Although she doesn't mind recommending these products like a secretary who has followed her for a while.

  But the problem is, in the end, it is nothing more than an increase in sadness.

  Such a high price, ordinary people can't afford it.

  Not to mention using it all the time.

  Facing Feiyingli's explanation, Kuri Shanlu didn't doubt anything.

  In the past, my master often stayed up late to work overtime, and the dark circles on his face were difficult to disappear for a long time, and he needed to use makeup to cover up.

  In recent days, the complexion has been getting better and better, and the body has been slowly adjusted.

  "Master, I have already sorted out the newly received case information yesterday evening, you can check it out."

  "If there is no problem, the amount of engineering we have today may be relatively large, and the information on some cases is relatively small, which is not beneficial to us. We need to conduct a more detailed investigation."

  Kuriyama Green lowered his head and handed over a folder on the table.

  "Excuse me." Fei Yingli nodded and walked into her office inside the firm.

  It's not easy being a lawyer.

  In addition to memorizing various order regulations, sometimes the entrustment received also needs to personally investigate the clues, otherwise it will be difficult to win the case in the order hall.

  Just when she sat on the office chair and was about to open the information to check.

  She saw Kuriyama Green knocked on the door and walked in, holding a box of chocolates with flower patterns in her hands.

  "Master, this is what I just saw in the mailbox. Your name is written on it, but the sender's information is not written."

  Fei Yingli looked up at the package and said, "Let's put it on the table first." Shi.

  第 303

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"Good master."

  Kuriyama Green placed the exquisite chocolate box in his hand on the upper right corner of Feiyingri's desk.

  Just as she was about to leave.

  Feiyingli said, "Wait."

  While talking, Fei Yingli took her bag and put it on her lap, and took out a box of biscuits from it: "This is the food I packed after I attended the banquet yesterday. There are not many, you can try it."

  Taking the biscuits, Li Shanlu chuckled and said, "Is it Master's birthday party for your daughter?"

  Since two days ago, she has started to accompany her master to many shopping malls to choose suitable gifts.

  It is precisely because of this reason that three things have been accumulated in the office at once.

  If you change to the normal state, Fei Yingli likes the work of the day and completes it that day.

  Unless the situation is more complicated, it will be delayed for a few days.

  Fei Yingli said softly, "Yes."

  "Master, you are busy first." Seeing that she had no intention of chatting and wanted to check the case, Li Shanlv left the office with biscuits and took the "four eight three" for her.

  As for the box of chocolates.

  Feiyingli didn't think about who would send it for a while, and her attention was all on the case in hand.

  What's more, I've been eating better recently, especially last night's unlimited gourmet meal.

  She has a mouth that is a bit unaccustomed to ordinary rough food, and she has no appetite for the chocolate she likes to eat.


  More than 8 in the morning.

  Didan High School.

  The first class was an English class, and Judy, who was still dressed boldly, already liked the scene where the two people below looked down and played games.

  She talks to herself about her teaching progress.

  However, what was different from the past was that Xiao Lan, who was serious in class, began to feel a little less concentrated.

  From time to time, he glanced at a young game player, and there was an indescribable tenderness in his expression.

  The little angel is also beginning to learn bad signs.

  At 9:11 in the morning, Maori Kogoro, who had been delayed for a while, finally arrived at Lutai Hospital in Mihua City.

  This is a Metropolitan Police Department's hospital dedicated to serving internal personnel and their families.

  He pushed open the door anxiously, and Mouri Kogoro looked worriedly towards the hospital bed, wearing a khaki hat, his stomach bulging high, as if he was about to give birth.

  "Officer Mumu, your injury doesn't matter, right?"

  "Oh~ Brother Maori, you are here."

  Mu Mu Shisan said in good spirits: "There is nothing wrong with my injury, fortunately it didn't hurt anything."

  In the room at this time.

  In addition to Megumi Thirteen, there is Sato Mikazu on the side, and the task of investigating the murderer falls on her.

  After visiting Mu Shisan, Miyamoto Yumi had already driven her car to her waiting post.

  In the original work, the tasks of nursing and investigation work were undertaken by Shiratori Ren Saburo.

  But at this time, Shiratori Ren Saburo has been promoted to the police department, and there are many neon cases every day, and he can't stay at all.

  At most, after visiting Mumu Shisan, I called Mouri Kogoro by the way.


  After seeing that Mu Mu Shisan was really okay, Mauri Kogoro asked solemnly, "Who did it, do you have any clues now?"

  "It's not clear yet. Our forensics officers found a plastic sword at the scene, which didn't do any damage at all. It was more like a clue left by the murderer on purpose."

  "And what the murderer used should be a hand-made crossbow arrow. Fortunately, the lethality is not very high, as long as it is not hit important parts, it is not a big problem."

  Sato Miwako took out an evidence bag and gave Mouri Kogoro a look: "Based on the existing clues."

  "Officer Mumu was running in the morning. When he was attacked, there was no one else around. The closest one was tens of meters away."

  "Therefore, there is a high probability that the murderer is coming for the police officer Mumu, but the motive of the other party is not very clear for the time being."

  "Are there any useful clues?"

  "What a hassle!"

  Mouri Kogoro clenched his chin and thought seriously.

  Little did he know that a murderer with an extreme personality had set his sights on him.

  With him at the center, a series of complex events were set up to attract the attention of the Metropolitan Police.

  In fact, he was wearing a layer of camouflage to hide himself well, and slowly hunted the real target!



  Firm office.

  I have read all three commissions carefully, and have a certain confidence in my heart.

  Gradually returning to God, Fei Yingri felt the hunger in her stomach. She didn't think much about it at all, and reached out her hand towards the beautifully packaged chocolate in front of the table like a conditioned reflex.

  But before she touched the chocolate box, she saw a cyan palm that didn't look like a human taking the box away first.


  Feiyingli, who was empty-handed, looked away from the document, and when she looked up, she saw a pair of figures wearing dark ninja uniforms with only a small portion of exposed skin, Fan Qing, looking at her with scarlet eyes.

  In its hands, it is holding a chocolate box.

  "This is……"

  Feiyingli was stunned for a moment, but she was not afraid of the figure in front of her.

  When returning from Izu before, Kudo Yukiko also showed her the existence of this 'magic puppet'.

  "I don't remember, when did you buy bodyguards from Qiye?"

  "Could it be because of Xiaolan?"

  For the first time, Feiyingli felt a super treatment of VIP players.

  Immediately afterwards, looking at the dark figure that was motionless in front of him, Fei Yingli's expression changed: "You are here to protect me?"

  The Sombra Soldier nodded 0  …

  Fei Yingli looked thoughtfully at the box of chocolates in his hand for a few seconds: "Qiye is really interested."

  "Although such an excellent magic puppet bodyguard can't speak, there is no doubt about his ability. This can be seen from Yukiko's recent ability to even disguise without going out to walk."

  "Since it's here now, what's wrong with this box of chocolates?"

  Fei Yingli, who was deeply careless, realized that her vigilance seemed to be much less in recent times.

  As a lawyer, I have won so many lawsuits, and among the losers, there are many who want revenge.

  Obviously they can't do anything.

  It's different in the dark!

  Threatening letter.

  And things sent by unidentified people.

  Before, she had let Lishan Green deal with it directly, but this time it was because of her favorite chocolate and the beautiful packaging.

  She was confused once in a while.

  At first, she didn't expect to eat it, mainly when she entered the working state, her vigilance was greatly reduced.

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