaowanggu, there is no way to make me serious, there is no way better than pill concocting, that’s it Invincible, so lonely.”

Ke Bizhu said with a smile: “It’s still better to be careful. The so-called comer is not good. He said that he will come to compare with you at the beginning of the 9th day. In this case, he should have made enough preparations. Others are better said about materials, recipes…”

“Those are not problems.” Shen Qiang interrupted: “As long as he dares to come, I will let him know who is the real king, so that those who spray on the Internet all day long will stop.”

Ke Bizhu laughed: “I wait and see.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Relax, you will definitely win, and recently the past few days If you are not very busy, help Chu Qing to perfect the covering moon, shaming flowers Dan’s press conference, after all, Bai Shiyi said Yes, there is no word-of-mouth, and there is no universal recognition of medicine pill. It can’t be sold at a good price, so this time, we together Shengsheng medicine pill, must let them take a look at it.”

Ke Bizhu said with a slight smile: “No problem, I will do a good job in this regard.”

Shen Qiang nodded, then stopped talking, but a pair of dashing eyebrows wrinkled inexplicably.

Because it is now in front of Shen Qiang, there are a lot of things that must be dealt with. The Dou Dan on the 9th day, the covering moon, shaming flowers Dan press conference that must be done before the 5th of the first month, and the 5th month of the first month. Then the new semester comes and must go to Beijing.

These ensuing events made Shen Qiang a little uneasy because of the strangeness.

But reason tells Shen Qiang that risks often herald opportunities.

If you want to become stronger and become a great hero capable of supporting both heaven and earth, you must bravely meet all these challenges.

The silent Shen Qiang’s eyes burst into light.

“No one can stop my path to powerhouse, because I am fearless!”

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