"' ˇ Moreover, there will be well-prepared magic gifts for those who arrive at the venue."

  "It's… okay."

  Qiu Xing Qiye personally invited, and Sato Mikazu gritted his teeth, but agreed.

  What he didn't know was that Sato Mikazu still had unfinished cases. Under such circumstances, with her character, it was impossible to rashly agree to invitations such as parties.

  Unless it happens that there is no case in hand, there is a certain amount of free time!

  "By the way, can I bring a good friend over then? She likes the lively atmosphere."

  At the critical moment, Sato Miwako has not forgotten her good best friend.

  "Yes, it will be more lively when there are more people. See you at 7:30 tomorrow night."

  Qiu Xing Qiye will naturally not refuse.

  Sato Mikazu has only a few friends, and it is the same with everyone, and she is not that kind of emotional idiot.

  It is impossible to bring male colleagues to such a banquet.

  After saying goodbye.

  Qiu Xing Qiye is the police station that left with a sullen little loli.

  (Wang Zhao) What is a brick to hit oneself in the foot.

  This is.

  Haibara Ai really didn't think that he just wanted to leave early, but the goal was achieved.

  But in a way, it was a complete failure.

  "It's really a misstep. It seems that my simple IQ is fine. I need to strengthen my EQ."

  "Why did I just look for such a reason? Even if I want to go home and play video games for another one!!"


  When he walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department and returned to the car, Qiu Xing Qiye's head was dazed.

  Unexpectedly, on weekdays, when he saw strange women around him, he would be wary of a group of little loli, who would take the initiative to give him heads.

  Such a great help.

  Absolutely worthless~

  I drove the car back to the villa in a good mood all the way. On the way, I passed by a construction site that was going to be constructed anyway.

  Several police cars surrounded the place.

  Even the cordon was pulled up.

  Faintly, through the crowd, Qiu Xing Qiye seemed to see a few familiar figures of little kids.


  第 291

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Speaking of celebrating a birthday.

  There is absolutely nothing like the setting of Upper Neverland.

  Even if there are not many species of creatures on the island, the air quality alone is enough to destroy all places in the world.

  Driving the car, just returned to the villa.

  The depressed Haibara Ai walked straight upstairs: "I have already designed the key points about the lamp scheme. If it's all right, you don't need to call me for dinner."

  "Xiao Ai, what's wrong?"

  "I don't seem to be in a good mood."

  In the garden, Nami Shimokasaho, who was watering the flowers, looked puzzled.

  "Maybe something happened at school."

  Qiu Xing Qiye, who knew the truth, naturally wouldn't say such a thing.

  "I'll go to the sky loft to read for a while. You two should be here. Otherwise, if we all go to Neverland, it's not good that the guests will not be entertained."

  "Understood, Master." Sister Shimokasaho Nami bowed in unison.


  Neverland here.

  The training of the cats was basically over, and Miyano Akemi handed over the beast ring to Junhui.

  "You play with them first, it's getting late, I have to go to the store to buy some ribbon balloons, which are essential decorations for birthday parties."

  "In addition, I have to take a look at the decoration of the new store and supervise it. It should not be a problem to complete it before tomorrow."

  Shimabukuro Junhui asked, "Do you need me to accompany you?"

  Miyano Akemi smiled and glanced at the attic above: "No, it's fine to have seven nights with 467."

  "After all, the cats have a short training time. The ones that are a few months old are better. What worries me the most is the dozen or so newly born kittens. They can't understand us very well."

  He took over the bag that Mingmei was carrying.

  The 1 cubic meter of space inside is fully stuffed with cat food and goat milk of various qualities, including a small bottle of water of life.

  Every time you start a meal, soak cat food with goat milk and drop a drop of water of life into it, and adult cats can also eat deliciously.

  Can also add a lot of nutrition.

  Even if they weren't watching, Pikachu and the two bears couldn't help but be confused and grab food from the cats.

  They are smart, grab a little in this pot and get a little in that pot.

  Fried the cats furiously, but there is nothing they can do.

  Even a little bear is not something that an adult cat can provoke. The fur is so thick that the cat's claws are just like scratching it.

  Pikachu is more able to discharge.

  There is only one family of mice bullying cats!

  These little children can't make people worry at all.

  Watching Akimi walk up the elevator and slowly ascend, Shimabukuro Junhui looked at the cats beside her who were squatting obediently, with their tails tucked in front of her hands, her eyes suddenly brimming with brilliance.

  "That's great, I've long wanted to experience the feeling of talking to animals with a ring of beasts. Unfortunately, only the main ring of beasts has such a use."

  Jun Hui, who was wearing the new Miko uniform and skirt, grabbed Pikachu beside him into his arms.

  pickup, pickup

  The little guy looked reluctant.

  When she wears the beast-fighting ring on her right wrist, she seems to have a magical translation ability and directly transmit the meaning of the words to her ears.

  "It's here again, can't you change those cats to hug?"

  After understanding what Pikachu meant, Shimabukuro Junhui said happily: "Who made you so cute, little Pikachu."

  "Don't you like me?"

  Pickup? (I like it, if you can feed me a few delicious fruits, I will like it even more.)

  Mingmei only has one voice, but she can understand such a long speech.

  The effect of the beast ring is so magical.

  Especially Pikachu's voice, sweet and greasy, very nice.

  "Cats, do you want to go for a walk on the beach together? How about making fish soup for you later?"

  Taking out a fruit from the baby's space and handing it to Pikachu, Junhui Shimabukuro looked at the more than 100 cats with almost 200 cats around him.

  Confused by the food, a series of cute cat purrs sounded at the scene.

  It was as if there were more than 100 people talking at the same time.


  Shimabukuro Junhui understands that it is a good job to be able to talk and chat with animals.

  However, it was not as easy as expected.

  Fewer animals are okay.

  "Mingmei has been working really hard these days~"


  Qiu Xing Qiye had just sat on the wooden chair, and he hadn't even read a few pages yet.

  He was dragged out of the villa by Mingmei.

  He doesn't have to worry about buying party-specific items like streamers and balloons.

  Miyano Akemi will want to take Qiu Xing Qiye out together, mainly because of the 'shop' gift for Xiao Lan.

  Mori Kogoro has his office.

  On Xiaolan's side, there will also be a pet store belonging to her.

  After this birthday has passed, the training and feeding of the pets on the island will all be handed over to Xiao Lan.

  In this way, whether it is free or not, every day after school, or usually, for these little guys.

  Xiaolan also needs to come every day. If it is too late from time to time, she can also stay overnight.

  In the long run, it will definitely be Qiu Xing Qiye.

  It's not realistic to want Xiaolan to move in directly, at least before marriage.

  If she has a boyfriend and has a boyfriend, she can't worry about Kogoro Maori.

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