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Hearing Shen Qiang’s question, the beautiful and charming night lonely cloud not only leaned on Shen Qiang’s side, but the smiling cherry lips were as pink as petals, and 2 crystal clear white tiger teeth , Not only sets her off more and more cute, but also reveals the untamed wildness.

Ma Jiyong and their 4 young people are just stupid.

“A beautiful little girl with no awl face, no heavy makeup, delicate and pretty, cute, cute, wild, so beautiful and unmatched.”

“Awesome girl, no pretentiousness, no cover up, fresh and natural breath assaults the senses.”

“This is perhaps the simplest beauty!”

And just when they were shocked by Ye Guyun’s beauty.

3 Uncle looked at Shen Qiang in amazement. For a moment, he didn’t understand. Why is this son of Shen honest, his temperament is not like Shen honest.

The atmosphere in the room was awkward.

At this time, Shen honestly said: “Shen Qiang, how can you talk to your 3 uncles like this? Really, don’t you want to go back to the provincial capital? Let’s go, it’s all your business.”

Hearing this, Uncle 3 was stunned and hurriedly said: “No permission to leave. I came here today and I came to Shen Qiang deliberately.”

Shen was really surprised.

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows indifferently: “If you come here to find fault, then please start your performance.”

Hearing this, Uncle 3 glanced at the youth around Ma Jiyong with an unsightly look. When he saw the youth being nodded, Uncle 3 immediately said, “The reason for coming to you this time is to introduce you to us. Ma Jiyong, general manager of the handcart company.”

Shen Qiang looked at the cock’s head in surprise.

He laughed, leaned on the sofa, and then took out a printed contract from his personal bag and a pen on the coffee table,

“Shen Boss, I will come to you this time. There is nothing else. The company needs a turnaround. I want to borrow 30,000,000 from you. I will give you 20% interest every month.”

Looking at his shining bull, a serious look.

Shen Qiang pu chi, just have fun.

“Monthly interest is 20%. This is a loan shark. For 30,000,000, the interest for one month is 600,000, and the interest for 700 a year, tsk tsk, is really tempting. It sounds like you are sending me money. “

Ma Jiyong laughed: “I believe that Mr. Shen is a happy person. I agree that you will sign nodded, transfer money, one year, I will pay interest in the first 8 months, and I will repay the principal in the next 4 months.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “20% profit, it’s really okay, but you have too little money to borrow, not even 30,000,000, your company’s strength is too poor, it’s not within the scope of cooperation, I want to borrow money in the future, below 3,000,000,000, don’t look for me.”

In an instant, the three uncles and Ma Jiyong and the two young men he brought were stunned.

“30,000,000 is too little?” They looked at each other in blank dismay.

You know, this is the number that they barely dared to say after they added it and bravely.

Because at first, Ma Jiyong’s intention was to be able to cheat 10,000,000, which is already a big number. 30,000,000 is almost the ultimate of their imagination.

But where do they know that Shen Qiang is not only a cultivator, but also a very rich cultivator, selling a medicine pill for 100000000 million.

On New Year’s Eve, killing some bounty hunters who are not conspicuous, the gain is obviously at least more than 1 billion, so in Shen Qiang’s deep in one’s heart, the difference between 3,000,000,000 and 300 is really just a few more zeros behind.

“3,000,000,000?” Ma Jiyong’s eyes lit up: “Then I will borrow 3,000,000,000!”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You are deaf? A small company without 30,000,000. Why should I believe you can afford it? Fuck off, I don’t have any relatives with you, 2 is not similar, just you, and I think shiningly Borrow money with me? Don’t borrow 30%, leave me immediately.”

Hearing this, Maggie froze.

At this time, peng sound, 3 Da Bomeng patted the coffee table, and said angrily: “Shen Qiang, not educated! Mr. Ma is Big Boss. When you talk with others, be polite, open your mouth and shut up 3,000,000,000, you have 3,000,000,000, you Live here?”

This made Shen Qiang laugh, and wondered in my heart, what’s wrong, where can I live if I have money? Who stipulates that I cannot live here if I have money?

Thinking about it, 3 Dabo said seriously: “Shen Qiang, this person, I got it. You have to borrow this money. Besides, don’t Boss Ma pay you interest?”

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Yo, I forgot about interest.”

3 Uncle Dao said: “Look, your child is not thinking about it. You can count on borrowing 30,000,000 from you, earning 72010000 in one year of interest money, is there any better business than this? Give you the same money.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “It’s so good, won’t you end if you borrow him?”

3 Uncle stunned, said: “How do you lift the bar, if I have 30,000,000, I will let you earn this money.”

Shen Qiang laughed and said quietly: “Okay, you don’t need to use routines. This is Yingbei Village. Even if his broken company is opened in the county, the county’s population is insufficient thousand, and the main means of transportation is battery cars. 2 Handcarts are basically less than 50000.”

“I’ll give you a net profit of 5000, even if you can sell 1000 2 handcarts a year in this small county with a big slap, the profit is only 5,000,000, pay 700 interest? Is it silly? Just 200,000 counties in the county Car dealership, if you can sell 2 100 handcarts a year, you will be a car god in another place.”

“How much is the net profit? I can’t tell you, let’s make a big effort 500,000!”

expression turned cold, looking at the dumbfounded people, Shen Qiang calmly said: “So you 30% of the money, don’t want to take it from me.”

Hearing this, Uncle 3 was anxious and glared at Hu: “Shen Qiang, what do you say, people Boss Ma, but Big Boss in the county, your younger brother will go to his company as a manager next week, this money you Can it be done without borrowing?”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang took a deep breath, coldly said: “Don’t say it, Dazheng Yuet, I don’t want to say anything about you.”

“You dare! Today’s money, we’ll borrow it!” 3 Da Bai Lai said on the sofa, “If you don’t borrow, tomorrow the whole camp will know that you Shen Qiang is a beast, not recognizing one’s family.”

Hearing this, the Dongwu door squeaked open, and the sullen aunt Xiulian and 2 sister-in-law came out of the Dongwu, she said with a sneer: “Oh, who the hell is this fart Well, I said why is it so old, it turned out to be Shen Lao 3, ah ha ha, are you really confused, or did you deliberately harm Shen Qiang? Is it that you can’t even distinguish between inside and outside? Shen Qiang 30,000,000 water float, just give your son a second handcar dealer’s manager? If this money car dealer is not up, both principal and interest you Shen Lao 2 still pay?”

Shen Qiang 3 Uncle turned red and snapped the table and said, “Ma Xiulian, this is our old Shen Family’s business. You can’t talk about your outsider intervening. This money, today Shen Qiang can borrow or borrow. !”

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