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As the door of the private room was pushed open, Shen Qiang, who had just picked up the wine glass, immediately heard a man’s voice that sounded more than 20: “Yo, Tang Meng, I thought you were so good. Great boyfriend, dare not to answer my phone, but didn’t expect, it turned out that there are just so many trashes.”

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiang’s good mood disappeared instantly.

“Hu Yongqiang, what the hell are you doing?” Tang Meng was anxious.

Shen Qiang glanced sideways at Li Wei. After all, Tang Meng was his girlfriend, so at this time, Li Wei’s complexion was also very ugly, but he said with a smile: “Come on, do this cup.”

After all, the wine glasses are raised, and Shen Qiang is not easy to say.

Had to drink.

A glass of wine at the entrance, haven’t waited to drink it.

Because Tang Meng stood up, her position was right at the door, so the man standing at the door pulled off Tang Meng’s chair very politely, sat down at the table, and then superbly compared one of her hands. The treasure carriage key was dropped on the table.

Put down the wine glass, Shen Qiang looked at it quietly with a frown.

Then I saw that Tang Meng was out of anger, and behind the man sitting at the table, there were 5 6 5 big 3 thick, it didn’t look like a good young man,

“Hu Yongqiang, you are endless! I said, I don’t like you, and I don’t have any problems with you, who I am in love with is my freedom, you go immediately, or I will call the police.”

Hearing Tang Meng’s words, the young man sitting on the chair gave a cigarette with a frantic look, a gang of super gangsters, and then put the cigarette on the table, Shen Qiang glanced at it, as if not high-end, yes Liquor in black box.

Shen Qiang usually doesn’t smoke unless it’s for entertainment purposes, so Shen Qiang really doesn’t know if the smoke is very good, but coincidentally, when Shen Qiang came out, Bai Jiao specially gave Shen Qiang’s pocket There were 2 packs of cigarettes in it, and it was not considered rude to say that you were going out to meet your classmates.

She said that the special cigarettes she brought to Shen Qiang’s father were too expensive, and the other was less, not very easy to deal with, so she installed 2 boxes of yellow boxes in Li Chunfu Chunshan for Shen Qiang. I use this one, 5 packs, 8,000, which is equivalent to about 1000 6 packs, which is considered to be the first-class high-end cigarettes on the market. It is not shameful when smoking for classmates.

Shen Qiang does not smoke on his own, only occasionally when he is entertaining.

These classmates were not polite with Shen Qiang, they all smoked themselves, so for a while, Shen Qiang did not remember this matter. At this time, when he saw this young man, he lit a cigarette and put it on the table. Shen Qiang suddenly remembered this matter in his own way.

At this time, lightly vomited a smoke ring and Hu Yongqiang said with a sullen face: “Tang Meng, you are willing to report to the police, just like you said, who you are in love with really has nothing to do with me, but can he? Give you happiness, it has something to do with me.”

Saying that’s all, he looked at Li Wei sideways, and said, “You are Tang Meng’s boyfriend? Do you know that a person with no ability is not eligible for love? You can’t give it to her , So if you’re not a selfish ghost, quit yourself.”

Lying in the trough.

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiang ignited.

But the strange thing is that Li Wei not at all immediately turned his face, but said to the young man super calmly: “I know who, you don’t need to say these nonsense, you just say what you want.”

The young man smiled and glanced at the smoke in front of Li Wei. A said with a smile: “Yo, Nanjing Xuan He Men, 16 yuan a pack, you smoke this?” A shot of the black box Liqun in front of him, the young man Raised his eyebrows: “I smoke 45 packs.”

Shen Qiang was embarrassed in an instant.

Can his uncle’s 45-dollar stuff be shown off?

Just as Shen Qiang thought.

The young man looked at Li Wei and said, “Is there a house?”

“Buy.” Li Wei said.

The young man smiled: “My family is in this county, there are 5 sets of stores and 1 sets of houses, all of them are fully funded, and your strength is not enough.”

Li Wei was silent.

The snickers behind the young man.

The young man said superbly, “Is there a car?”

Li Wei took a deep breath: “There is a Suzuki Swift.”

The young man smiled, raised his eyebrows, and said in a superb way: “Oh, a car within a thousand, I drive a BMW, 400,000!”

See Li Wei silent.

The young man taunted with a raised eyebrow: “Do you know the gap between us? Don’t be too selfish. Tang Meng is in love with me. I’m not qualified to manage it, but you must understand that she has better choices. Following you, she will be in her life Poor hehe, but follow me, she can eat fragrant and spicy, so don’t say anything about love in falsehood, if you really love her, you will get out of your own and disappear in her world.”

Hearing this, Tang Meng was anxious: “Hu Yongqiang, you shut up! I am happy with Li Wei, I can’t buy it for much money, I just like him, I just want to be with him, this is with him It doesn’t matter whether you have money or not. No matter how much money you have, I don’t plan. He doesn’t have money. I’m not afraid. You go, you go immediately.”

Hearing Tang Meng’s words, Li Wei’s eyes were a little red, and he said, “Tang Meng, I am comfortable with your words.”

Looking at the young man, Li Wei said: “Hu Yongqiang, I know who you are, and I know your home is a tyrant in the town, but I am not afraid of you, and Tang Meng really wants to be together, then no one can break us apart. “

The young man’s face became very ugly. He stared coldly at Li Wei, and suddenly picked up half a glass of drink before Tang Meng, and slammed into Li Wei’s face, then said: “Shameless, selfish, you simply don’t Tang Meng, otherwise you will get away.”

Seeing this scene, Shen Qiang wanted to knock this guy down with a punch.

But Li Wei is not Shen Qiang, he is not a cultivator, and there is no big backer. Shen Qiang impossible always protects him, so it is up to him.


Li Wei, who was splashed with a drink, raised his hand and slapped Hu Yongqiang.

Then Hu Yong was anxious. He picked up the wine bottle and the young men at the door yelled to rush in.

Fatty Zhang Tuo also pulled up a wine bottle, and the other two were ashen-faced.

In the exclamation of Tang Meng, Shen Shug of Lu Shuyao pulled away the hair in the back of Hu Yongqiang’s head, pressed him slightly on the chair with a little effort, and then looked at the door coldly yelling Several people said, “Shut up, stand for me, don’t wait for me to kick you.”

Shen Qiang’s cultivation base at this time has reached the midst of Yang Shen, and there is no need to break out True Yuan or start violent, just a look, all those burly men are afraid to move.

Pa! pa! pa!

Seeing that the kid couldn’t move when pressed by Shen Qiang, Li Wei raised his hands and snapped a few slaps,

“Dare you dare to hit me?” Hu Yongqiang, who was held in the hand by Shen Qiang, was not convinced.

Hearing his roar, Shen Qiang smiled: “He not only dared to hit you, he dared to fight hard.”

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