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Shen Qiang was embarrassed for a moment, because this was the style of Shen Qiang father. He never spoke like other people’s dads. All day, um, that’s not good, that’s not good, he doesn’t say that, he’s in the village, the famous Shen honest It is a blessing to suffer a loss. Although it is not as good as saliva, it does not argue with anyone. When you can pretend to be stupid, when you can’t pretend to be stupid, you need to pretend to be stupid.

But he was never hypocritical in front of Shen Qiang. From Shen Qiang’s memoirs, Shen Qiang father said, hypocritical people, you will encounter countless people in your life, so I will be your true father.

From then on, she acted stupid outside and laughed hehe and told Mother that losing money is a blessing. She would occasionally speak in front of Shen Qiang.

Those who have no way to tell anyone.

The most impressive one was when Shen Qiang was in junior high school.

One day Shen honestly came back from the outside very late, his face sullen like a dark cloud pressed against the roof.

He said, I am so angry today that I want to destroy everything, but you are still young, I can only bear, I can only pretend to smile, pretend to be a fool, you must remember that in the future, either you will stand out and be so strong People dare to bully you, or you just bow your head and endure everything.

That day is the 6th day of the first month.

It was snowing, and Shen Qiang saw the blood on Shen Honest’s pants.

On the 2nd day, Shen Qiang heard that Ma Xiaosheng, the most prolific bastard in Yingbei, and his two brothers, a total of 2 people, were beaten by one person on the 3th night, saying that it was dark and it was not clear who they were. Hey, the scammers and rogues under his hands swayed in the village with a knife for 6 days, hu hu hu everywhere.

However, he did not sway to the door of Shen Qiang.

When it came to farming in the spring, the Ma Xiaosheng came and brought 2 cows, 2 sets of plow poles and more than a dozen people to help Shen Qiang’s family grow the land. They bite and have a distant relative with Shen Family. They called Shen honestly the second brother.

When Shen Qiang attended high school.

Shen Qiang father laughed all the time and said, when I was as big as you, I wanted to engage in objects all day, dreaming that I could marry many wives, do you also think?

Bear with me!

Let me go to college first, and when you get there, you have the ability to give me strength, and bring back 8 to make me happy, but definitely not in high school.

Shen Qiang at the time did not quite understand.

Until the day before the university left home.

That night Shen honestly said that after a man is concerned, there will be two roads, one road will become very strong, to fight for the care of his heart, to fight, to go, no fear! And the other way is to become weak, to know each other, to never leave each other, to be at home, to be at home, let drown 2, let me drink alone, let prosperity flourish, I am free.

Then he strangely took out 2 bottles, 3 pieces, and 5 burnt knives of seventy degrees.

He poured a big bowl for Shen Qiang.

A bowl is a bottle.

That was the first time Shen honest had a drink with Shen Qiang.

The wine is the strongest burning knife, the bowl is the big porcelain bowl at home.

The appetizer is a scrambled egg, and a plate of peanuts.

Shen honestly looked very serious at the time.

He said, Shen Qiang, if you have a kind, just dry this glass of wine, go out like a man tomorrow, don’t look back!

Outside, you may not be able to compete with Heaven and Earth, maybe June snow will fly into your heart.

Those rumors are sharper than swords and arrows, and there are too many slaves under the feet of money. The hearts are unpredictable, bottomless, reality is like wheels, and we are ants.

If you are afraid, stay at home!

At that time, Shen Qiang, without thinking about it, picked up the big bowl and drank the burning knife in the big porcelain bowl.

Liquor seemed to cut into the throat.

Shen Qiang high-spirited and vigorous wildly, arrogant and ambitious, but eventually drunk and vomited all over the floor.

But those words, Shen Qiang always seem to understand.

It wasn’t until 3 years later when Shen Qiang started an internship, when his former girlfriend, who had been to Shen Family, started to talk about the house, talk about color gifts, talk about the so-called pursuit of dreams, talk about the so-called love is not rice porridge! No matter how hard Qian Qiang works, no amount of sincerity can change her back when she smiles.

When the classmates said 3 and 4, the left neighbor in the family sneered. When relatives and friends were sitting on their kang heads, they patted the table and asked, “What are you doing? Why can’t you get the object?” Still pick? Pick it again and hit the bachelor! At that time, Shen Qiang suddenly understood.

It turned out that not at all, as Shen honestly expected, chose the path to become a powerhouse.

He also chose to drown 3000 and drink alone.

He thought that sincerity and mutual acquaintance would be replaced, and I would get back to me to be free.

But rumors are sharper than swords!

The reality is the wheel, and Shen Qiang is just a ant!

Invincible Heaven and Earth!

June Snow has flown into my heart!

So after the Spring Festival, the night before leaving home, Shen Qiang bought 2 bottles of burning knife.

Still the brand.

Still so simple!

When Shen Qiang filled the wine for himself and father.

Shen honestly, I thought you would cry.

Shen Qiang said with a smile, I do not cry because I have no dignity to give up.

And as you said, I did not dispute this Heaven and Earth, and June snow has also flown into my heart, but I don’t believe there is an unbreakable Berlin wall in this world!

Shen honestly smiled and said, then dry this glass of wine, and I will be drunk with you tonight!

The spirit enters the throat, and the heart is like a knife.

Shen Qiang, who clearly stated that she could give up with no dignity, ultimately failed to control herself.

Not only vomited all over, but also cried loudly.

But that night.

Shen honestly heard the roar he heard from Shen Qiang after waiting for more than 20 years!

“I want money! I will definitely make a lot of money!”

“I will be so fearless!”

“Even if I have nothing, I will never look back!”

“My world doesn’t allow flying snow in June! My world doesn’t allow rumors like swords. I’m not a ants, and reality can’t be a wheel in front of me!”

“If my Shen Qiang can’t make a name for himself, I will never step into my home in this life!”

Hearing Shen Qiang of Shen Qiang roar took out 2 bottles of burning knives that night and poured a full bowl to Shen Qiang who vomited rustling sound. Then he said, come, dry this glass of wine, don’t Let the charm of 7 fans become your fatal weakness!

If you don’t succeed, I will never see you!

The past calendar is in the eye, after a full year.

The father talked and counted, bought the house of Jinyu Huacheng, did not go, the medical university affiliated to join the job, did not go, study, did not go, moved into Hesheng Heshan Villa, did not go.

And Shen Qiang also counts!

If he is not successful, he will never step into the house!

But this is a secret. He didn’t want to let the women know the shameful past, so chuckled and said: “You can say that my mother can hear her now but she is a 100000000 million 10000 rich woman. Be careful she dumped you.”

Upon hearing this, Father Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows strangely: “Did you bastard give me a 100000000?”

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