[The link is broken and is being repaired...]

  [The repair failed, do you want to activate the secondary observation function? 】

  It should be said, as expected of a mysterious witch.

  Perception and response methods are very bright.


  I’ve seen it and I’ve seen it, Qiu Xing Qiye will not be too much!

  On the contrary, the monitoring function of the satellite, combined with the low-end version of the Red Queen's dark plane ability, can actually achieve the function of arbitrarily adjusting the angle of the monitoring screen.

  This is great!


  Xiaolan closed the pet shop and went back to Neverland with Yuanzi and He Ye through any door placed on the second floor of the pet shop.

  Returning with them, there were also a few kittens.

  Yes, just a few!

  It means that in such a morning, only a few of the dozens of cats that were originally planned to be sold for about a week were left.

  Counting that there are more than [-] cats in Neverland that can meet the sales standards, the number will not last long.

  Use the Tiangong system to fly to the main hall.

  After a tiring morning, Suzuki Sonoko really wanted a hug, but considering Xiaolan and He Ye, she still endured it.

  With bangs, the lady's daughter, who looks like a lady and has a temperament, opened her mouth, and the carefree tone was so inconsistent with her temperament.

  "Qiye, you don't know how good the business is in the morning. A few students who left in the morning shared it with their friends, how much popularity it has brought to the pet store!"

  "Not only dozens of cats have been sold, but also cat food, cat litter, cat climbing frames and other supplies have also been sold. The sales directly exceeded [-] million R yuan, which is a bit exaggerated."

  "Other people's pet stores, even if the location is good, can sell one or two every day is very good..."

  While waving his hands, he created a few wooden chairs and a small wooden table beside him, and took out some snacks and drinks on it. Qiu Xing Qiye said, "Let's rest for a while, Mingmei will prepare lunch soon."

  "After the training of the beast ring, the cats have many advantages. It is certain that the business is good. You should be happy for Xiaolan."

  Yuan Shan and Ye, who were wearing the blue JK uniform he gave him, sat down next to each other, reached out and took a piece of pastry and put it in their mouths.

  The delicious feeling brought a smile to her lovely face: "It's a good thing that the store is doing well."

  "But the downside of not having enough pets is just as clear."

  Xiaolan nodded: "Yes, it's only in the morning, what should I do in the afternoon."

  "On the bright side, it's not that there aren't other ways, such as... pre-ordering is a good way."

  Qiu Xing Qiye said lazily: "In the afternoon, we will arrange a few cats as exhibits, not for sale. If anyone is interested, ask them to pay a deposit. According to the existing situation, we can release a small batch of cats at regular intervals. ."

  "Training also takes time. I believe those owners who really like cats will not mind waiting a few more days."

  "Eh? Is this still possible?" Suzuki Sonoko opened his mouth in surprise.

  Long insight!

  This kind of sales routine, she can see at a glance, the convenience contained in this transaction method.

  "Tiny." Qiu Xing Qiye smiled calmly.

  Where are you going this time? If you want to talk about routines, these are all leftovers from previous life games.  …

  But in the current timeline, it is very useful.


  Several people chatted together in the yard for a while.


  Everyone solves it in the yard together.

  Afterwards, Toyama, Ye and Suzuki Sonoko returned home respectively.

  The pet store in the afternoon was not very busy.


  Hundreds of kittens ordered from Qingchuan Pet Breeding Base arrived at their new home smoothly and safely.

  Under the comfort of Xiao Lan, the cats who have not been trained but are very well-behaved came to Neverland in an irregular line.

  For the time being, Mingmei and the others will take care of them.

  After all, today is the opening day, it is better to work a full day.

  More than 3 pm.

  Qiu Xing Qiye was lying on the chair and watching the light, and the song written by Yoko Okino was playing on the screen projected in front of him.

  As the most impressive girl among the stars of Conan World, no matter what kind of life she had in the past, at least when it comes to singing, her voice is quite good.

