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Looking at the lithe and graceful posture, the beautiful and alluring 100 Huagongzhu Weisheng Zhimei, Yu Xinghuo sitting on the sofa with her legs upturned by 2 Lang, her eyes were unusually cold, and she said: “Listening to the palace master’s words, it seems I think I’m not as good as him. Not only that, but the pride in your tone makes me feel weird that you seem to be boasting about your man.”

beautiful and alluring Di 100 The master of the flower palace smiled with a smile, and raised her eyebrows quietly with a smile: “When Shen Qiang married Dao Companion Bai Jiao, I was one of the bridesmaids. For this matter, most of the cultivation circles are understood, I praise him as as it should be by rights.”

Yu Xinghuo looked at Weisheng Zhimei very coldly and said, “I was still puzzled before. With my gold signboard Yu Xinghuo, how could you 100 Hua Gong refuse me to ask Weisheng 1000 Dai for marriage? It turned out that I was already optimistic. Shen Qiang.”

Hearing this, his face was clearly torn.

100 The master of the flower palace is beautiful and charming, said with a smile: “Shen Qiang’s He Sheng He is compared with 4 Xiao Dan Qing, but it’s just a nobody, and there are only more than 300 monsters of Nascent Soul Stage and above. The fruit level can be counted with a slap. How can it be compared with the strength of Mr. Yu’s arrogant cultivation industry?”

Hearing this, Weisheng 1000 on the side smiled at once.

Because she is very clear, the current strength of Heshenghe is enough to squeeze into the first-class in the cultivation field. Even among the many first-class cultivation Sect, it can easily stand in the middle.

As for 4 Xiao Danqing.

Pill concocting’s technology does not say anything, at least not under the skill of thirty two.

But on his own battle strength, and the strength of his men.

In front of Shen Qiang, it is slag.

Because among the followers of 4 Xiao Danqing, there is no super powerhouse in the fruiting period, nor does the cultivation 5 tiger.

The strongest is then 3 2 Primordial Chaos Realm.

If Shen Qiang is angered, it is really easy to crush without pressure, and various poses are changed easily.

So now when I heard Weisheng Zhimei’s murder, I moved away without blood, and Weisheng 1000 Dai was unable to bear and laughed out loud.

This made the people around Yu Xinghuo look ugly.

After all, the hard power of Shen Qiang is now clear to the entire cultivation community. Without the backing of First-Class Sect, it is simply not eligible to be a wrench with Shen Qiang, because that is obviously mantis trying to stop a chariot overestimate one’s capabilities.

“The lord of the palace thought you moved out of Shen Qiang, so I can only leave in disgrace?” Yu Xinghuo raised his eyebrows suddenly, coldly said: “Don’t forget, he is also Medicine Refining Master, there is another set of guidelines between us. “

Hearing this, lithe and graceful Zhi Weisheng Zhi Mei Yan Ran said with a smile: “The rules you said are good, the rules are not meaningful, in fact, I have left Mr. Yu from the very beginning With enough face, just because Mr. Yu refused to accept it, then I’m welcome.”

Yu Xinghuo’s eyes grew colder: “Princess don’t be too happy to talk about fights. I am indeed not Shen Qiang’s opponent, but if it is about pill concocting, Shen Qiang will apprentice me, if I don’t 3 kneel, 9 knock, I won’t accept.”

Hearing this, Liu Mei raised her eyes slightly, leaned on the sofa in a lithe and graceful manner, and gracefully leaned on the sofa, saying indifferently: “didn’t expect Mr. Yu’s ability to boasting is not comparable to the pill concocting level, this palace Recently, are you interested in buying some Jiazidan and Half Pear Spiritual Pill, can Mr. Yu refine it?”

In an instant, Yu Xinghuo was embarrassed.

Jiazidan and Half-Pearl Spirit Pill are currently the most popular medicine pill in the cultivation field, but unfortunately, not to mention him, even the medicine Wanggu cannot be copied.

