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Looking at Bian Yi who smiled, Shen Qiang’s lips showed a lightly said with a smile: “Our wolf fang club is bigger, I will let them know soon, but repeated rumor becomes a fact. I think you should understand, one on one, none of them dare to act blindly without thinking to us.”

“But they now have 4 alliances on the surface. Although Zuo Lianghao killed the Young Master of Qingyun Sword Pavilion, causing their alliance to seem to have collapsed, in fact, you and I understand that in the face of big interests, Considering the future development of sect and obtaining more resources, it is not difficult to convince Qingyun Sword Pavilion and Zangjian Mountain Villa to continue cooperation.”

Bian Yi raised his eyebrows and said: “Any reasonable sect Sect Master is sure to know that if their 4 divisions divide our Heshenghe resources and occupy this treasured land of the provincial capital, their sect will flourish for at least another few hundred years. So, the hatred between Zuo Lianghao and Qingyun Sword Pavilion Young Master can certainly be put down. After all, if they are dead, they can’t live anymore, but if they are alive, they must continue to survive.”

Shen Qiang said: “So now we need a more perfect plan to get all this done. It doesn’t matter whether you are really trying to help me or secretly thinking about usurping, once the ship is overturned , We have all returned to the original point.”

“This is absolutely unacceptable to me. I don’t want to do it again, nor do I want to see anyone touch anything that belongs to me.”

Bian Yiyi said with a smile: “Now these 4 companies are very determined that they can definitely defeat us by joining together, so simple tricks are useless. This is like you, being blocked in the alley by 4 burly men. Under the circumstances, you don’t have any so-called tricks other than obediently handing over your wallet.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and said: “If we can at the sun-bath conference, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat?”

Bian Yi hesitated and said: “This will make them afraid, but they will not give up their plans.”

Shen Qiang was silent for a moment: “What if they lost the magic weapon to participate in the sun drying conference?”

“It can be delayed for a while, but it is still not enough to make them give up their ambitions.” Bian Yi said: “But this will give us valuable time to deal with them.”

Shen Qiang said: “How about them?”

Bian Yi smiled: “4 burly man want to grab your wallet, at this time you say nothing useful, they may fight when they split the money, but when they grab the money, definitely not, of course, if If you have a knife in your hand, they will consider letting others die, and they will benefit from the fisherman.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “If all four of them think this way…”

“In the end they will discuss and go together.” Bian Yi interrupted coldly.

Shen Qiang put a smile on her face and sighed, “What if we pull other allies out? Can they be honest?”

Bian Yi smiled: “Don’t be naive, the biological brother still has to settle accounts. Now our situation in Heshenghe, the people in the cultivation field, are basically clear. If they want to stand up, they will stand up directly, and use Can you pull them?”

“And if you want them to give Heshenghe platform, you must give them enough benefits.” Bian Yi raised his eyebrows. “Not only that, who can you find? Honesty, Wanxin Hesheng, only do business with you?” Families, careers, all are gone? In a word, they all cut their heads and hang them around their waists to play with you?”

Shen Qiang is silent.

After all, this is reality.

No one will really simply play for the benefit of others.

Looking at Shen Qiang in contemplation, Bian Yi said: “So the current situation is very simple and their routines are not complicated. 100 Flower Palace is going to hold a sunbathing conference to show the military force and threaten us. If I am not wrong, it’s tight Follow, they will talk to us about cooperation and put forward a lot of harsh conditions.”

“We don’t agree, they will fight, we agree, the resources have been robbed, so the only chance is now to drag, and then find a way to find a breakthrough, then let them be afraid of Heshenghe at the Shaibao Conference, just like The man who was stuck in the alley by 4 big men showed a blade.”

“But how great the deterrent force is depends on how big the knife he shows.”

Shen Qiang said in silence for a moment: “You don’t have to worry about this. I will not only show a big knife enough to scare them too close, but also give them a surprise.”

“That’s best, because I really need some time to find opportunities.” Bian Yi smiled, and then said: “Tomorrow one day, the day after tomorrow the sunbathing conference officially began, a period of 3 days, which means we have 4 days to do everything thing.”

“If I guessed right, after the first day Shaibao showed its strength, they will ask you to talk about cooperation in the next 2 days, so you need to do everything possible to drag them and attract enough attention. “

“No problem.” Shen Qiang got up and said: “Go, hand me over to the sunbathing conference, and leave you with other things, don’t let me down.”

Bian Yi smiled and bowed his eyes: “Relax, I will give you a surprise.”

2 people went downstairs.

Go downstairs.

2 People saw at a glance that Zuo Lianghao leaning beside Bian Yi’s car seemed to be talking to Kang Luoying.

But Kang Luoying, who was sitting in the Shen Qiang car, was completely blind to the look, not even looking at him.

Seeing Shen Qiang coming downstairs, she got out of the car.

Stand by the car.

Shen Qiang smiled and looked at Zuo Lianghao’s still cold eyes on Divine Dao: “Shouldn’t you say hello when you see Boss?”

Zuo Lianghao’s eyes were cold, and then submit to humiliation said: “Boss is good.”

Shen Qiang smiled and got in the car. After Kang Luoying got in the car, he closed the window and drove straight to Tianyou Medical and Health Products Company.

In the back, near the river.

Shen Qiang didn’t get off, but just sat in the car with Kang Luoying, quietly watching where Wu morning sun where the two men practiced their swords.

At this time, one of the 2 Captains came over to say hello to Shen Qiang.

After dropping the window, Shen Qiang said to him with a smile: “Spirit at night, protect the 2 grandfathers and grandsons of the Wu family, don’t let anyone approach this place.”

One of the 2 Captains who heard this said immediately patted his chest and said, “Relax, Boss, we must ensure safety.”

Shen Qiang hearing this nodded, turned around and wanted to leave.

It is at this time.


A majestic, cold, holy atmosphere rose from the side of the Wu family to form a huge beam of light straight into the sky, like a silver chain, linked to the meniscus in the night sky.

Not only that, but all the people on the scene were stunned. With the silver moonlight, Spiritual Qi violently fluctuated, a lithe and graceful figure slowly appeared next to the long sword, the unparalleled pretty face Although it only appeared for a moment, the degree of beauty made everyone present hold their breath instantly.

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