  "Master, the satellite has just detected that Miss Xiaolan's father, Sato Miwako, Megumi Shisan and others are in a dangerous state. Do you need to bring up the screen?"

  Beside him, the phantom of the Red Queen appeared.

  "Tune it out." Qiu Xing Qiye looked away curiously.

  The screen in front of him flashed.

  Before he could see where it was, he saw Sato Miwako violently pulling the arm of a man with a pointed face, and skillfully took out the handcuffs and handcuffed him.

  2.7 The entire building on the sea had been detonated ten seconds ago, and the building shook more and more violently.

  What is more admirable is that under such circumstances, Maori Kogoro was still able to stabilize his pretentious posture and sit on a step.

  "No, it looks like it's going to collapse here." Mu Mu Shisan, who ran out of the hospital without much recovery from his injuries, waved his hand at a helicopter in mid-air.

  Or to say that neon security is not good, it is understandable that Morigu Teiji was able to steal so many bombs at that time.

  His family status is not low, and he knows many people.

  Ke Zemu is fair, although both are perfectionists, how can he get so much explosives?

  And it also blew up a well-known marine building entertainment facility, which is simply lawless!

  A batch of cows. .

  第 329

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"It's a big scene that is both familiar and unfamiliar!"

  Qiu Xing Qiye happily took out a bottle of homemade juice, inserted a straw, and enjoyed the scene.

  If every theatrical version can have such a big famous scene, the whole neon will not be able to hold the rhythm for long.

  Not just pictures.

  Sound can also be received.

  It's not much different from watching a movie!


  As the shaking intensified, the middle of the building, the part destroyed by the bomb, had begun to collapse.

  Judging by this speed, in less than two minutes at the latest, the entire marine entertainment facility will completely sink into the sea.

  At that time, if those people in the facility did not escape in time, they would also suffer a lot!

  At his call, a helicopter in mid-air began to descend.

  Mikako Sato rudely handcuffed the murderer, and Ze Mu just threw him on the plane.

  It was this person who caused this series of attacks. Today, most of the people from number nine to number one are invited to this unopened marine entertainment facility.

  And also killed two of them, for such scum, it is simply unforgivable 06!

  Even if he had a reason to avenge others, he made a huge murder plan to kill the innocent Murakami, so that the Metropolitan Police Department could not suspect him at the first time.


  "Brother Maori!"

  Originally, Mumu Shisan, who was supposed to be the last one to board the helicopter, noticed that Kogoro Mouri, who had just solved the case and was very beautiful, was still sitting firmly on the spot under such a shock.

  It wasn't until he shouted several times in a row and watched by a few people on the plane that Maori Kogoro woke up with a shudder all over his body.

  "Officer Mumu...??"

  Looking around with a confused look, feeling the violent vibration under his feet, Mouri Kogoro's face turned pale.

  Before he could think about it, he came under the helicopter in a few trots.

  Seeing this, Conan, who was relieved, quietly went around to the other side of the helicopter.

  Should it be said that he was lucky, or that when he used Maori Kogoro to solve the case, the IQ of all the people present decreased.

  Either way.

  Anyway, Qiu Xing Qiye watched it with relish. The only thing that made him a little regretful was that he seemed to watch it a little too late.

  I saw the finale directly, the middle part of the plot, with the impression in the original work, it seems... it can still be connected!

  At most, Shiratori Ren Saburo was replaced by Sato Miwako, Xiaolan was not there, and the general change should not be too big.

  Qiu Xing Qiye didn't have to take part in anything at all, and this murderer also had no value for saving.

  In the original work, there are many murderers who have to choose to do it for various reasons. Such people are excusable.

  If they met, Qiu Xing Qiye wouldn't mind helping them.

  Ke Zemu is fair.

  As a wine taster, I spend my whole life on this, and I have developed an extraordinary wine tasting ability.

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