So when he heard Weisheng Zhimei’s unspoken words, but his face was sharply bloody, his face became pig liver color, simply without the guts to mention Jiazidan and Half Pride Spiritual Pill, but the words changed sharply: “While Shicai was waiting for the palace owner to come here and saw it online, Shen Qiang accepted any challenge from Alchemist.”

“So once I shot, he lost.”

She smiled beautifully, and she was fascinating and charming, and her eyes did not hide her confidence in Shen Qiang. She said elegantly and indifferently: “People often say that they can see the leopard in the tube. If you can’t refine it, where can you win Shen Qiang’s self-confidence? Could it be that you drank too much tea and had an illusion?

Hearing this, Yu Xinghuo looked ashen: “Shen Qiang can compare any medicine pill.”

“That’s better than Jiazidan.” Weisheng Zhimei’s full of smiles: “Mr. Yu is so extraordinary natural talent, he is famous, I believe this is not difficult to do.”

In a flash, Yu Xinghuo’s face turned purple, and he said, “It’s not up to outsiders to dictate between things of Alchemist. I’ll ask you, if I win Shen Qiang, do you agree to my relatives.”

Meimu glanced at the side of the face, nervously growing 1000 Dai, 100 Hua Gongzhu Wei Sheng Zhi Miyi said with a smile: “If you win Shen Qiang, I can only say that your pill concocting is indeed better than Shen Qiang, But you will still not agree to your relatives. You have no chance, and the originally planned banquet was cancelled.”

Yu Xinghuo suddenly stood up and said sharply: “You angered me, you will regret it, and I will let you know who is the really good Medicine Refining Master.”

Hearing this, Wei Shengzhi’s fine jade holding a tea cup, lightly said with a smile: “I’m too arrogant, and I’m very optimistic about Zhimei’s optimistic men, even if they will lose, they will only lose to the real able to support The great character of both heaven and earth, like you, relies on himself to make a few pills. I don’t know how the guy of the immensity of heaven and earth might lose.”

“Okay, you have 100 kinds of flowers in the palace. Don’t look for me pill concocting in the future. Even if you ask me, I won’t refining you even a medicine pill i!” Yu Xinghuo roared.

Weisheng Zhimei lightly said with a smile: “We have 2 silver goods, very slow, don’t send.”

Yu Xinghuo complexion ashen said, “OK, let’s go and see.”

Say that’s all, he went out, passing by Weisheng 1000 Dai, he coldly said: “I will get what I want, and you will be no exception.”

Oh la la !

Weisheng 1000 Dai poke the water in the vase directly to his face.

Then he raised his eyebrows proudly, looking at his Yu Xinghuo in shock, and said indifferently: “Don’t dream, I would rather look at Shen Qiang from a distance, and never follow you.”

“Dare you splash me with water?” Yu Xinghuo was furious, raising his hand to make a gesture of beating.

But in an instant, the majestic breath came suddenly.

A cultivation base, a middle-aged woman at least in the Daogu period, suddenly appeared beside him, calmly said: “Mr. Yu, the direction of departure is over there.”

Yu Xinghuo gritted his teeth, nodded again and again, and turned out of the summer hotel without a word.

When he got into the hotel and got on the bus, he said angrily, “I will fight the medicine pill with this Shen Qiang!”

Suddenly followed the people around him: “Boss, although Shen Qiang has always appeared in the cultivation world as the 10000 demon king, but from the perspective of Jiazidan and Half-A Spiritual Pill, his pill concocting’s ability is definitely not trivial. , You fight against him, if you win, it’s okay, if you lose…”

“Shut up!” Yu Xinghuo angrily said: “I want Weisheng Zhimei and Weisheng 1000 Dai to regret and lose me. It is the most regrettable thing in their life. I want to humiliate Shen Qiang in the face of all the cultivation people. Let them see clearly. On the way to medicine pill, I am the king!”

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