no matter the size.

  As long as you stop writing, these pets can exist for almost a minute.

  In the future, you can continue to supplement the settings, and continue to write small stories and so on, and you can always maintain their existence.

  Things like cats have wings on their backs and can fly, just write them down and they can do it.

  In addition to the drawbacks that life cannot be truly created for the time being, and that creatures can't exceed the upper limit of the third-order and ninth-level strength when they come.

  This kind of life between fantasy and reality.

  Even if the time is short, their short and wonderful life can also erupt.

  for example...

  Qiu Xing Qiye really wanted to write about monsters, Deathwing and other existences coming to the world, and then another bumpman.

  A bunch of third-order and ninth-level creatures staged a wave of full martial arts in reality.

  It's exciting to think about.

  It's just after the fact that when these creatures disappear, the mess left behind to deal with can hurt.

  One day in the future, when the daily life is boring, it is not impossible to think about these.

  Well now..

  It is not enough for life to be truly created.

  Other things are easy.

  Flowers and trees in real life, as well as various snacks, fruits, mobile phones, etc.

  As long as Qiu Xing Qiye has a concept in his mind, he only needs to have a certain understanding of its function and effect, and then it can be created.

  very simple.

  "Three bright red apples appeared in front of us."

  In a single line, three apples of different sizes appeared in front of them, and Qiu Xing Qiye continued to write: "Each apple is the size of an adult man's fist."

  "No core, crispy sweet and not sour.."

  With the subsequent addition of basic settings and consumption of magic power, these three are completely written by him and turned into reality products, and this is completed.

  Depending on the substance, the consumption of mana will also vary.

  "Unbelievable, incomprehensible, is this the effect of high-end magic..."

  "It feels like it's no different from the gods in the legends, right?"

  Xiaolan and Yuanzi sipped the apples that were crispy and delicious without the core.

  this ability.

  Just like a dream.

  It tastes good and it's not bad, but in the end, it's just the top of the ordinary apples.

  After a few mouthfuls, I swallowed the apple completely.

  "The magic of this book is linked to fantasy. How good your imagination is, the more you can use it."

  "Despite the upper limit, it can indeed be said to be a rare artifact!"

  After this test, Qiu Xing Qiye is more than satisfied!

  One has to be self-aware 0  …

  The power of creating a brand is enough to be called a low-profile version of Shenlong. Its creative power seems to be two levels lower than its own rank.

  with subsequent testing.

  For example, the amulet made by Junhui, the spiritual fruit that grows with the magic power of the tree card, and even the low-end version of any door, can be made.

  The latter seems to be a product of black technology, which was created through brand creation, and the effect has been weakened to a certain extent.

  It takes a lot of magic power to get out an arbitrary door. Even Qiu Xing Qiye's more than 700 magic power consumes a full half of it!

  【Any door】

  Equal order: first order.

  Item Type: Black Technology.

  Introduction: A product of the power of creativity.

  How to use: After being assembled, you can freely link the doors at other places in the Blue Star, so that the two places can travel freely. (Cannot be changed once a target is selected).

  According to his imagination, Qiu Xing Qiye's original intention was to create an arbitrary door that could be opened at will, at least in Blue Star, not to mention that he could go anywhere in the universe.

  But the consumption was far beyond his imagination, and in the end he had to settle for the second best and get a low-profile version.

  It is similar to the product of the system at that time, except that the arbitrary door produced by the system has the defect of no distance apart from the drawback that it cannot be changed after selection.

  Even if the other end of the door is connected to the moon, there will be no problem.

  The premise is that he has to go to the moon to get a door out, so that the connection can be successful.

  Permanent creation is convenient in some ways, but using it, 2.7 is best to consider a practical product like an arbitrary door.

  Like an amulet, Jun Hui can make it casually.

  It is also very easy to create or even add functions by creating a brand, that is, every time a function is added, the magic power will be consumed correspondingly when it is created.

  A talisman or two is nothing.

  If he creates a hundred amulets and a thousand amulets, he consumes a lot of magic power in his body, but what he gets in return is a completely meaningless product.

  From Qiu Xing Qiye's point of view, its true opening method is not as simple as creating any door.

  is acceptable...

  DIY clothes styles, high-quality fabrics, beautiful clothes, and low consumption, according to the measurements of Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

  Qiu Xing Qi Ye easily made several sets of beautiful chiffon dresses, exquisite and beautiful headwear and hairpins..

  Not only that! .

  第 314

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

By creating a brand, Qiuxing Qiye can easily create a smartphone in advance.

  DIY to increase the capacity of batteries, some products that have not yet been realized in the concept, can be done with imagination.

  As long as the last mana can withstand the corresponding consumption, there is no problem.

  Battery, system, network connection, built-in software, calling card..

  A series of settings, each link is essential.

  For example, in the current Conan World Technology, there is no such thing as WLAN at all, and the chat is also done on a computer or on a web page.

  After Qiu Xing Qiye's advanced imagination, in a short time, a waterproof, fall-resistant, fingerprint and face, voice and other triple unlocking methods, channels, pixels, system, operation, etc...

  The comprehensively modified version of the super high-end smart black technology mobile phone is officially released.

  The consumption is not as high as expected!

  Among them, the consumption of most of the magic power is also strengthened in the water release and fall resistance, and the durability of the mobile phone material itself.

  Otherwise, technology is the primary productive force.

  Whether it's mobile phones, vacuum cleaners, missiles, and nuclear weapons, all of them are made from resources in Blue Star. 06

  Among these systems, the materials of the first order or so are evaluated at most. After research and combination with other materials, they can finally exert a powerful explosion damage of the third order or even approaching the power of the fourth order.

  And as long as there are enough materials, it can be mass-produced.

  At this point, magic also has wind and fire magic to release this combination of magic, and the first-order exerts the power of second-order and even third-order magic.

  But it still consumes magic power.

  Cultivating a magician requires a lot of resources, not to mention a planet like Blue Star, where the elements of heaven and earth have become scarce.

  To make a firearm, all that is consumed is some steel and gunpowder. It is not difficult to make these two things.

  Get a factory and produce batches of firearms in minutes, which is extremely lethal.

  In terms of weapon power, the first-order evaluation of this weapon is not excessive at all.

  Unfortunately, they are really worthless in their own right.


  After creating a barrier, Qiu Xing Qiye concentrated on setting the three mobile phones in front of him, and waited for the settings to be perfected.

  He only needs to consume magic power next time to mass-produce it.

  After all, the level of brand creation is also not low!

  A black technology product like Erxiang Foil not only contains technology, but its own resources are also terrifyingly high, and he can't create it.

  But getting a first-order low-end version, there is no problem at all, with the technological content inside, it is still a complete victory over nuclear weapons.

  the other side of the barrier.

  Xiaolan and Yuanzi were wrapped in a thin blanket and changed their clothes slowly.

  Soon, Yuan Zi, who had changed clothes first, tore off the blanket on his body and wore a short sleeveless chiffon dress.

  There is only a thin strap at the shoulder.

  This suit is not only fit and beautiful, but also highlights the slender waist.

  Near the hem of the skirt, which was almost at the knee, a string of gold threads hung down, and at the bottom of the rope were small golden stars.

  If you wear this skirt and turn around, it must be very beautiful!

  "I can't tell that Qiye also has unique insights in clothing design."

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