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When I watched it, I fed myself, and the phone was hung up. Shen Qiang was a little bit happy, thinking about it carefully. In the past year, Shen Qiang hangs up on someone else’s phone, but he returns home, and his high school classmates hang up. Phone.

If this matter is to let those cultivator understood, dignified 10000 demon king, Hesheng Heda gangster, be an ordinary person, hang up the phone, he must happily listen, and smile with 8 front teeth.

But Shen Qiang was rather happy.

At least, a little bit found the feeling at that time, no that many nonsense, no interest disputes, the thief is pure, tell you what time, where, hurry up and it is over, there is no good words to call you after the call.

This is much more comfortable than fighting with those cultivators.

Back home, fish, rabbit, handed over to the girls to clean up.

Li Wei’s phone call came again: “At 6 o’clock in the evening, on time, don’t let the severe brothers wait for you, bring your girlfriend, not bring yourself as a light bulb, don’t say I didn’t remind you.”

Finished, slap. Hanged again. ,

Shen Qiang smiled, originally wanted to be called Bai Jiao.

But Bai Jiaobai’s Eldest Young Lady is indeed sweet enough, but the only problem is that it is a little too grounded, the gas field is too strong, there is nothing in the cultivator circle, after all, the status of Bai Family is there, and the status of Shen Qiang is also There, Bai Jiaobai’s Eldest Young Lady debuted, and it was normal for everyone to be envious.

But in high school classmate reunion party, taking her to go is a bit inappropriate.

10000 If any student blows a little bit, if you don’t get on the table, Bai Jiao’s Eldest Young Lady doesn’t say anything on her mouth, and she feels that she is not good.

So this matter, Ye Guyun can’t do it, she knows to eat, Kang Luoying can’t do it, it’s too simple, Jiang Hanyang is too clever, but Ke Bizhu… the two are quite ambiguous now, feeling that it’s interesting, Shen Qiang invited her to come, She is here, but it may be because one is Boss and the other is a secretary. Between the two, it’s a little bit worse.

Miao Xiao Xia is too simple and unsuitable. Su Xiaoyuan is a Dean assistant. She also speaks with aloof and remote smell. Xin Xiaoting has been stupid in recent surgery. She eats a fish head and has to break down layer by layer. Xiuju is not very good Stable, 10000 If anyone comes to a sentence and so on, she gets dark, and she will be guilty of awkward cancer.

The most decent choice is undoubtedly Ju Yang.

But hehe, she is now protected by more than a dozen people from Shen Family. After the heavy snowfall, the road is full of ice. If you really want to take her out, then Shen Qiang must be criticized by everyone.

Ali is the same.

Ye Xiaolei is too shy to guess that he can’t say a single scene.

At this moment, Shen Qiang saw Lu Shuyao at a glance.

She was wearing slim jeans and an apron. She was picking up fish in the kitchen. She was undressed with flowers and no aloof and remote. At the same time, she was a nurse, a food anchor, and was studying in the UK.

Generous and decent, average, and appearance among all the women, although they belong to the bottom of the score, but brought out in this county, it definitely makes people shine and praise beautiful women.

It’s her.

Shen Qiang laughed hehe and walked over: “At night I am classmate reunion party, you go with me.”

Lu Shuyao blushed as soon as he blushed, and Shen Qiang glared white: “This old man, I’ll go with you, how bad it is.”

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiang coughed and loudly said: “My high school classmate said that I would party at night. I want Lu Shuyao to accompany me and raise my opinion.”

Everyone laughed.

Only Ye Guyun raised his hand.

When Shen Qiang didn’t see it, he said, “Well, since everyone has no opinion, it’s so settled.”

Ye Guyun was anxious and rushed to Shen Qiang. Shen Qiang waved his hand and a bag of Guodanpi lit up. Ye Guyun immediately stopped talking and laughed and took him away. ,

It was 4 o’clock in the afternoon, and the family opened for dinner and ate normally.

After dinner, it was all right. Shen Qiang took Lu Shuyao and left for half an hour. ,

The county is small.

There are not many people at the root of the year, just enough time to take her around the ring road in the county.

Shen Qiang drove, and Lu Shuyao was silent.

Seeing her not talking for a long time, Shen Qiang smiled: “Why not talk.”

Lu Shuyao sighed, and then said with a smile: “It feels like there are so many words to say, but when the words come to my lips, I feel that those words are redundant and hypocritical.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “This is not your character, tell you a secret, the day you bought me shoes, Xin Xiaoting also bought me.”

Hearing this sentence, Lu Shuyao pu chi laughed at once: “I guess she should be thinking about something. One night, I asked her to call you. She said she did not. I knew she was lying at first sight.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “I was slow at the time.”

“Are you pretending to be confused?” Lu Shuyao smiled delicately: “You have to say that you don’t feel that Xin Xiaoting is interesting to you at all, I don’t believe it.”

Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes as he drove while driving: “I was aware of it, but I was not in love at the time, and my IQ dropped more seriously, so I didn’t really think about it.”

Lu Shuyao smiled cutely and proudly: “She looks better than me, and she is a doctor and I am a nurse, so if I want to be with you, I can only take the initiative, otherwise if she takes the initiative at that time, you I ran away with her as early as you, your classmates for 4 years, she is still a flower.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “It’s not like the Lu Shuyao I know, she has a lot of courage and dare to think and love.”

Lu Shuyao smiled and bent his eyes and said, “Don’t irritate me. Actually, I regretted it. I shouldn’t have gone to England at first. Maybe in that way, maybe there are only two of us and the world.”

Shen Qiang smiled and glanced at her, saying: “You can spurn my morality is not noble, but you must understand that I love them as much as I love you.”

Lu Shuyao smiled and bent his eyes, said: “I will casually say, it feels good now, everyone talked and laughed together, playing cards, chatting, very happy, but you seem to have a heavy heart all day long.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “If there is something in this world that I can’t let go, then only my parents and you, sometimes I am surprised myself, why am I so greedy, but let me let go, not go Ignore you, I can’t do it.”

Lu Shuyao smiled and said charmingly: “Don’t talk so sensationally, I don’t want to go back to school anymore.”

“Then stay, I have money now, can send you to learn any course you like, if you want to be the anchor, I can help you.”

Looking at the serious look of Shen Qiang, Lu Shuyao smiled charmingly and proudly, saying: “No, I want to be the best nursing expert, when the time comes, when you are a doctor, I can see you all day long , But they can’t compare.”

Shen Qiang smiled.

Sure enough, Lu Shuyao still has his own ideas and plans as before, even after being separated by half a year.

The car arrived at Shuxiang Building and parked the car behind.

As soon as Shen Qiang brought Lu Shuyao into the store, a big boy hugged Shen Qiang: “hahaha, Shen Qiang, you are really tall, I didn’t believe it when Li Wei said.”

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