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When she heard Bai Shiyi’s words, Shen Qiang smiled, at first Shen Qiang thought that Bai Shiyi was really very simple just to help Shen Qiang become famous. Do a good job of covering moon, shaming flowers Dan.

Shen Qiang instantly realized that Bai Shiyi simply didn’t just want to help Shen Qiang, because it was clear that if Shen Qiang’s conference was successful, then next, the honesty celebration, just put the medicine pill out and want The purchased cultivator instantly squeezes the store of integrity.

Sure enough, rigorous schemes and deep foresight.

Not convinced, because it is clear that this covering moon, shaming flowers Dan’s press conference, once successful, can not only eliminate the question of the cultivation community about whether Shen Qiang is eligible to participate in the medicine pill conference, but also logically reply to the medicine Wang Gu, order Yao Wanggu felt that Shen Qiang’s delay in not replying to Yao Wanggu’s news was not because of arrogance, but because of prudence.

The most critical step benefit will obviously fall into Bai Shiyi’s hands, that is, the focus of the Shen Qiang medicine pill conference, which will naturally shift to integrity.

The equivalent of free helped him make an advertisement.

But fortunately, the sales of medicine pill are related to their own vital interests, and looking at the side of the mouth to laugh, the charming and charming Bai Jiao, so Shen Qiang thought about it, or stop talking.

Anyway, this must be done.

Bai Shiyi just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.

They are all from their families, so it’s not interesting to care too much.

Looking at Shen Qiang with a smile, Bai Shiyi apparently guessed that Shen Qiang had thought that he wanted to borrow Dongfeng, and then he faintly smiled and said: “Don’t think I’m just trying to take advantage of you, but actually promote yourself properly. It’s very important. After all, you are not eating alone by yourself, the whole family is not hungry.”

“The stronger your medicine pill is, the stronger you will be with Hesheng, and the more people in the cultivation field are afraid to act blindly without thinking to you, so this is a good thing for you, and it is about the details of the conference, I It has been planned by someone to help you, with the body content, you will see it later, there should be no problem.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “It is very professional to do this with integrity, I believe it will be perfect.”

After eating.

Shen Qiang said goodbye, originally thinking that Bai Family old man would be reluctant to Bai Jiao, and the result was that Shen Qiang was astonished at 10000. In Baizhuang, the past few days, the night alone with the old man all day instead of the old man. People are reluctant.

Has been holding Ye Guyun’s hand to speak.

It looks as if she is her own.

After leaving Baizhuang, more than half a year later, he returned to Hesheng Heshanzhuang.

As soon as Shen Qiang was relieved, she saw the uncle Gui, who had a white shirt and a clean coat without any wrinkles, standing at the door. ,

“Boss.” Gui uncle nodded said hello.

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Uncle Gui, the Spring Festival has just passed by, and I haven’t been with you at home. Don’t mind, next year’s Spring Festival, I will take you wherever I am.”

Hearing this, Uncle Gui laughed, and then nodded and said: “it’s a deal.”

Shen Qiang and Bai Jiao entered the house with a smile.

There is no who at home, only Jiang Hanyang and Ke Bizhu are present, the other women have not returned home, Xiuju is in the company, the beautiful demon fox Chuqing is in front of the villa, and the 4 big monsters of Happy Gate,

Let go of things.

After a few words.

Shen Qiang sat on the sofa in the living room and began to read the conference planning book given by Bai Shiyi.

Afterwards, people who had to admire integrity and honesty were really attentive in planning. The details were in place, and even what was said and how much time was spent was accurate to the second.

And all the details of the whole conference are very concise. The overall time is only 5 minutes, which is very powerful.

While looking at the plan book given by Bai Shiyi, Shen Qiang thought.

Just then.

Lithe and graceful, the beautiful demon fox Chuqing came back, she sat next to Shen Qiang with a charming look, glanced at, covering the moon, shaming flowers Dan’s press conference planning case, could not help but be charming one said with a smile: “I still I thought you didn’t care what the people on the internet said, didn’t expect, you are ready to fight back with medicine pill.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang was shocked: “What did they say?”

The beautiful demon fox pu chi laughed at once: “Immortal Realm Forum’s version of the grievances and grievances, you go in to see if it is understood?”

Shen Qiang frowned, speaking of which, during the Spring Festival, he really didn’t care much about the cultivation industry online forum, because compared with these things, spending the Spring Festival with his parents is the most important thing, not only that, the first day of the first month 2 At that time, Shen Qiang glanced at the forum, and not many people spoke in it.

There is no fierce speech.

But today is the sixth day, basically the taste of the Spring Festival has almost dispersed.

Turn on the computer and log in to the forum. Shen Qiang saw the forum’s Jianghu Enrage Edition at a glance, and all kinds of posts came out. It was no longer like a few days ago.

And one of the most popular posts was pushed to the most prominent position on the page by many replies, and the system was automatically added to the back by the hot.

“What qualifications does Shen Qiang play in the same field as 3 12 Master? 》

Seeing such a title, Shen Qiang frowned.

Just click inside.

The post was sent more than 8 am on the first month.

Shen Qiang glanced at the content posted by the poster.

This person uses an anonymous post.

Cannot see the account name.

But the content of his post is obviously aimed at Shen Qiang. All the arguments are multi-angle attempts to prove that Shen Qiang is not at all qualified to participate in the medicine pill conference.

See this landlord’s speech.

Shen Qiang smiled, because in the morning, Shen Qiang logged in to the mailbox and forwarded the invitation letter of medicine pill from Heshenghe, a total of 3 letters.

Basically it’s the rhythm of sending a letter every day.

If it were not for Bai Shiyi’s repeated emphasis, Shen Qiang should not be too willful in everything now, and the brand effect should be considered. At this medicine pill conference, Shen Qiang did not want to go at all.

As a result, absolutely didn’t expect, on this matter, there are also some people who talked about 3 and 4 in length.

And after pulling the webpage pull tab, Shen Qiang read the length of this post, at least a few thousand words, simply did not have the patience to read it, so drag directly to the following, see what other cultivator on the forum said.

“It’s too long, don’t watch it, but I helped you, even if we both know each other, you have to know if I have something to do in the future?…from a qualified second floor.”

“It’s this post again, which one is not the top grade of Shen Qiang medicine pill, what can’t participate in the medicine pill conference, even more how, people participate in the conference, it was invited by Yao Wanggu, and what has it to do with you ?”

This reply made Shen Qiang look comfortable and glanced at the id on the third floor and found that it was Nalan Tianyu.

Reminiscent of her beautiful face and the exotic beauty when her beautiful eyes emerged, Shen Qiang’s mouth showed a smile.

But then, pulling the bar down, Shen Qiang immediately brows tightly frowns.

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