"Xiaolan should take a while to arrive. You go ahead and I'll wait for a friend."

  Qiu Xing Qiye gestured to them.

  However, neither Fei Yingri nor Kudo Yukiko left in a hurry.

  "Qiye, your garden is still so beautiful."

  "I just don't know. Can you sell this beautiful lamp that emits light?"

  Kudo Yukiko immediately asked what Fei Yingri wanted.

  Girls are all beautiful.

  In today's era when the light is still only in simple seven colors, the effect brought by this kind of flowing light is undoubtedly huge.


  that is...

  You want to buy lights.

  Just say it!

  As for complimenting my garden by the way.

  Want to get a discount?

  Qiu Xing Qiye looked strange.

  As a product of the magic power of the lamp, a lamp can easily last for about a year, and a small amount of magic power can be added later to make the light continue.

  "Today is Xiaolan's birthday. We don't talk about money. If you're interested, come over tomorrow. It's not too far away anyway."

  Qiu Xing Qiye glanced at her a little puzzled: "It's you, the car just now doesn't look like a rental. Are you planning to stay in Neon for a long time?"

  Feiyingri was not surprised by her decision. As early as when she returned from Izu at that time, the two had briefly discussed the future development and plans.

  Kudo Yukiko replied with a bitter face: "Yes, let's forget the lighthouse country. I'm not very comfortable with the life there."

  This is half true and half false. If you return to the Lighthouse Country, it will become very troublesome to buy the six-piece suit or new products from Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Moreover, the Shadow Soldier will only protect her alone. When she returns to the Lighthouse Country, she has no meaning other than causing trouble.


  The work of the chat room.

  Wearing a white suit and looking energetic, Dr. A Li also came here.

  Nodding with a smile, he responded to Sister Shimokasaho Nami's invitation, and after smelling the fragrance in the garden, Dr. Agasa, whose mental state suddenly recovered, came over curiously.

  After learning that these flowers were the result of special cultivation, Dr. Agasa, who had basically zero biological knowledge, had no interest at all.

  It's such a cool light.

  Let him see a good inspiration in the back of his head.

  Such a beautiful scene...

  Wouldn't it work wonders if fireworks could be stuffed into a football?

  Not only good-looking.

  When needed, it can also play the role of positioning and transmitting information!scholar.

  第 298

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

After the arrival of Dr. Agsa.

  A few people did not continue to chat for long, and the three entered the villa together.

  What made Qiu Xing Qiye a little puzzled was that the time had already entered 7:30.

  Sato Miwako still hasn't arrived.

  In his impression, the woman who has a capable style of doing things and basically never makes such small mistakes, is there a time when she is late?

  at this time.

  Speeding down the street in a red sports car.

  There was also a rare look of anxiety on Sato Miwako's face.

  In the passenger seat, Yumi Miyamoto, who was wearing a light blue dress, shivered as she looked out the window as she quickly passed by.

  "Miwako, I know you're in a hurry, but being late is definitely a force majeure!"

  "Who made someone dare to rob us in front of the two police officers just now?"

  "To be late is to be late, Yumi, sit tight!" Miwako Sato said calmly.


  Originally there was still ten minutes to go, but with the superb driving skills of Sato Miwako, it was shortened to less than three minutes.

  Qiu "[-]" Xingqiye home she had been to once before.


  It's handcuffs!

  This time, of course, I won't get lost.

  "Welcome to the birthday party, Miss Sato, please drive the car down the road to the garage inside."

  Mikazu Sato, who finally arrived at the villa, followed the instructions of Nami Shimokasaho, turned left, and drove the car into the garage.

  get off.

  Arrange the purple dress without any wrinkles.

  Sato Mikako walked out of the garage with a pale Yumi.

  Not even a few steps away.

  Under the magical fragrance of flowers and the falling stars in the yard, Yumi Miyamoto was fascinated.

  Fortunately, Mikazu Sato was very calm, and quickly recovered, pulling him to the door.

  Qiu Xing Qiye, who was waiting here, couldn't help but stop for a few seconds on Miyamoto Yumi's face.

  Don't wait for Sato Miwako to apologize for being late.

  Qiu Xing Qiye spoke first: "It's just right, the party hasn't officially started yet, is this person next to you your good friend?"

  Sato Miwako breathed a sigh of relief and introduced, "My friend from the Transportation Department, Miyamoto Yumi."

  "This is the friend I mentioned, Qiu Xing Qiye."

  "Hello." Looking at the handsome appearance and good temperament of the young man in front of him.

  Yumi Miyamoto suddenly had a lot of questions in her heart that she wanted to ask curiously, but in the end she didn't know where to start.

  The two reached out and shook hands.

  Qiuxing Nanami nodded with Shimokasaho Nami and the others, and brought Sato Mikazu and Miyamoto Yumi into the villa.

  Now Xiaolan and Yuanzi are just short of arrival.

  Once you enter the villa.

  In the hall, under the temptation of delicious food, although Concubine Eri and Mouri Kogoro still dislike each other.

  But at least it didn't make the atmosphere too stiff.

  "Oh~ Officer Sato is here too." Kogoro Mori greeted enthusiastically.

  Looking at his posture with a bottle of red wine in his hands and a bottle in his arms, if you don't know, you may think that this is an alcoholic who ran out of nowhere.

  "You're welcome, the snacks over there are all you can eat. After Xiaolan arrives, you can have dinner."

  Qiu Xing Qiye brought the two to the dim sum table.

  Yumi Miyamoto often invites female colleagues to organize social gatherings together, but such a scene is not very convincing.

  She glanced slowly at her surroundings.

  The Queen of Law, the concubine Eri who has never been defeated.

  A very active detective recently, Kogoro Mori.

  Fat old man I don't know.

  I used to seem to be a familiar star, but I can't remember the name very clearly.

  "The birthday party is very well arranged. It feels like home. If the number of people can be a little more, it will definitely be more lively."

  When the friendly eyes passed over a little girl in maid costume who was looking at her with weird eyes.

  Miyamoto Yumi took a small cookie with a delicate shape and put it in his mouth.

  next moment.

  As the eyes brightened, the idea of ​​​​having a friendship with a few girls present and getting acquainted with them was just born in his mind, and he was instantly left behind.

  "Miwako, give it a try, this biscuit tastes delicious."

  "I was wrong! I was thinking just now that more people will be more lively. Now it seems that if there are really more people, these delicious foods may not be enough."

  "It's unbelievable, and I don't know who these snack cookies are from."

  Miyamoto Yumi handed a biscuit to the mouth of Sato Miwako, who was a little cautious, not quite used to such an environment, and didn't know what to do next.


  Sato Miwako realized.

  The heart of a birthday party is making friends: (X).

  The core of the birthday party is to eat delicious food together: (√).

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