You can search for the latest chapter in 100 degrees by searching for “Furious Novels of Mad Doctors”.

Shen Qiang laughed, and at this time, outside the car, she didn’t see Shen Qiang’s car. The pillar, his second uncle and his aunt, both jumped anxiously.

“Xiulian, you really believe this Shen Qiang, and the old doctors of other people can’t say it. You can believe what he says? You are pitting the pillar.”

“The experts of the General Hospital have said that, you have to get a cure. You have to screw it up. If something goes wrong with 10000, you will be useless even if you cry blind.”

Hearing their words, Aunt Xiulian sitting in the car, her eyes did not shake.

“I know Shen Qiang. He can tell if he lied. He has had a lot of ideas since he was a child. He lied and was not beaten. But he lied about something. It’s not a real thing. He will never pack a ticket for me. He knows. I believe in him.”

See Aunt Xiulian remaining unmoved, pillar second uncle to get really angry.

“My brother marries you like your daughter-in-law, this is a bad luck for a lifetime, even if you call Li Family and Wang Family all day long, and you dare to come here in this matter? Then Shen Qiang, come home this time, it looks like It’s awe-inspiring, a luxury car, a big mansion, it’s very cattle, but he’s not Divine Immortal, you and my brother are just such a pillar, oh! You can let me say what you order!”

Pillar second uncle to get really angry.

Zhu Zi’s aunt also said: “That is, if he Shen Qiang can do it, how can he not be an expert?”

Hearing this, Aunt Xiulian got angry: “The pillar is my son, can I give him a shortfall? Just leave it to Shen Qiang. You both shut up and don’t care!”

At the sight of her fire, everyone said nothing.

But after waiting for a while, watching Shen Qiang’s car still not moving, everyone began to worry.

“Isn’t it good to transfer? Why doesn’t Shen Qiang leave yet?”

“Someone is in a hurry. If you drag on like this, good people will get sick.”

“It’s a real death!”

Just when they were unfathomable mystery.

In the car, Shen Qiang of Xiaohe had clearly noticed that with the entry of Bacillus anthracis, the leaves of the plague source had clearly produced antibodies.

So now Shen Qiang did not hesitate.

Some antibodies were released directly to eliminate Bacillus anthracis in the body.

Just do all this.

The village head, who was so anxious, knocked on the window, and Shen Qiang dropped the window, and the village head raised his head: “Shen Qiang, where is he going to turn? Is this a good thing for this person to drag down again?”

As a result, he just finished speaking.

The pillar swished and sat up.

Startled the village head.

“What’s not going to work?” Zhuzi looked at the village chief: “I’m fine with that.”

The head of the village was a little ignorant.

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Let me come to Xiulian.”

I heard this.

The head of the village hesitated, as if to say again, wasn’t this person looking back? ,

At this moment, after hearing Shen Qiang’s words, Aunt Xiulian came in 3 steps and made 2 steps.

Shen Qiang drove the door and sat on the co-pilot. To Aunt Xiulian, who was dumbfounded at the pillar, said: “If you are afraid of trouble, save money, I will send you and the pillar home, and ask the village doctor to hang 2 bottles of anti-inflammatory drugs. If you are not worried, I will send you. After recovery, I stayed for a few days, and now I still have some meningitis and edema. It is fine to take anti-inflammatory drugs for 2 days.”

Upon hearing this, Aunt Xiulian said happily: “Really!”

Shen Qiang laughed: “An old lady in my family can’t wait for you, do you think I’m willing to serve you?”

Hearing this, Aunt Xiulian cried with a wow, and got on the train with Xiaomei.

Let Shen Qiang drive them to recover.

Seeing them go.

The dumbfounded village head and the pillar he second uncle his aunt and a large group of them, and then shuaa~ followed to recover, and went to the hospital, where the pillar was hospitalized and checked again.

Sure enough, the anthrax virus was gone.

The results of the examination showed that the column was a little edema of the meninges, and still had a fever. There was a small problem. The doctor said that some anti-inflammatory drugs should be administered.

This time, everyone was stupid.

The column second uncle looked like Shen Qiang at monstrous: “That’s fine? Really don’t need to cut your hands?”

Zhu Zi his aunt: “Eh…Shen Qiang, I…”

Looking at them in amazement, surprise, surprise, and another confused look, Shen Qiang smiled and looked at his watch: “It’s getting dark, it’s not early, I got it, I have something to call.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang took Ke Bizhu and left.

Everyone was unfathomable mystery and didn’t know what to say. Aunt Xiulian and Xiaomei were going through the admission procedures for the pillar, so they had to watch Shen Qiang go.

Go home.

Shen Qiang suddenly remembered that it was broken and left the village head in the hospital.

But it is not that matter to go back and pick up now, and it is not necessary.

So just think about it.

Today is a small year.

Festive day.

Not only did they eat the reunion dinner and took the family photo, Shen Qiang also unexpectedly harvested Bacillus anthracis.

This anthrax bacilli now has a vaccine.

Therefore, in ordinary medical applications, it is of little significance to use it for research, so the key now is to see whether the anthrax bacillus two hours after the eventy is really like those scientists say, for black tumors, rectal tumors Breast tumors have special effects. If it is true, then there is no doubt that Tianyou Medicine will be more brilliant.

But that was obviously something that should be considered after returning to the provincial capital.

At home, all the girls go online, playing mahjong, playing mahjong, Shen Qiang joins in the fun, playing two, Ju Yang, Miao Xiao Xia, and Chu Qing said nothing to play with Shen Qiang.

“I don’t play with you anymore. I’m playing cards from the very beginning with the next house from the very beginning. Oh, what I play, you play what you follow, you can’t eat anything, and I won’t play with you.”

“That’s the same thing, I know that I can’t be fooled, but I also cross-handed and disturbed my good hand.”

“I won’t take you to play. I’m there. There are 4 or 7 of them. You get all 4 or 7 of them. The 4 of Yaoya’s hands are still not good. If you don’t play with you, you are fooling.”

Shen Qiang, who was forcibly replaced, had no choice but to look at the girls on the head of Kang head with full of smiles, but inexplicably thought of 1000 mountains and snow, I didn’t know where she was at this moment, in her young age, Wei Shengzhi Beauty is king at 100 Flower Palace, what about her?

At the same time, the Kunlun Mountains vein, the top of Snow Mountain.

The mouth of the cave is not a big bonfire, which illuminates the beautiful face of 1000 Mountain Snow. At this time, her face is not cold and proud, but only warm, happy, and delicate.

On the rock wall not far from her.

The slender jade legs are barefoot and are rippling on the edge of the cliff.

“Is the food he made really as delicious as you said? Is it really better than the food delivered by Kunlun Sword Sect?”

1000 Shan Xue smiled delicately and said, “It’s the ultimate delicacy you can think of.”

“Then I’ll catch him, OK?” The rippling legs on the cliff stopped. ,

1000 Shanxue laughed and said: “Not good, there is no Internet access and no air conditioning here, he will not like it, so you might as well teach me quickly, when I become stronger, I will take you to find him, let him Make it for you.”

call out!

Along with the wind and snow, the slender lithe and graceful figure appeared beside 1000 mountain snow. Only a moment, the campfire was dim to the extreme, and could not even glow again.

Subsequently, the helpless voice of Kunlun Maiden Xue came from the blizzard.

“You are so stupid, what can I do…”

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