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Shen Qiang secretly made up her mind to be the most powerful house, and took the girls back to the provincial capital.

Shen Qiang’s doorstep.

Looking at the team, she hadn’t been seen for a long time, but she still stood on the side of the road, Shen Qiang Mother, Aunt Xiulian smiled and bent her eyes: “He 2 maid, the strong man just left, you remember it? If you don’t worry, you simply Go to the provincial capital with my second brother.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang Mother smiled: “I don’t want to cause trouble to the child. When I get to the place where I am not familiar, what will not do, what’s the point? Besides, our strong son, very motivated, doesn’t need to I worry about it.”

Many neighbors heard nodded at once.

“That’s not true, Shen Qiang is too powerful now.” The village chief said: “You haven’t seen it before, the little secretary of the county party committee, the explosion is so terrible, what’s the result, and how about it with Shen Qiang wu wu, And again and again, he didn’t need anything for a few days, so he let Shen Qiang kneel, haha, but he couldn’t ask for mercy on his knees, Zhang county chief said, he must be dealt with strictly.”

Hearing this, many villagers around their eyes brightened.

Captain, who raised his eyebrows said with a smile: “The most funny thing is Shen Lao 3, this bastard who doesn’t know the inside and outside, I think he is relying on the county party committee’s little secretary, relying on the county’s upside down 2 handcart guy Now, I came here to challenge Shen Qiang and said that I had to borrow 30,000,000 for what I borrowed. If I borrowed it, I had to borrow it if I didn’t. It’s okay. Others can say that this is extortion. The county governor is here. , Old Master Shen and Master have enough to drink a pot this time.”

Everyone around heard eyes sharp.

“Yeah, not to mention, this Shen Qiang is really good, and his character is good. This old Shen 3 is not the most thing. He was still in the village a few days ago, saying what Shen Qiang is rich, then the money is also There must be no good way.”

“Well, I remember he was awesome before, and when she saw Shen Qiang, neither of them talked.”

“Ha, deserve it! Deserve it! Shen Qiang who, the county magistrate went to visit the powerful people, and Shen Lao 3 still wanted to ride the two grandfathers, this is retribution.”

The village chief laughed: “Okay, don’t say this to outsiders. We have a great character from the north of the camp. This kind of thing, it seems too bragging, low-key, ah ha ha ha, my village chief is not in vain, The county magistrate today specially praised my job well, ah ha ha.”

The villagers laughed.

Aunt Xiulian splashed cold water: “Look like you laugh like a fool. The county magistrate looks at Shen Qiang and treats you with two sentences, which will make you beautiful.”

The village chief laughed: “Hahaha, you are jealous, Shen Qiang, now is the pride of Yingbei. For up to 100 years, every household has every one. There really is no one can match it, um, the result Now, we are out of Shen Qiang, ah ha ha ha in Yingbei, which proves my ability.”

Everyone laughed away.

“This village head is really hard to put gold on his face.”

“That’s Shen Qiang.”

“Yeah, don’t listen to him blowing blindly.”

Here, the village chief laughed at the door of Shen Qiang’s house.

In the yard, Shen Qiang father Mother stood in the yard, looking at the suddenly deserted house, Shen honestly said suddenly: “A year soon, they will be back in a short time.”

Shen Qiang Mother un’ed, and then suddenly said with a smile: “I knew that my son must be the best one. When he left, he told me that he would become the most powerful house. I believe he can do it.”

Shen Qiang father also smiled: “I believe too.”

The convoy rushed all the way to the provincial capital.

At the same time, in Shanghai, the beautiful Nalan Tianyu, wearing a pure white uniform of variant and formidable looking, stood quietly at the door of the Dragon Division Demon’s Domesticated Safety Branch, looking at the sky and fascinated.

“Section Chief, what’s the matter with you?” the ponytail girls raised their eyebrows.

The beautiful Nalan Tianyu suddenly came back to his senses, a red face with unreasonable beauty, and then sighed quietly: “I thought he would call me for the Spring Festival, but I just received him Mass New Year’s message.”

“I don’t have any text messages sent by the masses.” The twin ponytail girls smiled charmingly and said, “Besides, didn’t Section Chief say that he would go to the scene at the medicine pill conference? Yao Wanggu has already sent him an invitation, when the time comes he will definitely go.”

The beautiful Nalan Tianyu said nervously: “Do you really think that’s that good?”

The girls with double ponytails smiled brightly: “There is nothing bad, logical encounters, unless he is crazy enough, there is nothing to worry about.”

The beautiful Nalan Tianyu was silent, but her eyes were inexplicably coy.

At the same time, in the villa next to the 100 Flower Palace Summer Hotel.

Weisheng 1000 Daizheng hummed happily while playing with her mobile phone.

“La La La, the Spring Festival is over, the Master said that after a few days, I can represent 100 Flower Palace and go to Hesheng to discuss the cooperation of sports school.”

As soon as her voice fell, the door squeaked open.

lithe and graceful The rich 100 Flower Palace Master Weisheng Zhimei looked at her with a smile and said: “You this girl, remind you how many times, this is a trade secret, you can’t tell your friends.”

Weisheng 1000 Dai coquettishly said: “Master, you can’t eavesdrop on me.”

Weisheng Zhimei was helpless, and then said with a smile: “Did I overhear? You said so loudly, as if afraid that someone would not know.”

100 Hua Yu Nu Wei Sheng 1000 Dai was embarrassed, her face was blushing and she did not speak.

Looking at her like this, the 100 flower palace master Weisheng Zhimei couldn’t help but say with a smile: “Relax, Master will not change his mind to give this matter to others, but you have to remember that details about cooperation, no Can be disclosed to anyone.”

“Hmm, I know.” Weisheng 1000 Dai, hurriedly nodded.

at the same time.

Deep in Yaowang Valley.

A white clothed young master of Sai Xue’s medicine Wang Gu Young Master looks beautiful not interested in mundane affairs.

She sat quietly on the all-wood second floor, and she was playing the piano with her hands slender.

The sound of the piano was faint, and seemed to be full of girls’ concerns.

“Young Master, Young Master!” The tall, dark-skinned girl rushed in with her mobile phone and yelled, “Today is at the beginning of the first month of the second month. Why did Shen Qiang and Hesheng He reply so slowly, we The invitation letter sent to them has obviously been sent several times, and how can they not return it now?”

The sound of the piano came to an abrupt end, and the beautiful medicine Wang Gu Young Master Liu Mei said slightly: “You this girl, can’t you be more secure? Shen Qiang will come, but if you are a Medicine Refining Master, no one will not want to participate in medicine. At the pill conference, he hasn’t responded yet, probably he hasn’t seen the invitation yet.”

The girl with a healthy complexion said awkwardly and questioningly, “10000-Does he really not come?”

“That was his own loss.” The young Master of Medicine Wanggu said: “It is the dream of all Medicine Refining Master to be able to attend Medicine Pill Conference. How could he be an exception?”

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