And didn't see anything.

  Did she suffer?

  Not at all!

  In the final analysis, it is the result of the girl's inner sense of contrast to the environment.

  They can show off their bodies in a beach environment in bikinis with very little fabric.

  But at home, with a bath towel around her body and almost nothing on her body, she would appear so uncomfortable when facing the opposite sex.

  It's not a big deal after all.

  Even if it is really seen...

  Thinking of a certain possibility, Yuan Shan and Ye felt panic in their hearts. It seemed that the relationship between her and Qiu Xing Qiye was getting more and more beyond the boundaries of ordinary friends.

  "Since they are all skilled, let's go, He Ye, Qiye and the others are waiting for us in the main hall of Tiangong."

  Xiaolan greeted her.

  Yuan Shan and Ye replied absentmindedly, "Okay."

  The two opened the software of the Tiangong system together, fool-like operation, simple can not be simple.

  Determine the destination, the main hall of Tiangong, the little hand is a little bit, and the next moment, the bodies of the two of them float up.

  The magic power of the floating card has the effect of the chicken charm and the rabbit charm, and it floats in the air with acceleration.

  It's not too simple to use in this kind of place!

  The disadvantage is also more obvious, that is, it just floats and the speed is limited.

  The power of the spell is limited by the level, and there is an upper limit, but the energy is unlimited.

  Fortunately, these shortcomings are not important.

  It is not too bad to be able to use the power in daily life.

  The flying magic power consumption of the entire Tiangong system is borne by the split bodies of the energy beads.

  Without any circuit, similar to wireless charging technology, the split energy beads can be placed anywhere in the Tiangong, and the entire Tiangong system can be maintained.

  An energy bead split, the energy stored in it, Xiaolan and the others can easily maintain for more than 10 years when they float and move in the Tiangong.


  In the evening, 9:23.

  The time on the Neverland side was around 6:11 pm, and the huge fiery red sunset was slowly descending.

  Suzuki Sonoko had time to come to Neverland through his bedroom.

  The Suzuki consortium has many properties in various parts of Neon. Because of the reason of studying at Tedan High School, Sonoko usually lives in a luxurious three-storey manor outside the suburb of Meika City, close to Meikacho.

  The two parents have to manage the consortium of various sizes, and basically they have no fixed place to live, and occasionally come here to stay for one night.

  More time is also not sure where to live, today in Osaka, tomorrow may return to Kanto, the day after tomorrow to go abroad, etc., these are all possible.

  Yuanzi, who has always been very low-key, never invites friends over to his house as a guest.

  Especially Xiaolan's best friend.

  It is because the relationship between the two is so good that Suzuki Sonoko will consider her.

  So far, she has invited Haibara Ai to play here two or three times, and her purpose is obvious!

  Qiu Xing Qiye also knew where she lived.

  For this reason, Suzuki Sonoko has not yet arrived home, and any door on his side has been linked, and the personal genetic data in her bedroom can be used to easily complete the binding.

  "I'm sorry, I wasn't late."

  Wearing small slippers, Suzuki Sonoko hurried over as soon as he got home, and before he could even change his socks.

  At the scene, Yuan Shan and Ye were the only ones who were in a similar situation to her.

  Whether it was Qiu Xing Qiye or Xiao Lan, they were all wearing shoes.

  It's normal to put on slippers at the entrance of the porch when you get home, but the space ring is not a decoration.

  Except for one or two pairs of sneakers and small leather shoes placed at the entrance of the house, most of the clothes and daily necessities, Xiao Lan also stuffed into the space ring.

  When you come to the Tiangong side, it is very convenient to change it.

  In the future, the sanitation of the palace in my house will be solved by myself, and the sanitation of the trails outside the palace, floors and other areas will be taken care of by bubble cards.

  A clean and tidy floor can be used as a mirror.

  The floor in the palace is made of wood, which is not only non-slip, but also very beautiful.

  "Take a rest first, don't worry."

  In the main hall hall, Qiu Xing Qiye sat on the luxurious sofa in the main seat, and in front of him was a long table.

  On either side are long sofas.

  On the sofa on the left hand side: Xiao Lan, He Ye

  On the sofa on the right: Ai Haihara, Akemi Miyano, Junhui Shimabukuro, Nami Shimokasa, Minami Naho Shimokasa.

  Seeing this situation, Sonoko Suzuki naturally chose to sit beside Ye.

  On the opposite side, Nami Shimokasaho stood up, took out a bottle of drink from the space ring and handed it over.

  With the advantage of being small in size, Haibara Ai almost fell into the soft sofa, and in front of her, the blueprint of the Tiangong Architecture 3D model 0 ......

  For this kind of scene, Xiaolan and the others are also not surprised.

  They are also gradually understanding and familiar with the functions of smartphones.

  "Since everyone has arrived, do you have any thoughts on the distribution of the twelve side halls?"

  "Negotiate it, or decide by drawing lots?"

  Hear Qiu Xing Qiye speak.

  Haiyuan Ai hurriedly sat up, and the blue projection in front of her also moved a little towards the table, always keeping in front of her eyes.


  Almost instantly, Xiaolan and the others on the opposite side turned their attention to Miyano Akemi.

  Neither Shimabukuro Junhui nor sister Shimokasaho Nami had any intention of opening their mouths.

  To say that the person with the most seniority in the entire family is undoubtedly Miyano Akemi.

  Even if she has already established a relationship with Qiu Xing Qiye in secret, but before she gets married, Xiao Lan will not act like a mistress at all, she is not that kind of bad girl.

  Under the gazes of the girls, Akemi Miyano didn't think much of it, she smiled and said, "With the Heavenly Palace system, no matter which palace you choose to live in, it doesn't make any difference."

  "It is a waste of time to discuss, so I think it is better to draw lots."

  It has nothing to do with luck, at most there are six palaces that are more than 20 meters away from the main hall.

  In the case of using the Tiangong system, it is nothing more than an extra second or two of effort.

  This decision, other girls will naturally have no opinion.

  Especially 2.7 is He Ye, she never dreamed that Qiu Xing Qiye called her over because of such a thing.

  I thought that I could take advantage of the holiday or free time to live here for a few days in Neverland, which is already very good.

  did not expect...

  Among the crowd, the relationship between Qiu Xing Qiye and Yuan Shan and Ye is still in a very hazy state.

  above friends.

  Lovers are not full.

  Compared with Conan, Hattori Heiji has similar personalities, but they are different. Usually, he treats He Ye very well.

  There is this relationship.

  The relationship between the two has basically reached the current peak, and it will take a while to break through the key points naturally.

  Judging from the current situation, Qiu Xing Qiye felt that he definitely had the upper hand.

  Just hold on, don't waver.

  Sooner or later! .

  第 324

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Human emotions are complicated.

  It's impossible to be emotionally specific.

  Even if the relationship is confirmed, a bunch of couples who love each other.

  There can be no conflict between the two parties.

  If the relationship is progressing smoothly, and the two parties consider each other for each other, then this is a bonus item, which can make the relationship more stable.

  But once one party does something wrong, or does something that disappoints the other party.

  Then there will be deductions.

  Nothing can only go in the right direction.

  As childhood sweethearts, Toyama and Ye and Hattori Heiji grew up together since childhood, and the level of affection, even if not all turned into love.

  This is Qiu Xing Qiye's weakness.

  But with all aspects of his life, he was triggering the bonus points almost all the time, when Yuan Shan and Ye's lives were completely affected by him.

  Then the result will be clear.


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