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Saying that, Shen Qiang’s wrist was lifted, and he put a roast lamb in his hand. Under the heating of the electric awn, the fragrance suddenly overflowed.

The enchanting wild girl’s eyes immediately turned on, and there was some saliva between the lips of the cherry blossoms, but she was not at all, as Shen Qiang expected, immediately nodded, but hesitantly said: “You must let them Alive?”

Shen Qiang nodded, said with a slight smile: “Will you satisfy me?”

The wild girl licked her lips, and then said: “Yes, you can give me a good barbecue, I will go back as soon as I go, I will not lie to you, I will not kill them.”

Say that’s all, wild girl body flashed, instantly appeared in front of many cultivators.

At the same time, Shen Qiang followed.

The wild girl looked at Shen Qiang in surprise and said, “Don’t you believe me?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You have lied to me once, and usually, when others say they don’t lie to you, they are usually lying.”

Hearing this, the wild girl was helpless, and her eyes glanced at her many cultivators with horror, coldly said.

“This guy must not want you to die, and I also think that the barbecue in his hand is more meaningful than killing you, so hand over all the treasures and I will let you go!”

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

Shen Qiang was also instantly shocked.

What do you mean?

Mountain King who beats up?

“Hurry up, give me all your treasures, and I will let you go. As the Master said, doing anything will cost you money. If you want to live, leave the treasure, otherwise, leave your life. , And then I find the treasure myself.”

I heard this.

A cultivator was anxious: “Shen Qiang, kill her, she is robbing us.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and ignored it. The cultivator instead said to the wild girl: “My companion, not at all, actively broke into your territory and helped you Master collect the body, so I think you don’t Will they also hand over their treasures?”

The wild girl is nodded: “They don’t need to, others, just pay, and then you can go, kill if you don’t.”

Seeing the cultivator looked at each other in blank dismay, hesitated, she was angry and said angrily: “I’m still waiting to eat barbecue, don’t waste my time, or die, and then I will find the treasure myself, or hand it over voluntarily Treasure, then go!”

Seeing her burning, Shen Qiang was completely indifferent.

The multi-cultivator of the complexion pale was scared, and with tears in his mouth, dingine started to put things into the place.

“This is the ancestral Flying Sword. Can the girl let me stay…”

“To shut up!”

“Wu wu wu, this is the cultivation technique that clansman hopes for, you…”

“Let down, go away, all the treasures are mine!” said the wild girl proudly.

The cultivator, seeing that there was no way, with tears, left their magic weapons, and then left with tears.

The heartbroken look of Shen Qiang unfathomable mystery.

After all, their treasures, Magical Artifact, in Shen Qiang’s view, is totally indistinguishable from broken copper.

Not only that, looking at the many cultivators weeping away, Shen Qiang does not understand what happened to these people?

If the money is gone, you can make it again. If the magic weapon is gone, you can do it.

Don’t you understand this?

Over there, the cultivators have not yet gone far. They are crying and they heard the wild girl say, “Now, these treasures on the ground are all mine. Now, I will use them to exchange the roast sheep in your hands, OK? “

Hearing this, the many cultivators who burst into tears hurriedly turned around and looked at Shen Qiang with painstakingly, looking at the wild girl who was showing her petite little tiger tooth and drooling.

“Monster! Sure enough, it’s a fool. My ancestral Flying Sword, although not in good condition, is worth at least 3,000,000! Are you using it for roast lamb?”

“My heart hurts. My Heaven and Earth Bag is top grade Heaven and Earth Bag. The current market price is at least 6,000,000. With the contents inside, it is almost 8 9 million. No, it can be worth 10000000. Not only!”

“Although this cultivation technique passed down from my family is not good, if it is sold, it will be worth at least 10000000. For roast lamb? Use it for roast lamb?”

The cultivators stared at the wild girl with distress.

“The prodigal, the prodigal! It’s simply defeating everyone to the extreme. That many magic weapons are enough to buy more than a dozen 10000 sheep. Although this monster is very strong, it doesn’t know how to count!”

“Stupid monster, empty has great ability, but it is so stupid! That many darlings, what can’t be exchanged?”

“This monster is stupid. If it is not good to change, just change a roast lamb?”

But just when they were upset.

Speaking of Shen Qiang, who has been heated to the fire, zhi zhi roasted sheep with oil, indifferently said: “Just want to change my roast sheep with these broken copper and iron?”

In an instant, the cultivators froze.

“Poison, this Shen Qiang, a living sheep is only a few hundred pieces, that many magic treasure cheats are not changed? Is this still a black merchant? This special code is simply a black hole!”

“Sure enough, it is worthy of being the hegemon of Hesheng and Hehe. It can be shameless to such a degree. Although many magic weapons are not too powerful, they are worth at least 10000000!”

“Filled black hole! Vampire! I have only seen this life, such a cheeky shameless person!”

At the same time as everyone was shocked, there was already a wild girl with drool coming out of the pink lips, staring at the roasted sheep in Shen Qiang’s hands: “Nah… there are many treasures in my cave, all of which are given You, will you change this roast lamb?”

In an instant, those cultivators who were not far away burst into tears.

“Humanity! We survived and died. So many people died, but we couldn’t get the treasure. As a result, this Shen Qiang can get a roast sheep?”

“Is there any good reason? Is there still Wang Fa? We were beaten so miserably, cat and dog coins weren’t fished out, so Shen Qiang took out a roasted lamb and gave it away.”

“Heavenly Venerate is on, if you have zeros, hurry up and kill this Shen Qiang with lightning!”

Just as they burst into tears and circled their hearts, they cursed Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang raised hand, threw the roasted lamb with 4 fragrance in his hand directly to the wild girl, said with a smile: “Take it with you, treasure, follow me. In the future, you can eat roasted lamb as much as you want. “

After catching the roasted sheep, the wild girl ticking drip, Meimu said excitedly: “Really? I want to eat three.”

In Shen Qiang’s mind, 3 roasted lambs, more than 1000 pieces, less than 50000 a month, 600,000 a year, which is lower than the salary of the cultivator of Nascent Soul Stage in Heshenghe.

At this time, Shen Qiang was silent, thinking that she wanted more girls, hesitantly said: “2 per day is also OK, um… if not, at least one, otherwise I will not go with you!”

Looking at the wild girl with a serious look, like Lion’s big mouth, Shen Qiang smiled. ,

“The deal, I can give you 5 per day, as long as you eat it!”

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