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Seeing Kang Luoying with a white complexion and a tall figure, Shen Qiang surprisedly said, “What’s wrong?”

“Scales! Golden’s scales!” Kang Luoying said with a shock. She immediately grabbed the mobile phone on the side and snapped at Shen Qiang behind you.

Shen Qiang was stunned and touched it by hand. It did touch hard scales on his back, but when Shen Qiang was surprised, he clearly felt that those scales were disappearing quickly.

“It’s weird!” Kami Luoying was shocked by the beautiful eyes, and looked at Shen Qiang with surprise, and then quickly recovered her original back. She was shocked: “I just saw that there are scales on your back, and it’s gone now.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang suddenly came back to his senses.

My heart is full of ecstasy.

Because Shen Qiang is very clear, this is the cultivated monster cultivator Paragon code, the evolution brought about by the Da Luo Tianhua Heart Tribulation!

After the first demon fox cultivation, 3 tails became 7 tails, and one leaf of the plague source became 3 leaves. After Golden Cicada cultivation, it regained its human form.

And now, there are scales behind Shen Qiang.

Sure enough, it is the Paragon Code of monster cultivator!

Shen Qiang was shocked in her heart, but she comforted Kang Luoying with a smile: “You must have not slept well, so you read it wrong.”

Kang Luoying’s eyes were puzzled, and her white and tender little hands rubbed behind Shen Qiang, and then she said in a daze: “Perhaps it is wrong, how could a person have scales!”

While talking, Kang Luoying shook his head and said, “It may be that there are too many trivial things in Qingyun Jiantang recently.”

Shen Qiang lay down with a smile, hugged her fragrant shoulder and said, “Why, do they always give you problems?”

Kang Luoying sighed: “It’s still in my ear that I have the opportunity all day to say, Qingyun Sword Pavilion is in trouble, I should take Qingyun Sword back to help, I should let you take the Heshenghe monster to help, I should Let you provide Qingyun Sword Pavilion with a large sum of money to update the equipment. I should let you publicly express that it is your duty to help Qingyun Sword Pavilion.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “What do you think.”

“Very tired.” Kang Luoying said in a low mood: “I don’t understand. They are now eating Heshenghe’s rice, using Heshenghe’s things, spending Heshenghe’s money. How can they feel at ease and feel right? should.”

Looking at Shen Qiang, she hesitated a little and said, “Otherwise, we disbanded Qingyun Jiantang. I don’t like them anymore. They just think about themselves all day and never think about it for me. Ever.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Don’t be afraid, Jiang Hanyang has returned, she will help you, if no matter what we do, they just don’t buy it, when the time comes will be dissolved, at least that way, in the future You will not regret not helping them now.”


Kang Luoying was nodded and her eyes fell flat on Shen Qiang’s shoulder.

Then she picked up her phone, selected an album, and then just glanced at it. She sat up in a sudden, and then stunned and placed the phone in front of Shen Qiang. She said in horror: “Shen Qiang, look at it yourself, I just simply Not mistaken.”

Shen Qiang took Kang Luoying’s mobile phone, and at a glance saw his back on the photo. There was a small area. Indeed, fine dragon scales emerged, and under the sun’s light, it became more refined.

Delete a series of photos at will.

Shen Qiang looked at Kang Luoying with a smile: “The illusion caused by the cultivation technique is just, don’t tell others.”

She snatched the phone back from Shen Qiang’s hand, and Kang Luoying’s eyes were shining brightly. She glanced at Shen Qiang’s side with her crafty eyes, lowered her voice, and excitedly said in a very excited tone: “Shen Qiang, you are so real The dragon? He Shenghe’s monsters say so, I didn’t believe it at all, but just now, I saw the scales, I think…”:

Holding her fragrant shoulder tightly, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Don’t think about it, I’m a human, and a cultivator, but the cultivation technique is not the same as the ordinary person, so they misunderstood.”

Kang Luoying is charmingly full of eyes, do you still want to lie to me? Eyes, said while playfully pouting: “Relax, I won’t tell others.”

Shen Qiang laughs.

At this moment, Kang Luoying’s phone rang. It was a call from beautiful hero Jiang Hanyang. She had arrived at Qingyun Jiantang. Some things required Kang Luoying to be present.

Kang Luoying put down the phone, hurriedly packed her clothes, and went out immediately.

After she left, Shen Qiang entered the bathroom, took a shower, then got up and dressed, just packed, and the door was pushed open.

Holding the pickled chicken feet in one hand and Ye Guyun outcrop holding the water bottle in the other hand, she looked at Shen Qiang strangely from above and down, saying: “Shen Qiang, you have changed, so strange guy, you want Did you start hatching at this age?”

Shen Qiang was surprised, surprisedly said: “What are you talking about?”

As the poorest evolutionary body of Four Great Vicious Beasts, Ye Guyun sniffed beside Shen Qiang, and then said: “You are still an egg, waiting to grow big enough, the shell is broken, and it hatched. .”

Shen Qiang is not happy: “You are an egg!”

Ye Guyun raised her eyebrows delicately, exposing 2 charming little tiger teeth and said: “I have been out of the egg for 300 years, you have not come out yet.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang was speechless for a moment, realizing vaguely in her heart that the cute and lovely Ye Guyun said these words, probably because she was cultivated by the Da Luo Tianhua Tribulation Heart Sutra, but she seemed to understand, in a Short time also couldn’t understand, even more how, Shen Qiang felt that there was no need to explain to her what happened.

Can not help but distract the topic and said: “How is it? Is this delicious?”

When she heard Shen Qiang’s words, the sister tiger tooth immediately excitedly said with beautiful eyes: “It’s delicious to stop, it means drinking more water.”

Shen Qiang laughed. At this time, the enchanting beautiful demon fox Chu Qing appeared at the door. She smiled at Shen Qiang and then said: “Time is up, Xiao Guyun and elder sister go. Today’s lesson is to teach you how Be a lady.”

Upon hearing this, she was impatient and said, “I don’t want to go.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “If you don’t go, there will be nothing delicious in the future. We go out and eat well. You stay at home and watch the house.”

In an instant, Ye Guyun was helpless and said, “Well, I will learn to be a lady!”

Watching her reluctantly follow the beautiful demon Fox Chuqing away.

Waiting outside the door, Lithe and graceful slept Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, said beautifully: “Boss, Shen Bian is back, he is waiting for you in the office.”

Shen Qiang was surprised, Bian Yi was on his honeymoon. However, returning at this time is a bit abnormal. After all, there is nothing for the blue scorpion. The two brothers can still video chat every day.

I was surprised in my heart, but after thinking about it, Shen Qiang picked up his coat and said, “Come on, let’s go to the company.”

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